You might find the following of interest?
Proposed Pedestrian Refuge in East Ave: A substantial petition has been presented to Council calling for the proposed pedestrian crossing near Rise and Grind to not be constructed. This crossing was proposed during the recent Local Area Traffic management Plan and has been endorsed by Council. However, it would seem that the owner and the tenant at Rise and Grind believe that the crossing is unnecessary and too many car parks will be lost that will reduce income for the business. Over 400 people signed the petition and nearly half of these are local residents. There is one person
making a deputation in support of abandoning the proposal. PASSED
- Walking and Cycling Plan- KWR and Simpson Pde: A separate bike path has been proposed that will link the end of the Mike Turtur bikeway to Greenhill Rd. These plans will go to the residents for consultation. PASSED
- Draft Community Land Management Plans for Consultation: This policy lists all of Council owned parks and open spaces and describes level of service that should apply to each space. PASSED
- Review of the Footpath Trading Policy: This will allow for minor changes to the existing policy PASSED
- Alliance Francaise Event Change: The much loved Xmas Markets will not be held but the organisation would like to add to Unley's murals by having a mural painted on their building in Wayville. PASSED
- Financial Measures to Achieve the Tree Canopy Target: Council asked staff to investigate methods that can be employed to encourage residents to plant and retain trees on their land. It would seem that some methods can be applied that are both legal and effective. However, Council is progressing with caution as ratepayers may lose a rebate if the canopy cover on their property is diminished over a given period of time. PASSED
- Representation Review: I have written a earlier blog on this. PASED but with an additional clause to continue with the status quo.
- Variation of the Mayor's Allowance: This asks for Council to approve the use of a Council owned ipad and an additional 500 business cards per year. In my opinion these are trivial costs that I am surprised that we need Council approval of. I also wonder this in light of the fact that an additional staff member has been employed to assist the current Mayor with his duties. PASSED
- Vote for LGA President: There a 3 nominations all from good candidates
- Vote for LGA Membership (GAROC): This one is more difficult as there is an internal nomination. I intend to vote for the persons that have given the best argument for why they should represent me.
- Single Use Plastics: This is a motion from Cr Dewing calling for investigating options to encourage retailers to reduce the use of these products. PASSED
- Climate Change Statement: This is a motion form Cr Hughes that askes for Council to better inform our residents of the work that Council is doing and intends to do to mitigate the effects of Climate Change. It does not call for a a Climate Emergency to be declared and may fall well short of what our residents have been asking for. The debate on this will be had at the October meeting. PASSED but the stronger version will be debated in October
- Dog Waste Bins and Bags supplied by Council: Cr Dewing is also asking that all dog poo bags dispensed by Council be compostable. PASSED.