08 November 2015

Vodafone tower refused

Last Thursday, at a Special meeting of the Development Assessment Panel, the proposed tower was refused. As the development was non-complying the applicant has to appeal rights. It also means that Council will not have to proceed to a lease of the land and the consultation on this is no longer necessary. As I am a member of the DAP I will not make further comment other than to say that all members were in agreeance of the decision.


  1. Hi Jennie. I'm a little confused about this. Why couldn't Council, as owner of the land, just decided not to lease part of the Park to Vodafone. This would have put the whole matter to rest.

  2. Council could have done that and if they had followed my advice that would have been the end of it. I had a diffucult path being both on Council and the DAP and wanted to ensure I could vote at all meetings without a conflict of interest.
