24 July 2012

Full Council meeting July 23rd 2012

This meeting was held at Goodwood Community Centre at 7pm. Due to the interest in the debate about temporary fencing at Unley Oval there was a good audience.
Items of interest this month included;
  • Petitions from Fairfax Ave, Millswood  (see separate blog) and Porter St, Parkside and Owen St, Goodwood.
  • Appointment of Independent members to the Development Assessment Panel; Council have now resolved to select the Independent members first and then the Council members of this committee;  the composition of the selection panel for these members will be Don Palmer ( as a member of the existing panel), Denise Tipper and John Koumi (as members who will not be nominating for the new panel). If you are interested in expressing an interest for this role the advertisement for members should occur in the near future.
  • Terms of Reference for the Unley Business and Economic Development Committee; the intention of the review of the terms of reference to ensure the main streets of Unley remain vibrant,competitive and continue to meet the needs of residents. The changes will include making the committee more main street focused, increasing he number of elected members on the committee, reducing the frequency of meetings and reducing the number or persons that are needed to form a quorum.
  • Fencing Options at Unley Oval; At last the report that has been referred to again and again in the media that Councillors were yet to see. To my surprise this did not include a picket fence, but rather leaving larger sections of the currently used wire fence in place for a two month trial. How this will change the fortunes of the Sturt Football Club is beyond my comprehension as they do not currently pay for the erection or dismantling of either the internal or external fence that is constructed for the ten home games each year. However, if this has merit and the intention of Sturt is to ask for a picket fence (as you can see on historical photos) then, in my opinion, the trial should be for what it is intended for the long term. As the Community Assets Review is now over half way through I feel  Council should wait to see the Masterplan before Council proceeds to a trial. This is the decision that was made contrary to staff recomendation.
  • Community Assets Review- Stakeholder Feedback; this allows for a Draft Asset Plan to be developed from the community feedback already attained in the initial consultation phase. There are no recommendations at this stage.The Plan can be read by reading the Agenda.
  • Norman Tce; Black Forest; this is the small parcel of land that now forms the road under the overpass at South Rd. The state government now wish, in accord with an agreement signed before construction of the overpass, to give this land to Council to maintain.
  • CEO Officer Report
  • Questions on Notice from Cr Hudson regarding the Sturt Football Club about 41 Oxford Tce (Kirinari play area).
The full Agenda can be read at ;

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennie

    Thanks for this. I personally would object strongly to Unley Oval having the ugly and quite frankly dangerous fencing kept in place for any length of time. It is only 10 games a year. The use of that oval by the broader community is great and it would not be good to see it move to being sealed off in any way.


