30 January 2013

South Rd: Speeding

The article in today's paper showed rather startling statistics for speeding past the safety camera on South Rd near Black Forest Primary School. While speeding is always dangerous speeding near a school is doubly so as the movements of young children are less predictable. While many have doubted the purpose of the one at the railway crossing in Leader St this one seems to be earning it's keep in reminding people that speeding can be an expensive exercise in more ways than one.3,711 people have been caught speeding  since August 2012.

Full Council Meeting; 29th January

It's been nearly 6 weeks since we last had a meeting, while I have been on holiday most of this time I don't think I've ever been busier with Council duties.This month's agenda covered the following items;

  • Petition regarding the placing of the culvert in Forestville Reserve; this has to some extent been resolved by moving the culvert further south to be closer to the tram line. New plans will be consulted with those who expressed and interest and then to all nearby residents.
  • Koala Crossing in Highgate St; this asked for additional funds for the crossing near Highgate PS and that these come from another project that was funded but not viable  The result will be  a safer crossing for students at the school.PASSED
  • Review of the Natural Resources Management (NRM) Joint Action Group;Council collected nearly one million dollars in funds from rate payers in 2011/12 on behalf of the NRM; the report lists the contribution that they have made to Unley projects in the last 12 months. These include funds toward stormwater harvesting and management as well as training of staff into water course erosion management.PASSED
  • Nominations for LGA President and State Executive; Lachlan was nominated again for the executive.This nomination will now go to election by all SA Councils.PASSED
  • Endorsement of the Community Plan;This has been extensively consulted. Take the time to read this one.PASSED
  • Elector Representation Review; this is the subject of a couple of earlier blogs. Goodwood South might get a new name that more closely reflects the community and Kings Park is likely to return to GS.This item took hours to debate and the matter of exact ward boundaries will be debated again at the next Council meeting as a consensus was not able to be reached. However,  we did agree to rename GS as Clarence Park ward to better reflect the location. When finalized this must again go back to consultation, so if you don't like the idea of this you need to let us know.
  • Budget Revue for the Second Quarter. PASSED
  • Brownhill Creek Stormwater Management Project-Goodwood Junction;This called on the government to fund at least 50% of the capital costs currently being spent on the diversion at Goodwood. Unley's share of the cost  is 21% of the remainder, other Councils will carry their agreed share if approved.This is likely to be $525,000. PASSED
  • Brownhill Creek Stormwater Management Project;Funding for Ridge Park Dam; This is to  funded with federal money that must be spent this year. However, the timing of projects means that Unley needs to move ahead on this without a a guarantee of some reimbursement by the SMA. PASSED
  • Residential Parking Policy Modifications; This is a complex issue although not for Goodwood South  However, this change will result in having to pay for parking in some locations.PASSED
  • Reference Groups; I have also written a separate blog on this one although it was some time ago.PASSED but after much debate and little consensus.
  • Appointment of Independent Members to the New Section 41 Committees.(Confidential until all applicants have been notified). 
 The full agenda can be found at; http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/Council%20Agenda%20January%202013.pdf 

29 January 2013

Arsenic Found at Goodwood Railworks:Adelaide Now

This makes very interesting reading.

Arsenic found at Goodwood railway works no threat to human health, SA Health says

Arsenic threat
Cromer Parade residents are concerned about the dust thrown up by the Goodwood Junction redevelopment. 
"ARSENIC found at the Goodwood railway works site poses no threat to human health, authorities say.
Residents raised concerns after the Transport Department detected the poison along the tracks south of the Goodwood station underpass construction site.
SA Health acting chief public health officer Kevin Buckett said the arsenic readings were well below the level deemed worthy of further investigation.
"If the investigation reveals that there is indeed a risk to the public, action would be taken to reduce or prevent exposure," Dr Buckett said.
Cromer Pde, Millswood residents said their homes and gardens had been coated in dust stirred up by works during the early stages of the $110 million project to build an underpass near Victoria St. Narelle Hopkins, 35, a mother of two toddlers, said there had been a lot of dust around their home.
"The house is filthy and we're not sure if we can eat the fruit from our trees," Ms Hopkins said. "My biggest worry is when they start digging the tunnel. Obviously they've got to do it but there's been little consideration for residents."
Marie Ryan returned home from work to find the dust had penetrated her flyscreen windows and door.
"Everything was absolutely covered and it's not just dust it's like concrete," Mrs Ryan said. "The workers are very polite and courteous. (But) more notification about starting times and little things like covering dirt entrances to the tracks with gravel to limit the dust would help."
A Transport Department spokeswoman said arsenic was in herbicides used on the rail network in the past.
The arsenic level fell within EPA and National Environment Protection Measure guidelines so the department was satisfied it was safe, she said."
Comments from people on the website also make interesting reading.

