29 January 2017

Babytime at the Library

Rail freight diversion one step closer

This morning the Liberal Party announced that, if elected in March 2018, that it would fund a further study into the economic feasability of a railfreight diversion from Murray Bridge. They will then, with additional funding, from Federal government sources construct the diversion. This would take all heavy freight, both rail and road, out of the hills, from our local neighbourhoods and allow the suburbs to be safer and free of this scourge as a souce of excess noise and diminished air quaility. I worked for a long tome on this with a small group of interested Councillors for other Councils and interested peeople. It is good to see thsat this just might happen. The Labor party could pre-empt this and just get on with it now if they really wanted to see some change.
It would have been good to have been invited to this morning's launch after all the hard work but, sadly, the Mayor overlooked my enthusiasm and competency for others who had far less involvement. I should get used to this but I never do!

26 January 2017

Rumblings in Leah St

The recent closure of South Rd  has caused significant distress for the residents of Leah St. As all traffic was diverted from South Rd much of the traffic finished up rumbling through Leah St and East Ave. The residents have banded together and seized the opportunity in being proactive in ensuring that, in the short term, the same will not happen when the repairs of the cycle bridge are actually done and when South Rd is closed (or reduced to one lane) when the major upgrade from Darlington to Anzac Hwy are eventually undertaken. Their concerns include:
  • Removing heavy traffic, including buses
  • Downgrading the classification of Leah St so that is no longer a collector street
  • Better mangement of traffic when South Rd is closed
  • Improved streetscape
  • Implementation of outcomes for the Forestville Local Area Traffic Management Plan.(Council has been trialling turning bans only)
  • Assistance for individual homes  for noise mitigation, air quality monitoring and reverberation.

22 January 2017

Full Council meeting: Jan 23rd 2017

The first meeting for 2017 and an interesting Agenda. The following items may be of interest;

  • Submissions for Funding-Rosefield Community Shed: This small community group would like some seed funding ($7,500 x 2) to enable a paid coordinator to be employed. Men's sheds are not a new phenonema: the TOYS Men's Shed at Clarence Park Community Centre has been supporting and helping for many years. There is an unmet need for activities that encourage retired men to be engaged in their community (women can be involved as well) and both share and learn new skills. This request fits well with Unley's Active Aging policy. PASSED
  • Finance Performance Report for the Quarter ended Dec 2016: So far a positive cash flow of $2.1m has been achieved. PASSED
  • Community Consultation and Design Review of Oxford Tce Streetscape: This project, in my opinion, is flawed and poorly timed. I have no problem with consulting on changing the traffic flow in Oxford Tce from two way to one way but little of the multi million dollar upgrade makes sense to me. If Council proceed with enabling a development on the Council owned Civic Centre land then any landsaping in Oxford Tce is likely to be destoyed by the process of any upgrade.PASSED despite my concerns.
  • Breach of Code of Conduct for Council Member: Cr Hewitson has been found to have breached our Code of Conduct and the Ombudsman has requested that the information be provided to a public meeting, that he must apologise for his behaviour and be reprimanded by Council for his actions. From my reading he forwarded emails to his son and nephew that a resonable person would have assumed were confidential. In doing this it may have been possible for others to have gained an advantage in a tender process. It makes interesting reading if you have the time. PASSED.
  • Nominations for the LGA Advisory Committee: Don Palmer was nominated as a candidate.
  • ERA Chairman and CEO Report: The collaboration between Councils continues to provide savings and innovation. PASSED
  • Notice of Motion from Cr Rabbitt regarding DPTI land near Millswood Station: The proposal is to try to get DPTI to allow Council to landscape and manage this eyesore.PASSED
  • Notice of Motion form Cr Boisvert regarding the interesection of Victoria St and Goodwood Rd: Following the upgrade it is anticipated that cars attempting to turn right from Victoria St will hold up those wishing to travel south.This proposes a way forward if this occurs.PASSED
  • King William Rd Traders Association: CONFIDENTIAL
  • Strategic Property Committee Minutes: CONFIDENTIAL
  • Audit and Governance committee Minutes: CONFIDENTIAL

18 January 2017

Gourmet Gala just gets better

I attended the Gourmet Gala on Monday night. After a hot day it was a very pleasant evening. While there seemed to be fewer people atteding,this may not have been the case.  20,000 people were still there at some time between 4pm amd 10pm. There was far more seating and activity in the side streets and lanes and the food seemed to be of a much better standard (more in line with the gourmet image). Greta opportunity for everyone to catch up with friens sa nd enjoy the atrmosphere. As this costs ratepayers over $200,000 each year it needs to be worthwhile for everyone. Feedback is always welcome.

16 January 2017

Time to Google; Greening Unley

Image result for waterwise UnleyI was looking for a video clip for my next blog when I came across these environmental clips produced for the City of Unley. Hope you find them interesting?


