30 April 2015

Second Keswick Barracks’ building provisionally listed on State Heritage Register

The first repatriation hospital in the state is now provisionally listed on the SA Heritage Register.

Recognition of the building’s significance has meaningful context considering the centenary of ANZAC troops landing in Gallipoli. It also means that it will be the 24th building in the City of Unley on the SA Heritage Register.

Located at the front entrance to Keswick Barracks, Building 64 was originally constructed for officer housing in 1912. In only two years, the building housed wounded soldiers returning from the front lines of WWI. It continued to service returned WWI veterans until 1968 even after the Repatriation Hospital was built in the 1947.

The building’s nomination recognises the contributions of Building 64 to the fabric of the Barracks and the history of hospitals in the state. Building 64 signifies the beginning of repatriation services in South Australia. With its recognition as a building of significance, its history can be better known to the thousands of people who drive by it every day.

Elizabeth Hartnell, curator of the Unley Museum, was instrumental in writing the nomination. “I engaged Keita Child from Flinders University to research and draft the nomination as a semester project. She investigated records held in the State Library, Keswick Barracks, Repat Hospital and online to document the building’s history over a hundred years.”

The building was originally used for barracks accommodation (1912-1914) until it was converted into an Army Hospital (1915-1921) and then transformed into the Repatriation Hospital from 1921-1947. It provided outpatient services until being reverted back to army use in 1968. The building continues to be used for housing in the present day.

Found, out – unearthing our place

A public arts project in the parks of Goodwood and Everard Park in May
Found-out-1     Found-out-2     Found-out-3
Found, Out is Unley’s second most recent investigative and experiential temporary public arts project re-examining our place in space and it needs your involvement.
This time, we invite you, our community to re-discover and re-connect with our local parks and reserves.
Please come along to:
Soutar Park (cnr of Albert and Hardy Sts, Goodwood) 
Saturday 9 May between 10am and 4pm
Everard Park Reserve (Hillsley Avenue, Everard Park) 
Sunday 17 May between 10am and 4pm

Full Council meeting; 27th April 2015

This month's agenda was about the size of the yellow pages. Regardless the meeting was focused and the debate interesting.
  • Report from the Development Strategy and Policy Committee: this committee recommended to council that the recently consulted Development Plan Amendment should be forwarded to the Minister for approval with minor changes east of East Ave/tram and Goodwood Rd. The DPA for Black Forest and Clarence Park will be redrafted and reconsulted later this year in line with what the consultation feedback. PASSED
  • Forestville and Everard Park Local Area Traffic Management: three options have been developed and council must decide which ones will be consulted and the area of consultation. Unfortunately there seems to be no overall coating for each option. Council decided that all, with minor modifications would go out to consultation. The consultation area will only be Everard Park and Forestville. I'll let people know when the consultation begins. PASSED
  • Sale of land in Dover St, Malvern: this is a narrow strip of land, but despite a motion that recommends the sale of the land to the adjoining landowner I will not be supporting it. In my opinion this land could be effectively landscaped to be attractive and the land should be retained in the public realm.PASSED
  • Brown Hill and Keswick Creek Community Consultation on Part B of the works:  the information that o go to consultation will have one option as preferred. I'm not sure who it is preferred by but I do know that any consultation is flawed if we tell people what we want and then ask for their opinion rather than listing and explaining a range of options and asking people to choose which option they prefer. All creek owners will be mailed consultation material individually, other interested residents will have to obtain information packs and reply through that means. I tried hard to get the preferencing of one  removed form the consultation, after a tied vote the Mayor sided with the recommended motion and this will not happen. I was very disappointed that the Unley Park councillors did not support my motion. PASSED
  • Goodwood Oval Grandstand Naming-The Colin Nelson Stand: this was news to me when I read the agenda. It is normal practice for these types of matters to be discussed with both ward councillors prior to appearing in the agenda. I have no problem with the naming, only the process.PASSED
  • Goodwood Oval and  Millswood Sporting Complex-Staged Implementation Plan: this report recommends that Council proceeds to design work on the bowls and croquet areas at Millswood in the first instance.PASSED
  • Review of by-Laws: this report recommends that Council endorse the altered by-laws  for community consultation.PASSED
  • 2015-16 Draft Annual Business Plan for Consultation; This is the budget , it is worth a read. Rates increase is proposed at 4.1%. PASSED
  • Questions on Notice regarding Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones)from Cr Palmer and regarding Independent Committee Membership Applications
  • Determination of Event Contract: CONFIDENTIAL
  • Audit and Governance Committee Independent  Member Appointments: CONFIDENTIAL

25 April 2015


There were well over 3,00 people at this morning's dawn start to Anzac Day. The ceremony was a little longer than usual and run by the RSL. It was good to see so many children at the event. The bell tolling from St Augustines was great as were the Glen Osmond Primary School choir.
I was impressed by the knitted/crocheted poppies I have seen in many places this year. Goolwa looked a treat last weekend with it's war memorials  decked out in the poppies.

