31 March 2014

Neighbour Day Celebration

The High Tea yesterday saw the Civic Centre decked out like I'd never seen it before. Lovely decorations, fine china and lots of people enjoying tea and cakes.Those present were having a great time; while mostly elderly they still know how to celebrate friendship in style. This was extremely well done, the staff should be congratulated for their efforts.

29 March 2014

Harmony Day Project

Harmony Day Project

Harmony Day was held on 21st of March and it promotes cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia their home.
To celebrate Harmony Day, the Goodwood Community Centre held a project called 'Hands for Harmony' in conjunction with the theme 'Everyone Belongs'.
The photos of hands in the bottle represent and celebrate the cultural diversity of our community, from the traditional owners of this land to those who have come from many countries around the world.

Goodwood Oval and Millswood Lawns Consultation Well Attended

I spent most of the day at the consultation days at Goodwood Oval and Millswood  Lawns. Overall there was probably 90+ people who added their views to the consultation at each location. This is in addition to the 250 responses already received by Council. The consultants will now pull together the ideas to develop an improvement plan for the sites. Council will then be asked to accept the plan or make modifications to it, after this it will be put back to the community for further consultation. It was great to catch up with the local residents at both locations.

28 March 2014

DPTI; Not our fault AGAIN

 A recent plea to the state government after several meetings with the local member , Steph key, has resulted in the following response from DPTI.

“DPTI considers that while there would have been traffic pattern changes during recent construction phases of projects in the area, it is considered that these changes would not be ongoing. This is particularly the case for Leader Street now that it has reopened. DPTI therefore considers that the proposed study is essentially a local area traffic study, and hence DPTI is not in a position to contribute to the study. As previously indicated by .............., we would be happy to provide available traffic information, including traffic survey information prior to the commencement of works at Goodwood.

DPTI would also welcome discussing the outcome of the study should there be any implications for State Government assets (eg junction with arterial roads). DPTI will also monitor the operation of the Leader St crossing into the future as train volumes increase. As you would be aware DPTI is intending to grade separate this crossing in the future subject to the availability of funding. "

 So, once again they caused the increased problem, as acknowledged in the second paragraph (increased traffic on Leader St), but will provide no money to reduce traffic volumes and improve safety in the suburb most affected. That is until the build the grade separation,  whenever that might be!!

27 March 2014

Native Foods Expo

Urrbrae Agricultural High School will host an expo run by the SA Native Foods Association on S
aturday  3rd May (10am-4pm). There will be;

  • Tours of the native food trail
  • Speakers
  • Demonstrations
  • Produce/plant stalls
  • Information stalls
  • Meet the growers
  • Talk to industry professionals
  • Refreshments
  • FREE
This coincides with the monthly Barn Market (9am-12pm).

DPA 2 Released for consultation

This is about Black Forest and all residents should read the documents to see how it affects them personally. Don and I will door knock throughout the areas with the most significant planning changes.

The Residential Character, Growth Areas & Council Wide Residential Policy Development Plan Amendment (DPA) was released today on public consultation for a period of 8 weeks.

The DPA focuses on protection of valued neighbourhood character, while targeting new integrated development in areas of mixed character and areas of renewal adjacent to strategic locations, ie close to public transport infrastructure, centre facilities and services.

Revised and new policies affect major areas of the city and include:
Minor expansion of the Residential Streetscape (Built Form) Zone
New residential zones - Residential Streetscape (Landscape) Zone, Residential Zone and Residential Regeneration Zone - to replace existing zones
Revised Council Wide Residential policy
New Council Wide Hazards policy module to consolidate relevant policy
Revised structure and format of the Plan
Edited maps, figures and tables to reflect the new zones and policy

The DPA, and further information, may be viewed on the Unley web-site – Your Say or Development/Development Plan Amendments - or inspected at the Council office and libraries.

Information Sessions where staff will be available to explain the DPA will be held at the Unley Civic Centre at:
        - 1-5pm Sunday 6 April 2014
        - 3-7pm Tuesday 8 April 2014

Written submissions are due by the 22 May 2014 – either by post to PO Box 1, Unley 5061, Fax 8271 4886 or E-mail POBox1@Unley.sa.gov.au.  An on-line feedback form is also available on the web-site. http://yoursay.unley.sa.gov.au/residential-dpa

A Public Meeting will be held at 7 pm on 16 June 2014 at the Unley Civic Centre, Oxford Terrace, Unley, before the Development Strategy and Policy Committee to hear personal presentations.

