28 March 2014

DPTI; Not our fault AGAIN

 A recent plea to the state government after several meetings with the local member , Steph key, has resulted in the following response from DPTI.

“DPTI considers that while there would have been traffic pattern changes during recent construction phases of projects in the area, it is considered that these changes would not be ongoing. This is particularly the case for Leader Street now that it has reopened. DPTI therefore considers that the proposed study is essentially a local area traffic study, and hence DPTI is not in a position to contribute to the study. As previously indicated by .............., we would be happy to provide available traffic information, including traffic survey information prior to the commencement of works at Goodwood.

DPTI would also welcome discussing the outcome of the study should there be any implications for State Government assets (eg junction with arterial roads). DPTI will also monitor the operation of the Leader St crossing into the future as train volumes increase. As you would be aware DPTI is intending to grade separate this crossing in the future subject to the availability of funding. "

 So, once again they caused the increased problem, as acknowledged in the second paragraph (increased traffic on Leader St), but will provide no money to reduce traffic volumes and improve safety in the suburb most affected. That is until the build the grade separation,  whenever that might be!!

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