20 March 2013

March Update 2013

  • Line marking on streets that seems to fade all to quickly are likely to be repainted more often after the service standard is improved and Council undertakes the work themselves.However, lines will not be remarked in Black Forest until after the LATM and not in streets being used as haulage routes by DPTI ( because they won’t last long).
  • Trees in Arundel Ave that have been deemed as unsafe are likely to be removed after residents have been informed and trees identified with a yellow dot. These letters will be distributed soon.
  • Street sweeping trial has now concluded, if you were involved in this please reply to the letter that you have received. The more detail the better and suggestions for improvement if this is to be implemented citywide.
  • Princess Margaret Arbor is waiting for  funds to be allocated so that repairs can begin on this heritage listed structure. Council budgeted $70,000 in its 2012/13 budget to upgrade play equipment and shade at the park. Community consultation was undertaken in late 2012, and a summary of responses were to keep the equipment similar to what currently exists, provide all weather shelter (for rain), improve seating, and provide a BBQ.The tender for new play equipment and a shelter has been completed and these items will be installed in April 2013 (similar to current equipment).
  • Langdon Ave trees will also be removed if they were found to be unhealthy in the last arborist  inspection. 12 trees were identified. They will be replaced, as decided in 2006, by either Golden Rain trees or the Illawarra Flame Tree. Trees will be removed in March/April and replanted in May/ June. Comments can be sent to Council on this by March 14th.
  • Trees in Chelmsford Ave and Birkdale Ave that need pruning to remove dead wood or to allow for the free passage of garbage trucks will be pruned .
  • Website updates for shared use faclities will be investigated after a request from an individual who wants to know what's happening at Goodwood Oval ( and other locations )in advance  when planning a family event there.
  • Pooling of water at the corner of Grantley and Arunel Ave will be investigated (when it rains) to assess the cause of the pooling and and solutions that are feasible.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennie,
    With reference to the pooling of water at Grantley and Arundel ave - this is very much impacted by the drainage works associated with the construction of the rail passing loop near this/on this point - this is being built right now - Council should liase immediately with the contractor to ensure a satisfactory outcome.
