The following Agenda items may be of interest;
- Parking restrictions in Charles St: when Council introduced 3 hour parking controls recently they received this restriction at all times. Residents have asked for this to be reduced to be from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
- Establishment of the Audit Committee; Cr Monica Broniecki and Kay Annastasiadis were elected to this committee. Council will call for independent nominations soon, there are 3 vacancies. PASSED
- 2018/19 Conservation grants; Council will distribute $50,000 in conservation grants to residents who applied for assistance in restoring their heritage properties. These include pruning trees, replacing verandas, repointing of stone, new gutters and roofs and replacement of a picket fence. Council will pay for a little less than half the cost up to $5,000 for any one property. PASSED
- Expression of interest to host a Tour Down Under stage start/finish: Following the success of this years events and given that 2020 will be the 20th anniversary for the City of Unley involvement this PASSED. We will still need to discuss the future of the Gourmet Gala
- Disclosure of Political affiliation of council candidates for election; Cr Dodd put this as a Motion on Notice: it was supported by all members. Still needs legislative change for this to happen. PASSED
- 125th Anniversary of Women's suffrage; Cr Russo asked that Council apply for a grant to celebrate this event. PASSED
- Selection of Council Assessment Panel members: The new members will be informed and this matter made public quite soon. I was elected as the Council Rep and Cr Wright as a reserve should I be absent