26 March 2014

Nesting Boxes a hit!

In a recent survey of nesting boxes across the city it was found that 70% had been used for breeding. Evidence exists that a variety of species call the boxes home; these include lorikeets, brush-tail possums, eastern rosellas, parrots and kookaburras. The boxes are also well used by bees and spiders although these are not considered to be welcome guests and those used in this way have had to be refurbished. This is a welcome programme that could easily be expanded.

Full Council Meeting; March 24th 2014

There were deputations this month from Nicole Lewis ( regarding the Black Forest local Area Traffic Management Plan) and Greg Ranson (parking issues associated with the Living Choice development in Fisher St). As well we also heard further deputations regarding Forestville trafffic and regarding 44-46 King William Rd.
Other items included;
  • Call for Motions: ALGA National Assembly 2014;This calls for Councillors to submit their suggestions that could be debated at the national level. PASSED
  • Traffic Impact Authorisation; Minister for Transport; This will allow Council staff to continue to make the decisions that they make concerning traffic and road safety.PASSED
  • Access to  Meetings and Documents-Code of Practice Update; the changes to this are minor PASSED
  • Forestville Reserve Grant; this will allow stage two of the Forestville Reserve upgrade to start, $70,000 of funds have been obtained from the state government, the balance of $70,000 must be met by Council.PASSED
  • Development Plan Amendment Stage 2; Council wish to remove the flood mapping information from the soon to be consulted  DPA. The flood mapping is out of date and no longer considered accurate.PASSED
  • Proposed Changes to the King William Rd Road Reserve; The development at 44-46 King William Rd has been completed without appropriate disability access. To achieve this they have constructed a temporary ramp that is unsuitable. They have proposed to raise and extend the footpath to enable access. This will result in the loss of two car parks. An upside of this is that the footpath would then be able to be used for outdoor dining when currently it is not. Council must decide the value of the lost car parks, the cost of construction as well as if dining permission would be given. The motion suggest that all cost will be borne by the applicant. If Council do not approve this then the applicant will have a building that he cannot use!ADJOURNED
  • Leasing Options for 39 Oxford Tce (CONFIDENTIAL) PASSED. Although it was agreed to allow the minutes to be release the report and detail in it remains confidential. To this end I cannot give you the details of why I was opposed to the lease.
There are also some interesting questions and answers regarding 39 Oxford Tce, Brown Hill Creek, Forestville LATM (will DPTI pay?), tree replacement strategy and the pedestrian refuges in King William Rd

The full agenda can be found at; http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/Agenda%20FCM%2024%20March%202014.pdf

25 March 2014

"Nature Crafts for Aussie Kids"

Kate Hubmayer(Black Forest) has   announced that her first  book was launched by Costa at the fantastic Australian City Farms & Community Gardens Network “Food for Thought” conference in Hobart on the weekend. 
The book contains 15 fun, cheap & easy nature crafts suitable for kids of all ages, plus information on 18 native plants which produce cool seedpods/leaves etc. that are great for crafts.   It’s useful for kids, teachers, parents, grandparents, and anyone who wants to encourage children to unplug from their screens and connect with nature for a while. 
You can purchase the book directly from Kate for $20 or you can buy it online www.yourbooksonline.com.au and have it conveniently delivered to your door.  It might even be available at a bookstore near you in the future.
If you need her email address to contact her please let me know.

23 March 2014

Have your say about corruption in government

Corruption, misconduct and maladministration in government are serious issues. The South Australian Government has recently introduced an Independent Commissioner Against Corruption to investigate these issues across the State. Be part of a survey on corruption, misconduct and maladministration in local government to help improve governance in your State.
Further information, and the survey, can be accessed at; http://www.adelaide.edu.au/professions/research/projects/corruption/ .

Ashford again a Labor seat

After continuing to count pre-poll and postal voting all week it is now clear the Steph Key has won the seat of Ashford for the Labor Party. As you will all be aware she may be in government or opposition, this is yet to be determined. If Labor are in government I look forward to the reopening of Millswood Station in July (for  trial) and  the beautification of the Goodwood Rd underpass. It was a tough competition with a very active and intelligent opponent in Terina Monteagle. I look forward to working with Steph again and thank Terina for all the work she has done in the last year for everyone in the electorate.

