This newsletter will be dropped in affected residents' letter boxes in the near future.
What is G-RAG?
The Goodwood Residents’ Action Group (G-RAG) is a non-political volunteer community organisation that was formed at a meeting at Goodwood Primary School on 4 December 2012 in response to the Department of Planning,Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) plan to upgrade the Goodwood Junction section of Adelaide’s rail network. At that meeting a group of approximately 20 people was formed to begin the task of responding to aspects of this plan that had led to widespread concern in the local community.
What are the immediate issues G-RAG is concerned about?
G-RAG has been making representations to DPTI over a range of issues of concern in relation to the project.
Firstly, G-RAG has sought improved information for residents about project works. As a result of pressure from GRAG and many individual residents, DPTI has now moved to establish a Community Advisory Group, with representation from G-RAG and Unley Council, to deal with issues of concern to residents.
Secondly, residents are being heavily impacted by work currently in progress and are worried about dust, traffic congestion, noise and the impact of vibration on their homes. G-RAG has sought to negotiate with DPTI to reduce the impact of these wherever possible.
Thirdly, G-RAG has actively intervened when failures or lapses of safety in the work have been detected by
residents – especially in relation to the spread of contaminated dust in the atmosphere.
Fourthly, Residents in some areas are increasingly being disrupted by traffic restrictions while the works are
progressing. G-RAG has negotiated a number of improvements to the initial chaotic situation including a more even of truck routes.
Fifthly, residents are angry about the removal and further proposed removals of substantial trees and other
vegetation by DPTI. G-RAG has called for DPTI to find ways to avoid the necessity for these to occur.
What are the long-term outcomes G-RAG wants to see at the completion of these projects?
G-RAG believes large funded projects offer an opportunity to improve amenity for the neighbourhoods in which they are located. G-RAG wants to see a greatly increased focus on improving the amenity for local residents in addition to increased public amenities in lieu of the loss of value of property. Improving neighbourhood amenity would include improving native habitat, a more attractive landscape overlooking
the rail corridor and the establishment of a continuous dedicated bicycle pathway along the whole of the corridor in this area. DPTI claims that they have modelling that demonstrates there will be a net improvement in noise levels when the project is completed. G-RAG has demanded to see details of this modelling before coming to agreement that soundproofing of fence lines along the rail corridor is not necessary.
How can you be involved?
Join G-RAG
If you would like to participate in the work of G-RAG, or simply to support G-RAG and receive regular updates about issues through this newsletter, please email your name, address, phone number and email address to: OR fill out the form below.
Representatives are also needed for a Community Advisory Group
In response to G-RAG’s requests to improve communications with residents and to respond to the issues of concern raised by G-RAG, the DPTI has proposed the formation of a Community Advisory Group. This body will comprise representatives from G-RAG, members from Unley Council and members from DPTI. It will meet fortnightly for representatives from G-RAG, members from Unley Council and members from DPTI. It will meet fortnightly for the duration of the Goodwood Junction Upgrade project (about 8 months).
G-RAG has decided to participate in this advisory group in order to improve our capacity to influence the issues of concern to residents. An interim team of 10 members of the executive group of G-RAG will attend the first one or two meetings while expressions of interest are sought from others interested in joining G-RAG and contributing to the Community Advisory Group as representatives of G-RAG.
G-RAG is looking for 10 people who would be prepared to serve the local community by representing its interests at the Community Advisory Group meetings. The meetings will be an hour and a half long and fortnightly. Would you like to nominate? If so, please fill out the form below and mail to the address shown or email your name, address, contact details to Please include a very brief summary (less than 100 words) of why you’d like to be a representative. If more than ten nominations for representatives are received, an election process will be organized by G-RAG.
We are also seeking alternates: people who are prepared to step in and attend CAG meetings when one of the representatives is unable to attend. We are keen to share the workload around in this way and ensure maximum representation at every meeting. Being an alternate will involve attending fewer meetings but would still be a valuable contribution to your local community. Again, please fill out and post the form below or email G-RAG.
I would like to:
τ the Goodwood Residents’ Action Group
τfor the Community Advisory Group (please attach a very brief summary of your interest)
τbe an alternate to attend Community Advisory Group meetings sometimes
NAME: --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ADDRESS: - --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
PHONE(S): hm--------------------------------------------------------- mob -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
EMAIL: --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Return this form to: OR Email this information to:
c/- 22 Cromer Pde
Millswood 5034
Further information about G-RAG, its activities and the newsletter can be found on our website. Go to: