29 March 2021

Australia Day: published in the East Adelaide Herald last week.

It has been said that the date of this event/celebration should be changed to a more suitable date. Also that it isn’t the business of Council and that it should be left to other levels of government to do the research, to consult widely and make the final decision.

Nevertheless, l asked my Year 10 History class, as part of their studies on Human Rights what they thought as an assessment task. Everyone of them was able to articulate that the current day of Jan 26th was no longer suitable. They were then asked to research and then choose another date. So what did they choose?

Jan 1st : Federation: the day that Australia became a nation.

Feb 13th Kevin Rudd’s Apology for past government policy that allowed discriminative policy.

March 2nd: The Australia Act was passed that dropped all legal ties with the UK.

March 12th: Canberra named as Australia’s capital city.

April 11th: Abolishment of the White Australia Act.

May 26th : Sorry Day, an acknowledgment of mistreatment of Aboriginal people.

May 8th : Mates day with no other significant event.

June 3rd: Abolition of Terra Nullius through a High Court decision (Mabo v Queensland).

June 11th Racial Discrimination Act passed.

It is fair to say that each person was passionate about their choice and that there was no consensus from the group. They were also able to explain that we need a date that is inclusive of all Australians: not just Aboriginal people and those descended from Europeans but also immigrants of other races and different faiths. And hence the date chosen reflects this.

I agree, this isn’t the business of Local Government, but it is the business of everyone of us to work toward a suitable alternate date that celebrates the Australian nation we have become. A date that offends no-one and celebrates a turning point in our history whatever that may be?

23 March 2021

Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-25


Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-2025

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The City of Unley has developed a Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-25(External link) to help guide our economic direction and growth over the next 5 years. Economic Prosperity is a key priority for the City of Unley and is a dedicated theme of Council's Community Plan 2033(External link).

The Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-25 focuses on a holistic approach to Economic Development through 5 key objectives; Civic Leadership, People & Places, Destination & Investment, Business Sustainability, and Connected & Activated Precincts.

How to have your say

At the Council meeting held 22 February 2021, Council endorsed the Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-25 for public consultation. We invite you to make a written submission expressing your views on the Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-25(External link) by following these steps:

  1. Review the Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-25
  2. Provide your feedback

Submissions will be accepted from 12 March 2021 until 5pm 9 April 2021.

Next steps

Your feedback will contribute to the finalisation of the Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-25 which will be presented to Council for consideration.

Full Council meeting: March 22nd 2020

 You might find the following of interest?

  • Design and installation of a sensory garden: this was well received, the project will be funded by Rotary and Council will make available a piece of land and assist with maintanance. PASSED
  • Cultural Plan 2021-26: A new plan to determine priorities for funding. PASSED
  • Draft climate and energy plan-for consultation: This plan is a step in the right direction and oud see the Council Carbon Neutral. However, for the city to be Carbon neutral will take much longer. PASSED
  • Draft management and resource recovery plan-2021-25: fancy calling rubbish resource recovery. Almost everything can now be recycled, just be careful to make sure it goes in the right bin, PASSED
  • Elector representation review: preferred option: we have now agreed that at the next election there will be 5 wards in Unley with 2 Councilors from each ward plus a Mayor, elected at large. PASSED
  • Volunteer graffiti removal policy: This is updated and will, hopefully, see removal of graffiti by an expanded crew of volunteers in a more organised and expedient manner. PASSED
  • Mainstreet funding requests: We agreed to fund at the same level as last year although the vote was close, PASSED
  • Planning reform delegations:
  • Establishment of a Building Fire Safety Committee:
  • Review of Volunteer Management Policy:
  • Review of the Community Grants and Sponsorship Policy:
  • Maison de France establishment: CONFIDENTIAL

14 March 2021

Economic Development Strategy

 We are pleased to launch the consultation for the Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021- 25 on YourSay Unley. Feedback from the consultation will be considered and incorporated into the finalisation of the strategy to ensure it is aligned to community priorities.


You can access the survey via the link below.


Draft Economic Development Strategy 2021-25 | YourSay Unley


08 March 2021





Applications are now open for the opportunity to pitch your business idea to the Fish Tank. If you’re 12 - 25 years of age and live, study, work or play in the City of Unley, you could win a prize package that will help grow your business. Applications close 19 April 2021.

Visit www.unley.sa.gov.au/fish-tank to submit your business idea.



Monday 12 April 2021, 6pm – 8pm, Fullarton Park Community Centre. 

Learn from business leaders and young entrepreneurs, and develop your own business idea. Open to all young people 12 – 25 years of age who live, work, study or play in the City of Unley.

Registration essential, visit www.unley.sa.gov.au/fish-tank by 7 April 2021.



The Pitch Night will take place in the Unley Town Hall on Thursday 6 May 2021, 5:45pm for a 6:00pm start – 8:00pm with the winners announced on the night. (Top 10 finalists will be advised prior to event)


Visit www.unley.sa.gov.au/fish-tank for terms & conditions, prize package details and further information. Alternatively please contact Laura De Bono, Community Development Project Officer- Youth at ldebono@unley.sa.gov.au or (08) 8372 5111