To  make matters worse DPTI are currently piling dirt along the backs of properties that face Millswood Cres inside the rail corridor instead of removing it immediately after excavation!

28 January 2013

Australia Day Celebrations

Unley always celebrates Australia Day with a citizenship ceremony followed by a breakfast on the Village Green. This year, as always, it was a very pleasant morning. 43 new citizens were welcomed to Unley from at least a dozen different countries, some people having already been here most of their lives and others who have made the decision after the minimum qualifying period. As I sat on the stage with elected members from council and the state parliament I wondered what these new citizens thought about the place of women in governance in Australia (using Unley as an example) as they saw a dozen people of whom only two were women (Steph Key and myself). I wondered as well about affirmative action after a brief conversation with Isobel Redmond at the Tour Down Under; she is adamant that people should always be selected on merit. So am I, but I know that merit means different things to different people. We are to affirm various new positions for independent members on the new Section 41 committees at the Full Council meeting on Tuesday, how many will be women?

27 January 2013

G-RAG newsletter

This newsletter will be dropped in affected residents' letter boxes in the near future.

What is G-RAG?
The Goodwood Residents’ Action Group (G-RAG) is a non-political volunteer community organisation that was formed at a meeting at Goodwood Primary School on 4 December 2012 in response to the Department of Planning,Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) plan to upgrade the Goodwood Junction section of Adelaide’s rail network. At that meeting a group of approximately 20 people was formed to begin the task of responding to aspects of this plan that had led to widespread concern in the local community.
What are the immediate issues G-RAG is concerned about?
G-RAG has been making representations to DPTI over a range of issues of concern in relation to the project.
Firstly, G-RAG has sought improved information for residents about project works. As a result of pressure from GRAG and many individual residents, DPTI has now moved to establish a Community Advisory Group, with representation from G-RAG and Unley Council, to deal with issues of concern to residents.
Secondly, residents are being heavily impacted by work currently in progress and are worried about dust, traffic congestion, noise and the impact of vibration on their homes. G-RAG has sought to negotiate with DPTI to reduce the impact of these wherever possible.
Thirdly, G-RAG has actively intervened when failures or lapses of safety in the work have been detected by
residents – especially in relation to the spread of contaminated dust in the atmosphere.
Fourthly, Residents in some areas are increasingly being disrupted by traffic restrictions while the works are
progressing. G-RAG has negotiated a number of improvements to the initial chaotic situation including a more even of truck routes.
Fifthly, residents are angry about the removal and further proposed removals of substantial trees and other
vegetation by DPTI. G-RAG has called for DPTI to find ways to avoid the necessity for these to occur.
What are the long-term outcomes G-RAG wants to see at the completion of these projects?
G-RAG believes large funded projects offer an opportunity to improve amenity for the neighbourhoods in which they are located. G-RAG wants to see a greatly increased focus on improving the amenity for local residents in addition to increased public amenities in lieu of the loss of value of property. Improving neighbourhood amenity would include improving native habitat, a more attractive landscape overlooking
the rail corridor and the establishment of a continuous dedicated bicycle pathway along the whole of the corridor in this area. DPTI claims that they have modelling that demonstrates there will be a net improvement in noise levels when the project is completed. G-RAG has demanded to see details of this modelling before coming to agreement that soundproofing of fence lines along the rail corridor is not necessary.
How can you be involved?
Join G-RAG
If you would like to participate in the work of G-RAG, or simply to support G-RAG and receive regular updates about issues through this newsletter, please email your name, address, phone number and email address to: membership@grag.org OR fill out the form below.
Representatives are also needed for a Community Advisory Group
In response to G-RAG’s requests to improve communications with residents and to respond to the issues of concern raised by G-RAG, the DPTI has proposed the formation of a Community Advisory Group. This body will comprise representatives from G-RAG, members from Unley Council and members from DPTI. It will meet fortnightly for representatives from G-RAG, members from Unley Council and members from DPTI. It will meet fortnightly for the duration of the Goodwood Junction Upgrade project (about 8 months).
G-RAG has decided to participate in this advisory group in order to improve our capacity to influence the issues of concern to residents. An interim team of 10 members of the executive group of G-RAG will attend the first one or two meetings while expressions of interest are sought from others interested in joining G-RAG and contributing to the Community Advisory Group as representatives of G-RAG.
G-RAG is looking for 10 people who would be prepared to serve the local community by representing its interests at the Community Advisory Group meetings. The meetings will be an hour and a half long and fortnightly. Would you like to nominate? If so, please fill out the form below and mail to the address shown or email your name, address, contact details to membership@gmail.com. Please include a very brief summary (less than 100 words) of why you’d like to be a representative. If more than ten nominations for representatives are received, an election process will be organized by G-RAG.
We are also seeking alternates: people who are prepared to step in and attend CAG meetings when one of the representatives is unable to attend. We are keen to share the workload around in this way and ensure maximum representation at every meeting. Being an alternate will involve attending fewer meetings but would still be a valuable contribution to your local community. Again, please fill out and post the form below or email G-RAG.
I would like to:
τ€€€ the Goodwood Residents’ Action Group
τ€€€for the Community Advisory Group (please attach a very brief summary of your interest)
τ€€€be an alternate to attend Community Advisory Group meetings sometimes
NAME: --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ADDRESS: - --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
PHONE(S): hm--------------------------------------------------------- mob -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
EMAIL: --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Return this form to: OR Email this information to:
G-RAG membership@grag.org
c/- 22 Cromer Pde
Millswood 5034
Further information about G-RAG, its activities and the newsletter can be found on our website. Go to:

