28 April 2022

Full Council meeting: April 26th 2022

 You may find the following of interest: 

  • Mike Turtur Bikeway Overpass: CLMP  Consultation: The response to consultation was an overwhelming no. however, the scene has changed significantly since this began and the new Labor government have already called for nominations for a Community Reference Group to help rework the concept and process. The motion passed was to acknowledge the above but to neither say No or Yes to the project.
  • Clarence Park Community Centre Partnership Agreement: Every 5 years the agreement between the CPCC Board and Council is revamped. This time the Board asked for the surety of an additional $15,000 to help fund the The Shed program. PASSED
  • Proposed Changed to Fullarton South Traders Association fees and area the fees are collected: Th new fees did not resonate with the traders and Council has decided to leave them as they were. PASSED
  • Mainstreet Association Marketing Funding Requests: Each year the traders associations in the mainstreets ask for funding to support the work that they do: this money us raised by charging the traders in each street and additional fee. PASSED
  • Draft Annual Business Plan for consultation: The approved plan allows for a 3% rate rise plus .5 % for growth. However, the March quarters CPI is now 4.7% and this may well be flagging price rises that have not been included in the budget. The Council will seek feed back from ratepayers  on the e projects included and the rate rise. PASSED
  • Code of Conduct Complaint: Mayor Hewitson was the subject of a complaint to Council reading the publishing of an article he title Silly Rules in the Eastern Courier. He was found to have breached 2.4 and 2.7 of the code and the Council agreed to censure him for this.

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