22 March 2014

Rail bypass plan pursued

The  article below appeared in the Mount Barker Courier, this follows a similar motion that I put to Unley Council last month. My motion will be debated at the next general meeting of the LGA, this one will also be debated as the proposed outcomes are the same.

I will have some bumper stickers to give away at the consultation next week end (Goodwood Oval and Millswood Lawns) to raise awareness of this issue. If you would like one please let me know.
Mount Barker Courier, Mount Barker SA  by Genevieve Cooper19 Mar 2014

The Adelaide Hills Council has asked the Local Government Association (LGA) to pursue a northern rail freight bypass as a Statewide issue.

Councillors voted unanimously to ask the LGA to discuss the issue at its April general meeting and to agree to lobby for the project with State and Federal governments.

A northern bypass from Murray Bridge to Two Wells, diverting rail freight around the Hills, was a major Federal election issue in 2010.

The Adelaide Hills joined other councils along the railway route, including Mt Barker, Murray Bridge and Mitcham, in lobbying for the project.

The proposal stalled after a $3m Federal Government study found it to be too expensive with options costed at between $1.7b and $2.4b.

Recommendation The study recommended maintaining and upgrading the existing Hills route at a cost of about $600m.

A community task force believes the study inflated the costs and failed to give due weight to the social impacts.

21 March 2014

Traffic woes not isolated

 From reading the article below you might think that Don and I held a view or debated for one way traffic in Canterbury Tce. This is not the case. Council will make a decision about Canterbury Tce at it's April meeting and the recommendation will be to retain two way traffic. Council is not proposing any road restrictions at South Rd, none at all. However, state government (whoever they might be) will be attempting to make South Rd faster, one of the ways to achieve this would be to restrict entry/exit into these streets from South Rd. The Liberals would do it earlier than Labor. We don't wish to spend money in Byron Rd if the Liberals win government and proceed immediately on their South Rd proposal. None of this has been discussed with Council at any level, but a public meeting was held regarding the walk lights at Black Forest Primary School where the matter was discussed.
The other interesting point is that the structure of the Black Forest road network affords little opportunity for the recommendations to change traffic patterns in other suburbs. This is unlike the speed humps in Leah St that have changed traffic patterns not only in Forestville.
Eastern Courier Messenger, Adelaide  by Emmie Dowling
 19 Mar 2014
 "TACKLING Unley's traffic problems street by street is akin to "shuffling deckchairs on the Titanic", an Unley councillor says.
 During debate about whether to spend $130,000 on roadworks in Black Forest at last week's meeting, Cr Michael Saies called on the council to avoid shifting problems from one suburb to another.
 "We need a holistic approach ... the council can't deal with these issues in isolation," Cr Saies told last week's meeting.
 He said fixing traffic problems in Black Forest would be like "shuffling deckchairs on the Titanic ... as soon as you plug up a road precinct, it will affect others".
 Councillors Bob Schnell and John Koumi also agreed that dealing with the issues in isolation would not help.
 Cr Schnell warned against a "patchwork solution", while Cr Koumi was opposed to tackling localised issues without considering the whole district.
 Despite this, the council voted to install concrete traffic islands on the sides of East Ave, just north of Forest Ave and Dunrobin St, and introduce two-hour parking on the eastern side of Hartland Ave, between Aroha Tce and Dunrobin St.
 It came after a consultant found there was heavy traffic and high demand for parking on the streets bounded by East Ave, Aroha Tce, South Rd and the railway corridor.
 The council is considering making Canterbury Tce one-way from East Ave, and installing speed humps in Byron Rd. Councillors Jennie Boisvert and Don Palmer said the government could help solve heavy traffic problems on Byron Rd by blocking entry from South Rd". 

19 March 2014

What's wrong with Meredyth Ave's footpaths?

Staff, along with Don and I took a look at Meredyth Ave's newly constructed footpaths this afternoon. There are a few lessons to be learned in this one for Council and the contractors. The letter sent out to say when the work would begin did not state how long it would take nor did it give a contact email address for the staff member supervising the contract. Generally contractors are told the standard expected and the work is inspected when finished with all faults noted needing to be repaired before the work is signed off and the agreed sum paid. In this case the residents were very unhappy early on and wanted to let Council staff and the contractors know the issues so they could be repaired immediately. Problems occurring included damaged fences, uneven surfaces, trip hazards, sewerage inspection points paved over, uneven levels at driveways,  poor finishes, and damaged driveway surfaces. Residents met with staff to point out the faults and to get a better overview of how this type of contract is managed. They have been assured that all work will be completed and /or repaired to a high standard. The street will look great when finished especially after the verges have been planted and green up.