24 January 2013

Gourmet Gala; 23rd Jan 2013

Kate Porter (centre) from Porter and Co. Wine Merchants

I attended this event last night. One of the bet things is an opportunity to catch up with old friends and take the time to chat and catch up.The weather was perfect, the huge crowd well behaved and a good time was being enjoyed by all. Questions  that Council needs to ask are;

  • Can this event stand alone from the Tour Down under and still be successful? 
  • If it can when would be the best time to schedule the event?
  • Will a fixed and certain date enable sponsors to lock into a contract early increase the amount of sponsorship and so reduce the cost to Council?
  • Is this money well spent?

23 January 2013

Outdoor Entertainment Program


Put these events in your diary. Just a pity that none of the events are west of Goodwood Rd!

1.  Rocking Rosa Street (Friday, 22 February – 4-7pm)

Road closure corner of Rosa Street and Goodwood Road to accommodate:
  • live music with jazz/ swing, indie and electronica bands
  • community writer and documenter
  • installation artist.

2.   Big Yellow Bus Family Variety Show, Soutar Park (Saturday, 9 March,

  • Family friendly acts with live music and children’s entertainment under a large marquee off the side of the big yellow bus used for Feast Festival.
  • Art and craft activities inside the bus.
  • Community writer and documenter.

3.   ex3Film, Funk and Fables, Heywood Park (Saturday, 16 March, 4-10pm)

  • Live music with jazz, funk and reggae bands.
  • Community writer and documenter.
  • “Mr Badger” children’s performance.
  • Free movie in the park at sunset.

4.   Beats and Breakfast – Soldiers Memorial Garden
(Six Saturdays in Late February, March and early April, 10.30am-12.30pm)

  • Mixture of community based arts groups, DJs, jazz combos Aussie group.
  • Supported with food stalls or sausage sizzles.
  • Some sessions with community writer (see above).