22 April 2015

Jay rejects big councils

It's good to know that the Premier, Jay Weatherill, does not support council amalgamations. According to this morning's Advertiser  he said yesterday that councils should be smaller rather than larger and encourage a role for volunteers within the organisation. Good news indeed, just hope that his Ministers have been briefed on this and agree with him. This hasn't been the case for development assessment to the system's detriment. I never have understood why one group saying something loudly and often seems to have more power than lots of people say the same thing?

20 April 2015

Rates confusion looms

Media Release

Date: 17 April 2015

Rates confusion looms

Outgoing LGA President Mayor David O'Loughlin has a nightmare vision of thousands of pulped Council rates notices.

Currently the Rates and Land Tax Remissions Act and regulations require the State Government to fund the concessions but Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis has said they will not do so after 1 July - yet the laws remain unchanged."

"Under current legislation Councils by law are required to print State Governmentconcessions on rates notices," Mayor O'Loughlin said.

"The Treasurer needs to tell Councils now if he is going to put up legislation to axe concessions before the rates notices are printed."

"If legislation is introduced after rates notices are printed Councils will have no option but to pulp them.

" It's a scenario which could see at least 160,000 notices pulped and reprinted across the state, adding to ratepayers' costs and community confusion. ," he said.

17 April 2015

Update:Ward briefing: April 16th 2015

Don and I meet every two months with staff for an update on the current projects in the ward. Sometimes we stray a little outside the boundaries. This week the following were discussed:

  • The proposed curb extensions (in East Ave) to enhance pedestrian safety will be installed before the end of June, there were only two objections to the proposal.
  • DPTI are yet to confirm their intentions for South Rd and the proposed changes to Byron Rd are still in abeyance. Hopefully, they will soon admit they have no money now or in the foreseeable future for this work and Byron Rd changes can be implemented.
  • Don and I will put a Motion to Notice to Council regarding both the necessity to improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists using the Greenway shared use path and to try to get some assurance from DPTI that they will upgrade and fence the dog track that links Millswood Cres and Arundel Ave to  Millswood Station.
  • The final trees that need to be planted in Canterbury Tce should be done in Before June (western end).
  • Footpaths likely to be included in the 2015/16 budget are Cowper Rd, Kelvin Ave andHacket Ave. The other 9 that remain to be done will be completed in the final 2 years of the accelerated programme.
  • Linemarking  and greening the bike lanes should follow the completion of the now resurfaced East Ave within two weeks. This will also include the missing green paint on the crossing just north of the rail line.
  • Missing linemarking at the corner of Lonsdale and Arundel should also be completed.
  • In Ormonde Ave over half the residents responded to the treescape proposal. Council will now remove the 14 dead and dying tress (to be marked with a white dot). These will be replaced with the existing species.
  • Planting will also be undertaken in the pocket of land off the walkway between Victoria St and Cranbrook Ave. Species chosen will be similar to those that are doing well in Devon St. However, it will also include two trees that have the potential to become significant (angophora).

House Rules

 I have been busy this week helping some residents in Arundel Ave as they adjust to the arrival of a film crew to support a reality TV programme. One lucky house is having their home completed renovated over the next week by other contestants. The production pods were installed this morning in Arundel Ave and after much negotiation I think most people were happy with the outcome. Unfortunately, both the TV station and Council could have been a little clearer with residents about the impact that this may have had on them.

Become a Bicycle User Group (BUG) member!