Leader St gets its turn

Leader St is about to get a major landscaping  upgrade and some additional works on the footpaths. Should look good when it is completed. As Council is unsure as to what will be happening at the LeCornu site no additional roadworks will be  done at this time (eg. a roundabout at the Leah St corner).

13 January 2017

Treats at Goodwood Rd

 You can't turn Goodwood Rd from a  cow's ear to a silk purse without a little inconvenience for the motorists. The team of contractors have recommenced work, now at the Godwood Primary School area, to cause the least disruption to the commencement of the 2017 schoool year. Today's paper ran a nice story on community spirit from the traders at Goodwood. Well done to all for such a great innitiative.

Gourmet Gala all ready for Monday evening (16th)

 The 2017 Unley Gourmet Gala which is shaping up to be a spectacular celebration on King William Road! The weather is looking perfect with a beautiful balmy night forecast. 

A few key highlights to note:

  • Record number of registered businesses involved in the event (55)
  • Every single participating business is from within the City of Unley
  • Record  sponsorship achieved 
  • Fashion stage has been moved to the Park/Mitchell intersection and will also feature live music in between the runway shows
  • New ‘World Sounds’ stage at the Arthur Street end which will feature cultural performances from around the globe (mini-Womad style)
  • The Wheelie Good Garden will form a spectacular entry at Arthur Street which has been created by celebrity gardener Sophie Thompson using over 200 repurposed bicycle wheels
  •  New neon theming is starting to take over the street with decorations being completed this weekend
       Hope to see you there!

Family history service is moving

The Unley Museum on Edmund Ave
Family History Service is relocating to the Unley Museum. For more information about this service click here.
The Family History Service previously at Goodwood Library has been closed over the Christmas period, and will reopen at the Museum, on Wednesday 18th January.
The service will be available on Wednesday and Thursdays at the Museum.
In addition the Museum is trialing new opening hours beginning next week;
Sunday 2- 5pm
Monday to Wednesday 10am – 4pm
Thursday 10am – 6pm
The Family History team are contactable at the Museum on 8372 5117 or familyhistory@unley.sa.gov.au from next week.

11 January 2017

When Rules and Regulations seem ridiculous?

Following from some recent Council bashing in the Advertiser and other media my reponse is as follows. Councils only exist at the pleasure of state government: state government makes the rules and regulations and Council must implement them, often without any additional funding.
When it comes to outdoor dining a clear path must be left for pedestrians to pass and most places seem to do this well. However, for a vision impaired person who uses a cane  they need to be able to use the cane to hit a solid surface to be aware that there is a corner (hitting the cane on random chairs doesn't give any guidance). Hence the tables and chairs must be nearer the roadway and away from the shop front; it makes sense and generally works. Councils did not make this rule but must comply to it.
The state government decided what trees are significant and under what circumstances and Council must decide (or their Development Assessment Panel) which can be removed. If they fit the government gudelines they're gone. It is clearly eveident that most residents think they are too easily removed and developers who still think the regulations are restrictive.
Even in today's paper one person was commenting on the LeCornu site in North Adelaide. It is not Council who is preventing development, they have approved many proposals and more recently the Development Assessment Commission approved a plan. It is the developer, the one who says you can't make any money in Adelaide, who is not moving forward and always has been. Please direct blame where it lies.

10 January 2017

Asbestos Scare at Orphanage Park

Recently, a memeber of the public drew Council's attention to the presence of an unknown substance in the creek at Orphanage Park. The Council then had the material tested and it was found to be asbestos. The most probable source is likely to be recent flooding. Council have now examined the entire creek bed in the park and removed any other similar substances. It is hoped that the area is now clear of any contamination.

Welcome to 2017 - let's start it with wine.

Sounds more interesting than what is happening at the library but actually the same thing.  There sure are plenty of interesting things to participate in if you are so inclined.
Author talk & wine tasting
The Wine Prospector
The Wine Prospector is a humorous wine inspired travelogue, written by gregarious winemaker John Weeks. Scouring five continents, the ever curious adventurer, John, has not only produced outstanding wines, but has collected memorable stories along the way.

05 January 2017

How much better could this be?

After having another look at some of the wonderful murals that now adorn some Unley walls it turned my mind to an election promise made in 2014. That was to paint the Goodwood Underpass with similar murals. I know this needs to have the traffic diverted from the outside lane while it is being completed but it would transform the space. At the same time some new railing on the pedestrian walkway and additional plantings at ground level would make that more attractive as well. Surely, we can get this done now so it is not an election issue in 2018?
The artwork in the Goodwood Junction underpass

Big Book Sale at the Library

The Unley Libraries Friend's Group is holding a book sale on Sunday the 29th January. This will be held in the Civic Centre Library between 2-4pm. They have children's books, adult fiction, large print, DVD's and toys for sale. Go and grab a bargain.