Wayville Station Announced

The state government has now submitted an application to the Development Assessment Commission to build a station at Wayville. This would lead to the closure of Keswick Station. The location would be just south of Greenhill Rd. The government would like to get this project completed while the lines are closed for the other upgrades. Today's Adevertiser has run a story on this. West Torrens has plans for higher density housing on their side of Anzac Hwy and on Unley side Greenhill Rd will be able to have up to 10 storeys of residential apartments between the train line and Goodwood Rd. Unley Council have also done considerable work on planning for residential development on the army barracks site should it ever become available. The station will also allow easy access to events at the showgrounds.
There is no intent, at this time, to close Goodwood Station.
The full submission to the DAC can now be found at; http://www.dac.sa.gov.au/index.cfm?objectid=A3623820-B0B0-11DF-A917000F2030D46A    

22 January 2013

What's in a Name?

As you are aware Council has been consulting residents about it's structure,eg should the Mayor be elected at large or by the elected members? Part of this discussion has also been around what each ward (if we keep wards) should be named. Goodwood South is the only ward where the name does not have any real connection to the suburbs within the ward. The suburbs being Black Forest, Clarence Park and much of Millswood (originally known as Millswood Estate).
While we can decide to leave this as it is what about some suggestions from you?

Mills St; More Delays

After nearly 4 years waiting the residents on Mills St finally received the news of a start date for the removal of  one of the eastern chicanes. Then, after conversations with others, presumably DPTI, this work has now been delayed until Victoria St has been reopened to traffic. That means it is unlikely to be completed this financial year.
There have also been further concerns from residents about the prevention of U-turns on the corner of Mills St and Goodwood Rd, 6 years after requesting this matter be investigated the "solution" simply does not solve the problem in fact it allows for easier u-turns rather than prevention.

Dear Resident
POSTPONEMENT OF ROAD WORKS – Mills Street Clarence Park
Further to the letter dated 7 January 2013 regarding the Mills Street works, Council
advises due to the current works being undertaken on the rail network and the
closure of Victoria Street, Forestville the work will need to be postponed until further
Council apologises for any inconvenience this has caused and a revised letter of
commencement of work will be forwarded prior to works commencing on the speed
hump on Mills Street.
Thank you for your understanding and if you have any queries please do not
hesitate to contact the Assets and Infrastructure Customer Service Team on
8372 5468.

21 January 2013

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Planet Footprint have recently supplied the details for the last quarter of 2012. Council missions are made up of street lighting (44.4%, energy(40.4%), fleet fuel(14.9%) and waste (.32%). Included under energy is electricity and gas consumption in  buildings as well as water and other facilities. While most areas have remained steady since 2009 street lighting has seen a minor increase and energy a fall from 2010-11 to 2011-12. Hopefully, this has resulted from  Council's attempt to be more energy efficient.

19 January 2013

DPA3: Your Say

It's time to have your say on this Development Plan Amendment. You can find all relevant information on the Council website in the Your Say corner. While this does not impact on Goodwood South the amendments to follow will. The more people have to say now the more it has the potential to affect change in the future as this will set the parameters by which the others are judged. Please comment on the proposed uses, the height and the set backs, particularly of the upper levels.
Burnside, who have refused to cooperate with the government, have now had their planning powers in respect of the corridors removed so the government will do it for them. Unley decided along time ago that we would get better outcomes by working with them. However, there are still some things that Council do not want in what has gone to consultation. We need your support to reduce the heights and improve set backs.

17 January 2013

Freight Train Diversion Musings

I received an email this morning from a member of the Rail Freight Diversion Committee. He wondered if the resignation of Pat  Conlon as Infrastructure Minister  might aid their cause. Jamie Briggs ( as Shadow Minister) has evidently added some qualified support. This support says that for the project to be considered by the Federal Government it must first be seen as a priority by the state government, something that they have not done. It must then be prioritized by Infrastructure Australia before it can be considered. In true politician speak he goes on to say that the current opposition at both levels of government really have no idea about how much  money is in the coffers; they need this information before spending can be considered. This assumes a change of government this year federally and net year at the state level!

G-RAG Minutes

These minutes will now be letter boxed to all affected properties.

