19 November 2017

Unley Council have switched, Have you?

What is CitySwitch?

The need for Australia’s business community to lower their exposure to energy pricing impacts and shift their focus to progressively more efficient and sustainable operations has never been more apparent. CitySwitch has a key role to play in addressing our carbon impact and supporting the business sectors’ transition to a global low-carbon economy. 
CitySwitch is a high-value no-cost service which supports commercial office tenants to improve office energy and waste efficiency through the provision of a range of services, with the ultimate aim of achieving a 4 star or higher NABERS Energy rating.
The program aims to:
  • educate and inspire with a respected event series and through the provision of toolkits, workbooks, case studies and site tours.
  • facilitate links to other programs, information sources, industry bodies and communities of interest by identifying the market expertise that Signatories might need in order to build corporate capacity, systems and comply with evolving legislative requirements.
  • signpost to incentives and financial vehicles that are available to expedite the uptake of energy efficiency investments.
  • celebrate and reward environmental leadership and achievement though its annual awards and ongoing member promotions in order to create competitive advantage for its signatories wherever possible.
This structured approach to planning and implementing energy and waste efficiency projects, saves signatories time and money and helps build their internal capacity to embed sustainability within their corporate structure.

Find out how your organisation can get involved in CitySwitch >

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