 Find out more at the first meeting Tuesday 21 April

 Bicycles Unley
The City of Unley is committed to increasing the use of alternative forms of transport, particularly bicycles. Accordingly, Council has endorsed the formation of a Bicycle User Group (BUG) for the City of Unley, with a vision of increasing the percentage of bike users throughout the City.
We are inviting the community to be involved by becoming a BUG member.
The purpose of the BUG is to help:
  • Facilitate the development of cycling as a safe and effective transport option throughout the city of Unley
  • Promote cycling as a viable, effective transport option
  • Promote the health and social benefits of cycling
It is envisaged that the BUG would be involved in a number of activities including identifying:
  • Any safety and design issues with existing cycle routes in Unley
  • Potential gaps in Unley’s Bike network for investigation
  • Possible locations for bike racks.
  • Working with schools to develop a ride to school day
  • Organising social ride events for members and the community.
The first BUG meeting will be held at 6 - 7.30pm, 21 April 2015 at the Unley Community Centre, 18 Arthur Street, Unley SA 5061.

ANZAC Centenary Parade by the 10th/27th Battalion

11am, Sunday 3 May
Unley Road (From Marion Street to Soldier’s Memorial Garden, Unley)
Come and line the streets as they did in 1915!
Following the commemorative parade, join us for a community celebration at the Soldier’s Memorial Garden, including
  • Performances by 10th/27th Battalion Band
  • The opportunity to place a commemorative poppy in the Garden
  • Many Australian soldiers were lost in the August 1916 Battle of Pozieres. Help raise funds for a planned Pozieres Memorial in France, dedicated to the soldiers who fought in the Battle, by purchasing a limited edition replica WWI pin badge available on the day.

Call for Descendants

Were your ancestors part of the 27th Battalion?

Learn more about the 10th/27th Battalion, The Royal South Australia Regiment

11 April 2015

Library Service Review FAQ

Our library service review went to Council at the end of March. At that meeting, Council endorsed an investigation of a number of alternative service delivery models to the current Library Service. 
No decisions will be made regarding the future of library services in Unley without extensive community consultation.
We have provided a quick FAQ to hopefully answer any questions. Here are a few links that can help.

Goodwood Main Street upgrade

The urban design framework (UDF) for Goodwood Road identified a range of opportunities to improve the village precinct.
The under-grounding of the powerlines between the tramline and Victoria Street provides Council the opportunity to review the UDF and to plan a new future for the precinct.
You can find out more and share your views by:
  • Completing our online survey at yoursay.unley.gov.au by 5pm 15 April.
  • Participating in the Community Forum, 8 April, 6-7.30pm at the Goodwood Community Centre, 32-34 Rosa Street, Goodwood.
  • Attending a ‘drop-in’ session located on the street, 7-11 April, 10am-12.30pm.
For further information phone the City of Unley on 8372 5111

Goodwood Road_Have Your Say

Train horns turned down

It has taken a lot of complaints since the trains starting using the new, electrified trains and it seems that in the end people power has had some effect. The decibel level of train horns will be turned down to be less intrusive and objectionable to residents. DPTI are also considering making all crossing  activated  (a gate automatically closes as the train approaches) so the horn use should be unnecessary.

Environmentally Friendly Gardening

07 April 2015

Goodwood Library Services under review

Contrary to the article in the current Eastern Courier Goodwood Library is not about to close. However, the recent report put to Council did outline some cost savings and service improvements that could occur as the service was reviewed. It is the Council's preferred position that cost savings be investigated and I think we all realise that library services have changed dramatically this century and are likely to continue to do so. It is possible that Goodwood Library could manage in a smaller floor area and that duplication of the toy library service is unnecessary. Even when I used this service myself it seemed to be over serviced.  Proposals that staff raise should be investigated and as they look at the issues and level of service that our Community want any changes will be made in consultation with the Community.
However, the small service that is operated at Fullarton will close and be replaced with a  portal where books can be ordered and collected. Not sure how this will go with the less than tech savvy oldies that use this facility. It was not something I supported.
I also have serious concerns about even considering building a purpose built library when the libraries we have seem more than adequate.  Repurposing the existing heritage listing building on Unley Rd should not be something too difficult for Council when we expect our constituents to reuse existing commercial building and houses that are heritage zoned and/or listed  in new and innovative ways.

02 April 2015

7,000 trees to be trimmed/ destroyed

SA Power Networks will shortly begin the work of trimming, cutting and maybe even destroying all of the trees marked below. While you will receive a letter from the Mayor about this the reality is that SAPN intends to work on each of the shown trees. Council arborists will work with SAPN to try to ensure the minimum damage. My concern is that SAPN does not employ arborists or tree surgeons to do this work. The contractors will remove the necessary growth as quickly as they can as they are being paid per tree. The first you will know that your street has been targeted is when you see them in the street or even when you get home from work and the damage has been cone. It is important to note that SAPN are doing this work and Council has little or no influence on them.