16 January 2013

Mike Turtur Bikeway Detours

Goodwood Junction Upgrade: Mike Turtur Bikeway detours

People riding or walking along the Mike Turtur Bikeway (adjacent the Glenelg Tramline) are advised that a significant section of Railway Terrace South in Goodwood will not be easily accessible to both pedestrians and cyclists from 8 January to mid-February 2013.
Click here  for the detour map for suggested alternative routes.
For cyclists, the quickest route around the works into the city without dismounting to use pedestrian mazes and the Goodwood Station underpass will be via the Marino Rocks Greenway; via Nairne Terrace, Leader Street and the path behind the showgrounds to access Greenhill Road or the West Terrace shared use path.  Please be patient and follow the detour signs around the site.

Safety Laws up for Review: Swimming Pools

I was surprised to read in the Advertiser today that of 538 swimming pools inspected by Unley Council since 2009 that 299 of them did not pass safety checks. While this is an extraordinary number of inspections to that done by other similar councils the non compliance level is alarming.Under the current Development Act it is not mandatory  for councils to undertake safety  inspections. However, changes to legislation under review may see a greater role for Councils in more regular inspections.

14 January 2013

Brownhill Creek Works

I took the time today to  view the works near the corner of Victoria St and Devon St. The photos tell part of he story but it is difficult to gain an impression of the enormity of the scale that is reality. From the pictures the culvert looks quite small when it is actually nearly 6m wide and 2m high. The bonus is that tree protection zones have now been installed around the majority of the trees that DPTI intend to keep. 

13 January 2013

Online Vote Plan Dumped

 It seems the Local Government Association has been investigating on behalf of Councils the-feasibility of online voting at the 2014 election. This was being considered to improve the voting turn out that in 2010 was less than one third and in Unley even less than this. After some recent trials in other countries have not been free from controversy the report recommends that South Australia  does not trial this at the next election. Councils adopted postal voting in 1997 in an attempt to increase the voter turnout which was as low as 20%. The simple answer is to make voting compulsory at all levels of government. When I discussed this with my colleagues they thought there was little need to change a system that worked!

12 January 2013

Age Friendly City

 A recent email from Council CEO, Peter Tsokas.
Last year we participated in the thinker in residence program centred around developing an ageing strategy for the State.
At the same time, we developed an ageing strategy for the city of Unley and also the Eastern Region Alliance. (7 councils)
Our leadership in this area greatly impressed the State and the Thinker in residence (Professor Kalache) that they encouraged us to apply to be a member of the World Health Organization's Global network of Age- Friendly Cities and Communities.
I am pleased to announce that we have been accepted and have just received our certificate of membership!
To my knowledge, we are the only Council in South Australia to be granted membership and only one of a handful in Australia. That is a great achievement for us and particular thanks must go to Helen Hoare and Celine who were instrumental in us developing our ageing strategies and working with the Thinker in Residence. It is also a sound platform for our new Community and Culture Committee, Planning Committee and Infrastructure Committee to develop action plans for better meeting the needs of our older people and I look forward to some exciting concepts being developed.
Well done to all invloved and the benefit this will bring to the people in our City.

11 January 2013

Greenways Update

After being told by David Bartlett last Wednesday that the Greenways Project will be delivered by Council I was pretty gob smacked as up until that time we had been informed that the project would be delivered by DPTI. Seems that Council staff were briefed yesterday about what DPTI now see as Council's role. That is to design, construct and maintain the project with the funds to do this being reimbursed by DPTI. this being the case it means that residents will get a far greater input than would otherwise have been the case. At a meeting today we discussed a consultation process with staff that would include a sketch concept design,  a public meeting to give input into the detail of the design , species selection and public art.This process could start in just a few weeks.
However, the trees identified for removal or pruning that David Bartlett talked about at Wednesday's meeting are part of the rail electrification project. This is an argument that will need to be had directly with DPTI.(given this I'm happy to help facilitate this if  people wish).
The report that David said Council had submitted was in response to  an arborist report supplied to Council  by DPTI, I am trying to obtain both reports as quickly as practicable.

