26 August 2020

Full Council meeting: August 24th, 2020

 You might find the following of interest?

and as it could be
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  • Mike Turtur Bikeway Consultation Summary: There were over 300 responses to this consultation, most from local residents. Most people are in favour of the resurfacing of the path and also the widening. This will make it faster and safer for both cyclists and walkers. The contentious issue was the removal or trees. Council will be renewing and replacing the vegetation and DIT the pathway. At this stage only 4 trees are likely to be removed. PASSED
  • Unley Civic Precinct-Edmund Ave Cottages-Community Consultation: There were very few community responses but most were in favour and further design work will be completed this year. PASSED
  • Active Aging Document Update: PASSED
  • Recruitment for Council Assessment Panel: While the panel is not due for renewal until next year accreditation changes have meant that at least one existing panel member may not be available when the new code is introduced. A panel was selected and the positions will be advertised soon. PASSED
  • Food Organics Incentives: This is an exciting program that will see Unley subsidized to provide green organics caddy and a year's worth of liners to every house in Unley. The filled bags are compostable and should go in the green bin. PASSED
  • Rent Relief  for Sturt Football Club: This was passed after considerable debate. PASSED
  • Nominations for the Local Government Association; Council have nominated Mayor Keenan to be a member of the group. PASSED but not with the support of all members.
  • Beautification of the Goodwood Rd Underpass: At some point in time someone in government will see this as a priority. Why not now? PASSED

20 August 2020

Delay in planning changes

 The long awaited changes to the planning rules have now, sensibly, been delayed until sometime next year. While these were to be ready to be introduced in July this date was never achievable. Unfortunately, this means that the acknowledgement of the wrong zone for Clarence Park and Back Forest might not be known for quite a while. I remain cautiously optimistic.

Community Grants available


Community grants


Community groups and organisations are invited to apply for grant funding of up to $4,000* through the City of Unley’s Community Grant COVID-19 Response Program.

The purpose of the program is to encourage and support community initiatives that respond to local needs, enhance community wellbeing and quality of life and are of benefit to our residents. 

In the September 2020 round, emphasis will be placed on supporting initiatives that assist the community to respond and recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 situation. Applicants will need to demonstrate how their project will address the impact of COVID-19 by contributing to positive physical, social and mental wellbeing outcomes. 

If you have any questions regarding the program, eligibility of your project or how to apply, please contact the City of Unley on 8372 5111 and ask to speak with the Cultural Development Coordinator.

The closing date for the current round is Wednesday 30 September 2020. Late applications will not be accepted. 

*Individuals must be working on a project in collaboration with an auspice (either a local community group or organisation) to handle any funding received from the grant. Projects and/or programs that commence prior to 1 December 2020 are not eligible and will not be funded.

16 August 2020

Pedestrian crossing on East Avenue

 The Council approved  a pedestrian crossing (not signalised) in front of  Rise and Grind as part of the desired outcome of last year's Local Area Traffic Management Plan. However, this crossing will cause the loss of several car parks and there is increasing pressure for this crossing not to be constructed. If you have recently had a coffee at Rise and Grind you may have been asked to sign a petition to this effect. I encourage you do do so. If you would like the extra protection that such a crossing will provide then I encourage you to let me know?

06 August 2020

Six to contest Parkside by-election


At the close of nominations, for Parkside Ward, at 12 noon on Thursday 6 August 2020, a total of six nominations were received and accepted for the supplementary election. In accordance with the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999, a draw was held after the close of nominations to determine the order in which names of candidates would appear on the ballot paper and the result of the draw was as follows:






BONHAM, Jennifer 

Fewer elected members at the 2022 election!

Pending legislation will require there to be 12 or less elected members to sit on any council. As Unley currently has 13 members there will need to be change. The role of Mayor will continue as an elected at large position which  leaves space for 11 or less councillors. We  as councillors will make  a recommendation to be consulted with residents later in the year. Current theory on boards is that they work best with 7-9 members. So decisions will need to be made  about reducing the number of wards, the number of people needed in each ward or if we need wards at all. Suggestions range from 5 wards with 2 members each to 3 wards with 3 members each. 