Page Park; fitness equipment

The equipment will offer a range of different exercises for a whole body workout, including signage to show correct techniques for use. Rubber ‘softfall’ surfacing will also be installed.
Nearby residents will be sent further information this week with more detailed information. Many people have been waiting a long time for this so will be looking forward to seeing it installed in early May.

18 March 2014

Involve Unley-Public Arts Strategy

Council are inviting comment on draft concepts for our new Public Arts Strategy.
The Unley Public Arts Strategy’s aim is to guide and foster a culture of creativity for the City that involves and encourages the arts.
There is an opportunity for the Public Arts Strategy to create a programme of commissioned public arts that stimulates thinking, increases awareness, allows for contemplation and even the posing of new questions about the City of Unley and its community.
The Strategy will consist of a Public Arts Strategy Report (project objectives, principles and framework for art); Action Plan (planning and delivery of public art); Public Arts Policy (Council Policy document) and Analysis and Findings (research and findings).
Please go to Your Say Unley at www.unley.sa.gov.au to read these concepts and express your opinions.

Cromer Pde Footpaths

Residents in Cromer Pde have recently submitted a petition to Council asking that the repaving of their footpaths is included in the 2014/15 budget. Every resident has signed the petition. There is no doubt that the footpath is in a pretty poor state and needs to be surfaced; residents believe it has not been redone for 50 years. Residents are also asking for a wider paved area as they believe the narrower 1.2m will not be adequate for the increased number of pedestrians that they are already seeing using the Greenways route. There are quits a few footpaths still needed to be paved and many are in poor repair. The $1.5mil that Council now puts into footpaths each year is diminishing the outstanding work quickly. This acceleration should see all footpaths paved by 2019. Hopefully, Cromer Pde can be done in 2014/15 as well as a few others in dire need.

17 March 2014

Double Shot of Coffee

I attended this event on Sunday. There was a real buzz from the many people attending;  the coffee stalls and those selling food were really busy. Everyone looked to be having a great time just taking in the atmosphere or catching up with friend and acquaintances. I was told that the food was excellent and the cold coffee tastings  set up by Carnivale well worth a try. This event is definitely a keeper. Maybe next year alternate sites might also be considered as well.

Carnevale's stall

16 March 2014

Unley Life; worth a read

This quarterly publication should be in your letter box this week. Take the time to have a  look and learn about the many things that are happening. Council uses this as an educative tool not just to showcase good news stories. This time the eduction is about food waste. Did you know that 53% of waste in Unley's blue bins is food. All of this can be put in a compostible  bag and put in the green bin. If everyone did this Council's costs would be reduced by almost $100,000 a year.

Other interesting stories include art work on the Glen Osmond Creek linear trail, public art, skating, keeping minds and bodies active (CPCC TOYS),youth sponsorship, knowing your neighbour and selling to the world (from your living room).

Clarence Park Community Centre

The annual newsletter has been distributed to residents. Not only is this a great place to become involved in and to take a course but also to volunteer If you want more information the courses can be found on the Unley website at; http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/Clarence%20Park%202014%20WEB.pdf;
 or call 82938166 to discuss volunteer opportunities. Many of you would be aware of the programmes that are run by the board such as childcare or moving madness but may be unaware of the many other programmes that are run at the centre like English conversation, A
ncient Egypt study or Kumon. Take a look there is sure to be something that interests you  at a time you are able to commit to.

15 March 2014

Are the new noise walls effective?

 I recently asked a series of questions to DPTI regarding the noise screening walls at Goodwood Junction. This was at the request off a particular residents. I have put the answers into my own words but the other comments are mine. What the writer fails to understand is that they are not effective, particularly  ugly and  really a bit like a 'dogs  dinner'.