City Wide Interest

The following have received some press coverage recently;

  • A new sponsor is needed by Sturt for Unley Oval, while the press didn't say what this sponsorship is worth I can say it isn't a lot of money.
  • A new pedestrian crossing will be installed soon on Unley Rd. This will be near Culvert St and will allow safe crossing at this location.
  • Greater say by Unley residents in  how the south parklands are used . Some suggestions include a fenced dog park.
  • Increased charges by ETSA to Councils for street light maintenance.
  • Young volunteers needed to assist at the Gourmet Gala. Call 83725116.
  • Swimming lessons still available from Jan 14th to 18th between 9am and 12pm at the Unley Swimming Centre. These will cater for 3.5 years to teens  at a cost of $77 per student.
  • A fruit tree pruning workshop will be held on Jan 20th at the Black Forest Primary School.It will be between 10am and 11.30am, no bookings are required. Please enter the school from Kertaweeta Ave.

What is annoying you (DPTI)?

Millswood Park crossing

Ramping trucks in East Ave

Dust in the rail corridor
I took these photos on Tuesday morning. The dust should be able to be prevented at the site. In fact  a DPTI representative said that a breach of contract notice had been issued to the contractor. The argument about which of the projects is responsible has little weight as they meld together and are all DPTI projects. It is their responsibility to ensure their contractors are not allowing the dust to occur. It was so uncomfortable I could taste it  in my mouth; having been raised in the mallee I know what pure red dust tastes like and it  wasn't the same!

The trucks ramping in East ave, or anywhere else, also needs to stop. These three trucks all had their engines running!Seems they moved from Victoria St after complaints in that street.

This sign was not in evidence at Victoria St and while this crossing is usually manned is not in the evenings. it is good that it is being kept open at the current time.
Please send me photos I can publish to keep the dialogue going.

10 January 2013

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

And all of them necessary.
Last night I attended the Cromer Pde resident's meeting at CPCC that David Bartlett, manager of the rail revitalisation project, was invited to address. He had been given a list of concerns from the group that they wished him to address. It would be fair to say that they didn't get many answers and many went away prepared to meet again when further detail has been released. of greatest concern for them is the protection of their avenue of trees, sound amelioration and dust control. Of more immediate concern to both Don and I was the role he thought UCC was playing in the Greenways Project. It had been my understanding that UCC has agreed to maintain the bikeway and vegetation when they have been established. I have asked questions of Council staff today and are seeking answers to the following
  • What exactly is UCC's reponsibility?
  • Where is the submission that has been given to the Development Assessment Commission about the trees and what does it say?
  • How will UCC consult with residents if we have more say in the matter than we had already been told?
Tonight there is both a meeting for the Goodwood Junction Residents Action Group and another meeting to form an Advisory Group to work with DPTI. As I understand it the smaller action groups (like the Cromer Pde) each have at least 1 representative on the Residents Action Group (this has 17 members) and this group will then select 8 persons to be on the Advisory Group. This group would also have an elected member of Council and a member of Council staff plus DPTI representatives. This may be an excellent solution but all these meetings may cause too much overload on the few who have the greatest passion. If you want the times of the meetings please send me an email  or phone me.

09 January 2013

Evening Under the Stars: Feb 2nd 2013

The Unley Road Traders are sponsoring this free event at the Memorial Gardens (next to the shopping centre). Concert goers will enjoy music from opera,  music theatre and popular songs performed by Tasso Bouyessis and Annamaria Beni. They will be accompanied by the Vivente Salon Orchestra. Food and refreshments will be available for sale. The event will start at 7pm. All profits will go the Foundation 21, an organisation dedicated to the support of children with Down Syndrome. This should be a wonderful event and is for everyone who wishes to attend to enjoy.

08 January 2013

UBED Nominations

Nominations for the next two year term for the the Unley Business and Economic Development Committee are now open and close 5pm on 14 January 2013.
Nomination forms can be found in the following document UBED Nomination Form - December 2012(28 kb).
For further information, visit the Unley Business and Economic Development Committee webpage.

If you are interested in giving some of your expertise into the council decision making process then this might be of interest.

Sustainable Garden Workshop

Parks and Leisure Australia, in partnership with the City of Unley will be once again presenting a series of 'Sustainable Garden Design Workshops' free to the public. With the success of this session over the last three years, emphasis this year will be placed on garden design, edible & sustainable gardens and environmentally friendly gardening.
The FREE workshop will be held on Saturday 2nd February 2013 between 9am and 3pm at the Unley Civic Centre, Oxford Terrace, Unley. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Bookings are essential as places are strictly limited. Please call Parks & Leisure Australia on 8332 0130 to book.
For further information, please refer to the following document Sustainable Garden Design Workshops Information Sheet(1305 kb)

Is the dust contaminated?

