08 October 2015

PLEC Update: what's happening on Goodwood Rd?

Here's where Council and PLEC are up to on the undergrounding of powerlines in Goodwood Rd.
  • tenders have been called
  • start construction mid/late November
  • trenching, cabling, removing the stobie poles, installing new street lights
  • Completion of PLEC construction July/August 2016
Streetscape upgrade
Design options include:
  • Footpath delineation in DDA compliant part and ‘infrastructure’ part
  • Raising kerb to achieve less undulating footpath
  • Paver size options
  • Potential kerb buildout at key sections of Goodwood Road (only at bus stops, no loss of car parking, gain of footpath width), talks with DPTI being held re their approval of narrowing the carriageway


  1. Excellent news about the PLEC project on Goodwood Road. Hopefully it will continue on to at least Mitchell Street in the very near future!

  2. You might think for that price that it would go all the way to Mitchell St but I think it will stop short of Victoria St.
