29 August 2021

Carbon Neutral by 2023

A report was brought to Council this week that outlined the cities carbon neutrality by 2030. After on failed motion and a failed amendment the Council agreed to become carbon neutral by 2023. This can be achieved by purchasing carbon credits. The report was detailed and outlines what the Council can do to reduce its own footprint and how carbon credits would be needed to ever achiev carbon neutrality. The fact is it is impossible to plant the number of trees needed and we have now here to plant them even by 2030. This will also involve working with residents to encourage each of them to reduce waste and live more simply as well as planting trees/evgetation in their own backyards.

Clarence Park Ward briefing update

 As you are aware we meet every three months for a update from staff regarding items/issue in the ward. This week we discussed:   


  • Millswood Croquet clubrooms: These are proceeding and have gone to tender. Approval for a slightly larger footprint is being applied for as a development amendment. The club will fund the extras.
  • Goodwood Oval: the replacement of the dog bowl near the new construction and the perceived increased noise from the sirens during games: At public request the dog bowl that was removed during construction of the grandstand will be replaced near the toilet are. Council will also determine if the more frequent sirens from the oval (as there are more games) are  too loud.
  • Redevelopment of Mills St: The drainage works are about to be commenced. The rebuilding of the street will start soon after the completion of the drainage works. This is a project that has been fought hard for and long awaited by residents.
  • Status of the Goodwood Oval hockey ground: Council will soon consult the community to see what they want in this area if and when the hockey depart.
  • Leasing of Page Park tennis courts: Headstart have been allowed to trial a youth program at the courts. This will mostly be in an after school timeslot.
  • Turf at Page Park: The new turf looks pretty tired. Staff are hoping to see a recovery with warmer weather and watering
  • Parking near the Clarence Park kindergarten: This remains a concern. Staff  believe that there is plenty of unrestricted parking available in Kelvin Ave for long term parking.
  • Leases at Goodwood Oval: These will be discussed by councillors at a briefing on Sept 20th.
  • Commuter parking in Aroha Tce and surrounding streets: This issue seems never to resolved as more people opt to park in these streets and commute to the city.
  • Stormwater management: Home Rd will be designed in 2021 and constructed in 2022, Wilson Ave will be done soon and Hammond St will be designed and constructed this financial year.

Funding for Clarence Park Station Upgrades

Before our rally last Saturday both political parties had agree to fund an upgrade of Clarence Park Station worth at least $1.6 million.  These upgrades will include better safety devices, changes to the ramps and a better looking station. It was great to see bi-partisan support. For the Liberals this will come from the $99 million already committed, if re-elected, to upgrades and for Labor an election promise. There is also money in the Liberal party's promise for Goodwood Station.

Council meeting: August 23rd, 2021

You might find the following of interest?

There are too many hedges like this one.

  • Petition re 11 Addison Ave: Over 270 residents have asked that the Council purchase a portion of 11 Addison Ave to save the lemon scented gum and to allow for further plantings of trees with the potential to become significant.
  • Culross Ave Traffic Management Assessment: The residents in this street feel that their amenity has been compromised by intense development on or near Fullarton Rd. While the report argued that  a road closure was not necessary the Council decided to further investigate.
  •  Conservation Grant Policy Review: This policy will incorporate both significant and regulated trees (for pruning) and contributory houses in conservation zones.
  • Community Event Sponsorship:10 applications will be full or partially funded; these include money for the Goodwood Saints to run a family fun day at Goodwood Oval and money toward a spring festival at Goodwood Primary School.
  • Animal Management Plan: this was an update matched with intended goals.
  • Single Use Plastic Bags Update: This was also an update, Council will meet for a briefing next week to discuss ways forward.
  • Unley Oval Stage 2 Development: Council agreed for this to go ahead as it is now fully funded with additional monies from the Federal government and the Sturt Football Club.
  • Outdoor Dining Permit Fees: These will be scrapped for this financial year
  • Front Boundary Hedges: This report will be the start of developing a policy that is manageable and will reduce the incident of infringing hedges.
  • Property Acquisition: CONFIDENTIAL

14 August 2021

Rally for Clarence Park Station safety upgrades

 The 21st August at 1pm will be a good time to beat at Clarence Park Station to rally for much needed safety upgrades. We have a yes from all major  candidates at the next election and hopefully all will reiterate their promises for action. This will be a COVIC-19 safe event so please remember to wear a mask if attending. 

AUGUST 2021 newsletter this week.

 Yes it is a new newsletter even though it says April at the top. It seems that it doesn't matter how often you check things you can always miss the obvious. While I'm pretty good at making mistakes myself this one belongs to Don who accidently sent the printers a draft that was not the final one. It makes a good read anyway.