These pictures taken 9.1.13 really say it all!
Concerns have been raised from residents that the dust coming from the rail project in Cromer Pde has not been contained to the site. There is also a concern that the dust may be contaminated. After all the dust was earth that was under the diesel trains for many years; it is possible that the dust contains both asbestos and arsenic. One resident has requested soil sampling, a dust management strategy and their dust monitoring strategy to be supplied to him from DPTI. He has also submitted a formal complaint to the Environment Protection Authority. If others are concerned this is a good avenue to force change in the current work practices on site.

06 January 2013

Door Knocking:

Yesterday Don and I set out to knock on 80 doors between 4 and 7pm. I thought that was achievable. Instead we covered only half the homes as most people were home, most people wanted to chat and many were prepared to tell us of their concerns. We started in Gordon Rd (south of the train line) and did about half of Dryden Rd. today we intend to complete Dryden Rd and start in Cowper Rd (east of Gordon). We have started in these two streets as they were the most recently listed in the DPTI haulage route schedule for the removal of rails and ballast late in January. In the next 12 months we would like to get to every street (without the task consuming our lives) and listen to your concerns. If you want your street early in the schedule or would like us to visit just you for any reason then we would be happy to do this. Concerns raised will be taken to the next ward briefing or immediately notified if the matter can be fixed quickly (eg sweeping a footpath , mending a pot hole or trimming a tree).
Yesterday was great fun, interesting and great to catch up with old friends and acquaintances and to get to meet new people. Just for the record this is my 9th year on Council. While I have been on Council since 1995, I ran for Mayor in 1997 and lost. I was not re-elected until 2006.

Forestville Reserve; Better Plans

The recently updated DPTI website now shows a revised the location for the culvert that will enter Forestville Reserve that will carry the diverted storm water from Brownhill Creek. Following the recent public meeting the culvert is now shown as being located further south and closer to the tram overpass. For many residents this will still not go far enough. The question is, therefore, is there an opportunity to naturalise the water flow and creek bed further back toward the train line and still enable the retention of the skate park and fitness equipment?http://www.infrastructure.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/89703/2013_01_04_Forestville_Reserve

04 January 2013

Future for Advisory Groups?

As with other committees the current advisory Groups are also being reviewed- Council will vote on this at it's first meeting for 2013 on Jan 29th.
  • Groups likely to be disbanded include the Ageing and Disability group, the Library Reference Group, Millswood Railway Station  Community Group and  Community Asset Review group.
  • Groups likely to be kept but revised  but kept are the Goodwood  Oval and Unley Oval Advisory Committees, the Unley Sports Club Advisory Committee and the Road Safety Committee.
  • Groups likely to be formed and then disbanded as needed will include the Australia Day Awards selection committee and the Tour Down Under Advisory Committee ( these groups often may meet only once or twice a year).
  • The Grants of all types ate likely to be recommended by a single committee rather than 2 or 3 different ones
  • The Rail Freight Committee which hasn't met for 2 years should, in my opinion, also be disbanded as it's work is duplicated by the larger group (of which I am a member) that includes representatives from many Councils and interested members of the community.
The applications from Members of the Community for the new Section 41 Committees (Infrastructure, Community and Development)  are now being reviewed by the Chairpersons of the committees and the Mayor.

03 January 2013

Haulage; DPTI Truck Movements

I have been provided with information on the final number of trucks that will use each of Unley's road network.

The removal of the rails for the track upgrade will effect;
Maple Ave (300), Rose Tce (600), Johnstone Tce (600), rail corridor +Leader St (900), rail corridor+ East Ave (500), Byron Rd (240), Kelvin Ave (240), Dryden Rd (270) and Gordon Rd (270).

The construction of the Brownhill Creek diversion will effect;
Victoria St (east-1000, west-30), Leader St (100), Leah St (100), Essex St (900), Railway Tce South (900), Nichols St 9100), Charles St 9100), Norman Tce (100)

The construction of Goodwood Junction will effect;
Rail corridor (Victoria St to Leader St-1840), Leader St (west-1660, east1330),Victoria St (west-730), rail corridor (Victoria St to East Ave-1030), East Ave (2450), Chelmsford Ave (670), Fairfax Ave (670), Devon St (50) and  Richards Tce (50).