1.       Why have different treatments been used in different locations? – the purple dots link to the purple branding of Goodwood Rd and create a more playful and interesting environment. The screens sit lightly in their environment. The clear screens  in Lyons Pde give line of sight for the train driver s to Victoria St; like they would have any chance of stopping at 90 km per hour!
2.       Which of these, in order, will provide the best protection for residents? They all provide equal treatment.
3.       Many of the screens have holes or gaps in them, when will these gaps be sealed effectively? – the gaps will be rectified with appropriate flashings some of which has been completed. Where the screens have holes they are not acting as noise walls, and serve another purpose, mostly as a fence or barrier. Probably so but they should be.
4.       Why has the sound proofing not been extended along Arundel Ave even though the passing loop has been moved and the Belair trains now idle further south and the homes are not protected from this noise(or screened). This is not required under the EPA guidelines, and not part of the project scope. Same old answer, the project caused the passing loop to be moved, they have a responsibility to fix the problems caused by this. The residents not only perceive the trains to be louder that actually are louder, they squeal and are awful.
5.       Richards and Nairne Tce have much lower fences ,with gaps underneath them, if light can get through so can sound. These are fences not sound barriers. They have been upgraded to improve the amenity of the area as the old fences were not ideal. Any reduction in noise from the fence is a benefit. Once agin this may be true but they should be acting as sound barriers and for little additional expense could have been.
6.       What attempts are being made to reduce the residential impact of the horns on the electric trains? This is not a project issue but belongs to PTS. Lets blame somebody else, a real answer would tell be what he letters stand for and how to contact them.
7.       Who will be responsible for the removal of graffiti? Within the Corridor PTS, outside the corridor Council. But still when residents ask for the graffiti to be removed that say call Council. Residents are smart enough to know hat Council can and can't do but not DPTI.

Time for Tea

Connection  Neighbour  

Day High Tea

You are invited to an Afternoon
High Tea hosted by
The City of Unley to get to know
your neighbours.
Sunday 30 March 2014
Unley Civic Centre
(181 Unley Road, Unley)
Please invite your neighbour and
RSVP to Debra Oliver on 8372 5494
by 21 March 2014.
Numbers are limited, bookings
Connection and
engagement with
others in our
community are
important for our

13 March 2014

Goodwood Oval Reference Group

The minutes from the last meeting held 5th march are now available at www.goodwoodoval.org. A good way to keep up with the details of this group and to feed in your own ideas and comments. A reminder to make some time on the 29th March to feed in your ideas to the community consultation regarding the oval and Millswood Lawns .

Garage sale Trail

This has been running interstate for a few years and Unley have been asked if we would like to run with it this year. The concept is that everyone holds their garage sale on the same day. This then creates a great opportunity to get rid of your junk or swap it for someone else's. It is promoted as a great opportunity for to enable neighbourly connections, provide a platform for fundraising, stimulate local economies and have fun at the same time. At the same time it promotes an opportunity to promote reuse and  reduce waste to landfill. Sounds like a great idea, should Council promote it?

Banning Bossy

Interesting snippet in today's Advertiser. Should the term bossy be banned? Seems some high profile singers see this as being a term that inhibits girls and woman from becoming leaders. I've been thinking about this as I deal with young people all the time in my work, it's not a word I use very often. Is it true that girls and boys showing the same behaviour traits may be described as bossy or assertive depending on their sex? It will be interesting to see where this matter ends up? There have been plenty of descriptive adjectives and nouns that were perfectly acceptable in my youth that we now no longer use in the same context.

12 March 2014

Managed Acquifer Recharge now operational

The MAR at Ridge Park is now working, it has the potential to divert 60 klitres of water each year from Glen Osmond Creek. While this will reduce the chance of flooding downstream  more importantly it will significantly reduce the amount of mains water that Council will need to purchase resulting in significant cost reduction. The first site to be watered using this water is Unley Oval as early as this evening. Water trucks will also be using this water in the near future.

