08 January 2013

Is the dust contaminated?

These pictures taken 9.1.13 really say it all!
Concerns have been raised from residents that the dust coming from the rail project in Cromer Pde has not been contained to the site. There is also a concern that the dust may be contaminated. After all the dust was earth that was under the diesel trains for many years; it is possible that the dust contains both asbestos and arsenic. One resident has requested soil sampling, a dust management strategy and their dust monitoring strategy to be supplied to him from DPTI. He has also submitted a formal complaint to the Environment Protection Authority. If others are concerned this is a good avenue to force change in the current work practices on site.

1 comment:

  1. Several representatives from the DPTI have advised that soil sampling of the rail ballast fines contain an "intermediate level" of arsenic contamination. This has been known for months and has not been communicated to the public.
