28 January 2020

Time to write your submission

By now residents  have been letter boxed, met one one with either Don or I, had an opportunity to attend a public meeting, met with each other or been door knocked by fellow residents or myself and gathered information about the proposed zone changes for Black Forest and Clarence Park (west)I have also started getting responses from people as they send their submissions to DPTI. There are a few key messages that your submission needs to have. These are:

Image result for row housing design
  • That the site area should remain at 350m and not be changed to 300m
  • Setbacks should remain unchanged
  • That this will result in unnecessary over development
  • That sill heights remain at 1700mm to limit overlooking
  • That garage/carport widths should remain at 30% or less
  • That you wish to be transitioned to a Suburban Neighbourhood Zone.
  • That Council should remain the preferred driver for development amendments should they be required
  • That the current July1st deadline will force hasty and poor decisions.

Now is the time to write your submission to :

mail t

ave yo

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