The items this week included;
- Acquisition of Property (adjourned from the previous meeting (Confidential)
- Black Forest-Local Area Traffic Management Plan : this is the topic of two separate blogs. The motion was passed after Don and I changed the motion put to allow additional time before starting the works in Byron Rd as we are concerned that pending changes to South Rd may negate the necessity for change. This should be evident after the election and with further discussion with DPTI.
- Building and Swimming Pool Inspection Policy; council staff believe that given the high standard of and frequency of current inspection they should not require extra staffing to meet legislative compliance. However, they hope to raise some additional revenue by increasing the application fee.PASSED
- Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy; who wouldn't want to be reassured that there were enough checks and balances in the system that fraud and corruption would be impossible or easily detected?PASSED
- Amendments to Elected Members Allowances and Benefits; this is following legislative change and not about a change in remuneration. Since 2010 an independent body, appointed by the current government, has determined the amount individual councillors and mayors are paid. This has been increase by CPI yearly since then. Before the September call for nominations for the November election this body will have to come up with a new number so candidates are aware of exactly how much they will be paid for the work they wish to be elected for. Currently this is about $16,000/year plus additional amounts for mayor (x4),chair of committees and deputy mayor (x1.25), DAP and Centennial Park. PASSED
- Caretaker policy Review; from the close of nominations on the 16th September until the finalisation of the election results Council is not allowed (by law) to make any decisions related to the hiring or firing of the CEO, any contract greater than $100,000 or allowing council resources to be used to the advantage of some candidates over others. This translates to sitting members over other candidates. This means that sitting members can not use photocopiers, business cards, telephones, etc that have been supplied by council, not even the email addresses for election purposes. PASSED
- Final Review of the Environment Sustainability Plan; many of the projects have been completed or are under way. These include;
- Various community awareness programmes on Climate change,and agreements with Goodwood PS Parkside PS to develop a community garden.
- Providing more bicycle racks
- Encouraging home based businesses
- Lobbying to reopen Millswood Station
- Development plan Amendments
- Green power
- Trialling solar lighting in parks + 60 other things... PASSED
- Quarterly Performance (October -December 2013);PASSED
- Review of Confidentiality Orders ;PASSED
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