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- Mike Turtur Bikeway Consultation Summary: There were over 300 responses to this consultation, most from local residents. Most people are in favour of the resurfacing of the path and also the widening. This will make it faster and safer for both cyclists and walkers. The contentious issue was the removal or trees. Council will be renewing and replacing the vegetation and DIT the pathway. At this stage only 4 trees are likely to be removed. PASSED
- Unley Civic Precinct-Edmund Ave Cottages-Community Consultation: There were very few community responses but most were in favour and further design work will be completed this year. PASSED
- Active Aging Document Update: PASSED
- Recruitment for Council Assessment Panel: While the panel is not due for renewal until next year accreditation changes have meant that at least one existing panel member may not be available when the new code is introduced. A panel was selected and the positions will be advertised soon. PASSED
- Food Organics Incentives: This is an exciting program that will see Unley subsidized to provide green organics caddy and a year's worth of liners to every house in Unley. The filled bags are compostable and should go in the green bin. PASSED
- Rent Relief for Sturt Football Club: This was passed after considerable debate. PASSED
- Nominations for the Local Government Association; Council have nominated Mayor Keenan to be a member of the group. PASSED but not with the support of all members.
- Beautification of the Goodwood Rd Underpass: At some point in time someone in government will see this as a priority. Why not now? PASSED