03 July 2012

Greenways Project Update July 2012

Last night I attended a briefing on this project from DPTI. The project aims to create a safe cycle path along the Noarlunga rail line. Some works have already been completed near Emerson crossing and in Marion. The works in Black Forest will begin in Jan 2013( or when the line is closed for electrification). There will be work completed along most of the rail line between the South Rd and Victoria St going into the rail coridoor between Cowper St and Canterbury Tce and from Chelsford Ave to Victoria St. The latter section will negate the dog leg needed at present that takes cyclists into Oakley Ave ( the failing to do this was raised at an earlier meeting and it is heartening to know I have been listened to). This is a $3mil dollar project. Clearly this is also complicated by the rail grade separation.  The Mike Turtur bikeway that runs along the tram line now has up to 150 cyclist per hour using it and over 1500 people use it to cycle in any one day. This makes it's use the highest of any in Adelaide.


  1. Walter at Millswood03 July, 2012 12:23

    It will be much safer without the dog leg in Oakley Ave - have any detailed plans been released for the Greenway or train tunnel as yet?

  2. I have seen plans for both and been promised electronic copies but they are yet to be supplied. When they are I will put them on this blog or at least the URL to where they are available.