It is also noted that peak daily truck movements will vary between 50-80 per day with a typical movement being 15-40 movements/day.

Greenways Project

This link will take you to the best information I have been able to get so far on this project. It should be noted that this is still being described as being in the concept stage and clearly can not be completed until the rail electrification has also been completed. There is a good diagram from Emerson Rd to East Ave. However, there is little detail in what is happening at Canterbury Tce and at the end of Cowper Rd.
According to the website the works between Emerson Road and Canterbury Terrace will include;

• New smooth bitumen shared path with line marking.
• Energy efficient LED pedestrian-level lighting to provide consistent light intensity and public safety.
• Wider and more attractive walking and cycling and walking access to the path and railway mazes from local streets, providing landscaping opportunities at path entrances and new railway fencing.
• Upgraded pedestrian mazes at Cowper Tce to Homer Tce and Dryden Road to Gordon Road.
• Upgraded southern pedestrian access to Clarence Park station from Canterbury Terrace.
• Removing the existing pedestrian bridge/elevated footpath along Canterbury Tce.

Don and I will be door knocking the Cowper Rd area on Saturday afternoon/evening (it's going to be cooler Sat); if you would like to for us to visit you at a particular time then please let me know. Residents of Canterbury Tce and Parker Tce have been invited to meet at 19 Kelvin Ave at 7pm this evening (Don's house).

Solid Waste Levy

The story on this in yesterday's paper made interesting reading. The current levy on Council waste going to landfill is $42 per ton, this being levied so that the revenue raised can be spent on encouraging recycling practices. The higher the fee the more likely Councils will take active measures to encourage their residents to reduce the waste they put in the garbage bin. But is this money, now some $40mil in unspent funds, just being used as a tax to prop up the state government budget? Nevertheless this is still a portion of the rates you pay. The average waste per household is now made up of 8kg garbage, 7kg of recyclables and 10kg of green waste each week; 30% of the average house's waste still goes to landfill. By my calculation the cost to dump/house is about $20/year and likely to rise.

02 January 2013

Tree Removal; Devon St

 The photographs speak for themselves. This tree must have had a circumference of over 4 metres. It was located in Devon St. The wood lying on the ground will be reused in landscaping. I was also disappointed to note that another large tree near by has not as yet been given any protection as the works proceed to demolish the house. On a normal building site a designated tree protection zone would have to have been retained to prevent compaction of the soil and damage to the treee from machinery.

01 January 2013

January Update :2013

Another year has flown past. I am now over halfway through this Council term. Already Councillors are discussing among themselves who will run again and who will not. There is also considerable discussion around who is preparing to challenge Lachlan for the position of Mayor. All I can say at this time is that it won't be me. I'm happy sharing my teaching workload with the work of a Councillor, I can't see myself being able to do this role while working full time.
Items that you should find of interest include;
  • The Black Forrest Local Area Traffic Managemnt plan has gone to tender for quotations for the scope of work. It is anticipated this will be complete by March 2013.
  • A survey will be forwarded to all those who participated in the street sweeping trial. your responses will inform Council if this initiative should be offered to everyone.
  • The costings for repair of the arbour at the Princess Margaret Playground are being quoted on. As this structure is heritage listed the works must comply with heritage advice.The Council is yet to add the new play equipment or shade structure that have been budgeted for.
  • 669 South Rd will have to open their adjoining car park to all users of the Council car park and pay a small fee of $3,000 per year to continue to gain access through the Council park.
  • Some of the trees in Millswood Cres were in need a good prune, much of this work has now been completed. Any trees removed will be replace by March 2013.
  • Langdon Ave, the first survey of tree health has now been undertaken. At least 12 trees were found to be in poor condition. A written report will now be made and residents asked to agree on a way forward. There is no suggestion that the chosen species is needed to change. This will happen some time in the new year.
  • Residents in Chelmsford Ave have also asked for their trees to be assessed and pruned of the dead wood.