23 February 2014

Black Forest Local Area Traffic Management Plan Update

After many delays the final report for this will be debated by Council on Tuesday 11th March. While Don and I have asked for a full copy of the report it has been denied due to recent ICAC changes. We will not have access to the report until the 6th. At that time I will email the link to all of those for whom I have an email address in Black Forest. Don and I will host a coffee and chat at Carnivale on Saturday or Sunday afternoon (to be confirmed)  to make ourselves available to hear your concerns. As the report remains largely unchanged from the draft that was consulted there should be no surprises. The recent consultation on Canterbury Tce, as part of the LATM, we have been given access to. The preferred option  (48% of respondents and over 40% of residents responded) was for two way traffic and a dedicated bike/pedestrian path. This is the option with trees separating the path from traffic. The next option was for Option 3. 21% of respondents would have preferred to see on way traffic. Staff will now draw up a detailed design for further community input, this design will also address cyclist safety across East Ave.


  1. Good morning Jennie,
    I'm curious, how could the ICAC have any impact on the distribution of information to elected members of Council?
    Kind regards

  2. Good question, we were told that it might be seen to be giving some Council members information that other Councillors were not able to have. We said we were happy for everyone to get the information. Don and I were also told to declare a conflict of interest when the community centres debate came up as we are on the board. In the past the conflict would not have occurred as we were only on the board as we were members of Council. The staff are probably being over cautious to protect us but at the same time denying the community timely information.