Full Council Meeting: 11th March 2014

This was an extra meeting as the February meeting (that still went to midnight) was split to allow more time for debate on the issues.
The  items this week included;

  • Acquisition of Property (adjourned from the previous meeting (Confidential)
  • Black Forest-Local Area Traffic Management Plan : this is the topic of two separate blogs. The motion was passed after Don and I changed the motion put to allow additional time before starting the works in Byron Rd as we are concerned that pending changes to South Rd may negate the necessity for change. This should be evident after the election and with further discussion with DPTI.
  • Building and Swimming Pool Inspection Policy; council staff believe that given the high standard of and frequency of current inspection they should not require extra staffing to meet legislative compliance. However, they hope to raise some additional revenue by increasing the application fee.PASSED
  • Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy; who wouldn't want to be reassured that there were enough checks and balances in the system that fraud and corruption would be impossible or easily detected?PASSED
  • Amendments to Elected Members Allowances and Benefits; this is following legislative change and not about a change in remuneration. Since 2010 an independent body, appointed by the current government, has determined the amount individual councillors and mayors are paid. This has been increase by CPI yearly since then. Before the September call for nominations for the November election this body will have to come up with a new number so candidates are aware of exactly how much they will be paid for the work they wish to be elected for. Currently this is about $16,000/year plus additional amounts for mayor (x4),chair of committees and deputy mayor (x1.25), DAP and Centennial Park. PASSED
  • Caretaker policy Review; from the close of nominations on the 16th September until the finalisation of the election results Council is not allowed (by law) to make any decisions related to the hiring or firing of the CEO, any contract greater than $100,000 or allowing council resources to be used to the advantage of some candidates over others. This translates to sitting members over other candidates. This means that sitting members can not use photocopiers, business cards, telephones, etc that have been supplied by council, not even the email addresses for election purposes. PASSED
  • Final Review of the Environment Sustainability Plan; many of the projects have been completed or are under way. These include;
  1. Various community awareness programmes on Climate change,and agreements with Goodwood PS Parkside PS to develop a community garden.
  2. Providing more bicycle racks
  3. Encouraging home based businesses
  4. Lobbying to reopen Millswood Station
  5. Development plan Amendments
  6. Green power 
  7. Trialling solar lighting in parks + 60 other things...  PASSED
  • Quarterly Performance (October -December 2013);PASSED
  • Review of Confidentiality Orders ;PASSED

11 March 2014

Meet and greet went well

Last Sunday Don and I had coffee at Carnivale so we could discuss with residents their concerns about the propose Local Area Traffic Management Plan. While we were not inundated with companions we did get to meet new people and for those present to hear not only our views but also those of  fellow residents. We devised the necessity to let all Councillors know how you feel, not just Don and I, as ultimately all votes count equally at a Council meeting, and for a couple of individuals to ask to make a deputation to the next 2 Council meetings. While those asked seem generally happy with the proposed outcome there are others who aren't. Tonight's meeting is not about the one way/ two way at Canterbury Tc, this will be debated next month.

08 March 2014

An opportunity to volunteer!!

Community Visitors Scheme

The Community Visitors Scheme aims to enrich the quality of life for residents of aged care facilities who have been identified as being socially isolated or lonely and would benefit from a friendly visit by a volunteer.
Volunteers are matched with a resident in an aged care facility who they visit regularly. The Community Visitors Scheme Coordinator will endeavour to match visitors with residents who have similar interests or backgrounds. Most Volunteer Visitors find the friendship as enjoyable and rewarding as the resident does.
Training and support is offered to visitors to assist them to adapt to the role and understand the needs of residents. The Community Visitors Scheme is funded by the Federal Government and supported by the City ofUnley.
Listen to the stories of our older people. Wonderful histories, interesting lives.
CVS Volunteer
Are you a very good listener and love to have a chat? Listening and talking is all that is required. Your commitment, once a week or once a fortnight, is up to you. You can choose the day and time of the week you visit.
Can you give your time to help someone who is lonely? Friendly visiting of a person who is socially isolated living in aged care. Training and Support provided, as well as reimbursement of out of pocket expenses. Visit a person living in a local Residential Aged Care Home.
Please contact Karen Jenkinson - Volunteer Management Officer on 8372 5116 or Lexie Raven - Coordinator of CVS on 8372 5191.
 Making Friends with Older People: Read Article
Read the Unley Life Autumn 2013 Column:Bus buddies
Bringing a Smile to a Mate's Face: Read Article
Visitors Make Days Brighter: Read Article

Movie night at the pool; Sat 22nd March

Come down to the Unley Swimming Center for an enjoyable evening screening the family fun movie Despicable Me 2.
The evening will start with a ‘splash session’ in the pools from 7.15pm to 8.15pm, followed by the movie which will screen from sun down. Food including popcorn and choc tops will be available on the night.
General Admission:
Adults $10           Children $7
VIP Lounge:                       
Adults & Childrean $12
VIP on water seating:   
Group boats $30 (seats 2 adults OR 3 children 8 years and up OR 2 adults and a child)
Individual on water seats $15 (adults and children 8 years and above)
VIP and VIP on water seating is limited.
Tickets available from the Unley Swimming Center from Tuesday 11 March.
For more information please call the Unley Swimming Center on 8372 5456

