28 November 2010

November's meeting 2010

This month we are to discuss the nomination for positions on committees of Council. After much encouragement I was able to get the names of the positions, a brief explanation of each and the order of selection. Unfortunately, some will be done on the 29th November and others will wait until 13th December, this process is not as transparent as it should be.

I have also put a Motion on Notice that, if passed, will start the investigation into the cost of paving all footpaths over the next 2 years as to continuing at the current rate which may see some still not completed in 15 years time. I did not see a footpath that was still bitumen that was not in need of repair.

Please remember in the meantime if there are trip hazards in your footpath, and there are many in both the old bitumen and the paved footpaths, to let me know where they are so they can be repaired.

I have given the list of concerns that you indicated during the campaign process to staff and we will be working on them as soon as possible.

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