02 June 2013

For better or worse?

The photos to the right tell their own story.
Now June 2013
The matter seems to be worse rather than better 
although the trailer parked to the north is entirely
 off the road and the unregistered vehicles have 
now been parked on  site. I understand some 
considerable parking fines have been issued.
 What next?
I will check with staff on Monday to ascertain 
what they now see as a way forward, being nice
 doesn't seem to have worked at all.
8/6/13  My discussion with staff has ascertained that legal advice is now being sought legal action will now take it's course. The last time COuncil pursued this option the fine imposed was $15,000.

April 2013


  1. Any progress on this Jennie as the year is slipping away and the problem worse than ever. Rats now.

    1. It is my understanding that this is now in the courts. Unfortunately, these matters take an extraordinary length of time and it will be slow to resolve.