Coffee, Tea and Poetry

Local cafes in Unley will host performance poets working in
their spaces for around two hours. Most of the time they will
be writing but they will pop up every 10 minutes or so and
read some of their work out to whoever is around!
Please meet, drink and listen to poets in five of our local cafes for
this exciting project in March.

Friday 7 March  2pm-4pm  Rachael Mead
By Blackbird Coffee and Desert Café, Shop 4, 100 King William Road, Hyde Park
Friday 7 March  3pm-5pm  Kerryn Trederea
Pellegrini Café, 169 Unley Road, Unley
Sunday 9 March  12pm-2pm  Sue Reece
Hyde Park Bakery, 1 Mitchell St, Hyde Park
Tuesday 11 March  2pm-4pm  Heather Taylor-Johnson
By Blackbird Coffee and Desert Café, Shop 4, 100 King William Road, Hyde Park
Thursday 13 March  9am-11am  Samuel Williams
Carnevale Coffee, 114 East Ave, Clarence Park
Thursday 13 March  12pm-2pm  Sue Reece 
Hyde Park Bakery, 1 Mitchell St, Hyde Park
Thursday 13 March  1:30pm-3:30pm  Jill Wherry
Lunch Cutters Unley, Shop 29 Unley Shopping Centre, 204 Unley Road
Friday 14 March  9am -11am  Nigel Ford
By Blackbird Coffee and Desert Café Shop, 4, 100 King William Road, Hyde Park
Friday 14 March  3pm – 5pm  Kerryn Trederea
Pellegrini Café, 169 Unley Road, Unley
Saturday 15 March  9am-11am  Heather Taylor-Johnson
Carnevale Coffee, 114 East Ave, Clarence Park
Sunday 16 March Double Shot Unley Coffee Fiesta!

06 March 2014

LATM Recomendations

The recommendations for change are as follows;
  • Replacement of existing single lane slow points in Byron Road with standard two lane road humps or plateaux. 
  • Preparation of an integrated traffic and landscape plan for the section of Canterbury Terrace between Byron Road and East Avenue. 
  • Installation of kerb build outs at several locations along East Avenue. 
  • Installation of a no stopping restriction on the southern side of Dryden Road through the bend into Gordon Road. 
  • Installation of a two hour parking restriction (9 am to 5pm - Monday to Friday) along the eastern side of Hartland Avenue between Aroha Terrace and Dunrobin Street. 
  • Investigate alternative access arrangements for the local shops in Bryon Road and Cowper Road. 
While the Plan also nominates that making Canterbury Tce one way should be investigated the suggested Council motion rejects this recommendation (see Council Agenda). Most of you will be aware that further work on this matter has already occurred and that, while the report is yet to be finalised, will not recommend a one way option. The feedback from the most recent consultation showed the vast majority of respondents  did not want a one way option.

05 March 2014

Millswood Bowls

I keep hearing good stories about Millswood Bowls. The Eastern Courier has picked up on this today and published a great article. I hear the Friday dinners are great. Thanks for the story Emmie Dowling.
SOCIAL lawn bowls has really taken off at Millswood Bowling Club.
More than 50 new players have joined the club in the past six months.
The surge in players comes after it announced in August it may have to close due to dwindling numbers.
The Eastern Courier Messenger reported last year the club needed to double its playing numbers to prevent closure.
A social media campaign and attracting new sponsors helped draw additional members to the club.
Rookie bowler Nick Henrys, 24, has been playing at Millswood socially since October. "It’s a friendly and social place," Mr Henrys, of Goodwood, said. "When we approached the club they were accommodating, trained us and let us borrow bowls to practice at home." Club member Nick Miers said the challenge for Millswood now was to covert social bowlers to the club’s pennant teams.
Mr Miers said they needed another 10 players to join the 18 already playing in its Wednesday and Saturday pennant competitions.
He said the club was also in discussions with Unley Council over a possible clubroom upgrade.
A For more information or to become a member or social bowler, phone the club on 8271 3172.

