11 October 2018

Confidence in recycling slips!

A new report has found that people are increasingly losing confidence in recycling. New research  has uncovered systemic flaws in recycling services across Australia.

Most people, across all states and demographics, believe the recyclables they put out in their council bins are ending up in landfill.

While this is not entirely true there are rising stockpiles and some is ended up in landfill. 

We need to wait 7 years ( until 2025) for a new National Waste Policy that will ensure that all packaging is re-usable, compostable or recyclable. However, green micro factory technology is already available and could be used to convert common waste into re-useable, high value materials

What I do know is that waiting for China to find a solution to our waste is not a long term solution.
 For the full report click here.

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