05 May 2013

Arsenic Pollution

Many of you will have received a flier from  concerned resident about arsenic contamination in the railway corridor. My understanding is that the information in this flier is correct.  I have, as yet, not had an opportunity to read the full document but will later this week. However, I remember very clearly residents expressing extreme concern as the dust swirled around their homes as the project began.  I attended  the Community Advisory Group meeting soon after that and everyone present was told the the arsenic levels in the dust were not harmful to human health either as a resident or a worker on the site.  However, if the arsenic levels in a soil sample near SASMEE Park shows 910mg/kg then it should have been treated with extreme care to ensure no contaminated dust entered the air at any time in the past or in the future. This issue will continue to have  major impact on everyone near the project. Hopefully, some answers will be available soon.
 The information referred to can now be found at; https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1wYW6ZGUWySVl9HbkNoOUNyVWc&usp=sharing


  1. Will watch with interest to see what happens with this issue.

  2. Yes, and I understand that arsenic pollution is only part of the problem.