Black Forest Local Area Traffic Management Plan

The details of this are now available at;

The Council report that will be debated at 7pm on Tuesday 11th is at;

If you are interested in the recommended outcomes this should make some great reading. I have not yet had time to read the full report but I hope to have a summary up early tomorrow.
Don and I will be having coffee at Carnivale on Sunday 9th from 2pm to 4pm if you would like to share your views. Otherwise feel free to email or give me a call or post a comment on this blog or the one I am yet to write. If you feel very strongly and want all of Council to hear your views then please let the Mayor and CEO know that you wish to make a deputation to the meeting before Friday afternoon.

04 March 2014

Another argument to reopen Millswood Station

The RAA recently launched this video clip showing just how slow traffic movement now is on both South and Goodwood Rd. While they use it as an argument for better roads and better public transport it also demonstrates how much a reopened Millswood Station would be appreciated by the local community. The time to drive into the city would be considerably less an no parking required!!

'Our Neighbourhood' Grants

The Our Neighbourhood Grants are Australia Post’s new community relations program that “aims to build healthier, more vibrant and more inclusive communities across Australia”.  The program considers applications to fund all sorts of initiatives to build capacity, strengthen community spirit and develop community leadership.   The 4 key focus areas are:
Providing all Australians with access to essential products and services - as well as the knowledge to use these services to connect in both the physical and digital world
Maintaining a diverse, inclusive workplace that values the contribution made by people from varying backgrounds and neighbourhoods across our nation
Investing in programs and activities that foster community spirit, connect communities and contribute to building a more inclusive Australia
Providing support to Australian communities in times of major crisis
Funding is provided to community organisations as one-off cash payments of up to $10,000.  Applications are open now and close on Friday 4th April 2014 – so there’s plenty of time to prepare a submission.
I can think of several community organisations that fit this criteria and there may be many many of you that know of or work with organisations that do. For more information please click the link.


03 March 2014

Fitness Equipment; Page Park

The new fitness equipment to replace the old equipment that has been slowly removed over a number years (as it has worn out) has been ordered and will be installed in a few weeks time. A lesson from this for Council is that new installations need to be maintained and either kept in good condition or replace like for like (or new) as it inevitably wears out. Hopefully, the new stuff will become a favourite destination for many.

01 March 2014

Timeline for Millswood Complexes Consultation

Now is the time to have Your Say on what it is you like about both Goodwood Oval and Millswood Lawns as well as ideas for change and improvement. One recently floated idea has been to encourage at least one food van to sell coffee near the playground or barbecue areas. These ideas will have been collated by the Open day on Sat 29th March (9:30-12.30 Goodwood and 1-4pm Millswood). On that day you will be able to see the suggestions of others, say if you like them or not and still have an opportunity to add your own ideas into the mix.
The consultants are also talking to the clubs that make either location their home.
Following this there will be meetings held with the Millswood Lawns users and all Councilors and also the Goodwood Oval users and the Goodwood Oval Reference Group with all Councillors.This will be the first week in April.
There will then be an elected member briefing in early May, a further combined session with all stakeholders before a draft is sent out to the Community for their opinion.

Parklet for King William Road

This week Council will be setting up a parklet in the King William Rd (near Doran's). It will be there to enjoy the autumn sunshine until the end of the week. Staff will be available to ask your opinion about KWR on various topics.

King William Rd_a destination and place

King William Road – a destination and place

King William Road is a much loved destination for both the local Unley community and for the wider Adelaide metropolitan area. With a unique mix of boutique retail, dining and services, it is an active precinct offering a diversity of attractions. With appropriate planning and investment there is the potential to further capitalise on its cosmopolitan feel and heritage character.
King William Road – a destination and place is an exciting project enhancing the retail heart and ensuring it remains a world class shopping destination that attracts visitors wanting a unique retail experience. The project will provide the plan for the long term direction, incorporating opportunities for growth and investment.  Attracting more people into the King William Road precinct, as residents, employers, employees, commuters and visitors is the key to ensuring the precincts long term vibrancy and sustainability.
King William Road – a destination and place is a compelling opportunity to build on the success of the precinct, to realise its full potential and establish a place where the community can truly participate in everything the region has to offer. Are you a shopper, retailer, employee or someone willing to share your experience of King William Road?

Please take the time to complete a survey here

Image: Hassell