30 May 2020

The Advertiser analyses Development Applications for tree removal

Keeping Unley leafy for future generationsThe paper reviewed 581 applications asking for tree removal in 2018/19. Of these only 31 were refused the other 550 were approved. Legislation states that trees are regulated if their girth is 2 metres and significant if it is 3 metres or more. Anyone wishing to remove or prune such a tree must apply for removal. One third of the applications were for significant trees. Unley had the second highest refusal rate with 5 refusals but still allowed nearly 80% of applications to be successful. Many of these do not come to the Council Assessment Panel for approval.

Recommendations for change include:

  • Changing planning laws to encourage retention
  • Redefining what the terms mean and at what point they kick in. As an example significance used to be reached at 2.5 m
  • Requiring replacement of trees removed on the same site
  • Ensuring all new developments have at least one tree planted before handover. And that this tree be maintained
  • Incentives to retain  trees
  • Valuing trees at their real value and insisting that this value is paid to Council when approval is given.
  • Unley has just completed its new Tree Strategy, it worth a read.   https://www.unley.sa.gov.au/files/assets/public/council/about-the-council/city-of-unley-tree-strategy-2020.pdf 

New call for refunds on wine bottles!

Broken Glass Wine Bottles On A White Background Stock Image ...This week East Waste  have called for  wine bottles to be included on the container deposit refund scheme. The LGA has held this view for some time as well and its not that long since Council supported such an initiative. Households dispose of, on average, 21 kgs of glass each year most of which finds its way into the recycle bins. However, the bottles are prone to breakage either in the bin or when being processed by the pick up truck and the shattered glass contaminates the remainder of the waste. Community consultation is likely to happen later in the year.

21 May 2020

Which bin training

Now is the perfect time to learn more about how we can reduce our waste and live more sustainably.
The City of Unley have sponsored a series of Which Bin presentations, virtual recycling tours and online ‘hands-on’ tutorials, provided by KESAB environmental solutions specifically for Unley residents.
If you could promote these presentations via your blogs, Facebook, Ward contacts, the more the merrier to get the messages out there, would be great. (or if already on Facebook, they may want to share the posts on KESAB environmental solutions, page)
For more information and to register, head to http://www.kesab.asn.au/events/Waste Management Strategy 2011 -2015

Your say time on cycling upgrade

Wayville residents: Mike Turtur Bikeway needs to be fixed | Messenger

The Mike Turtur Bikeway is a strategic cycling route that runs adjacent the Glenelg Tramline
between Adelaide and Glenelg. It is Adelaide’s busiest shared-use route used by more than
1,000 people daily.
The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), in partnership with the City of
Unley (Council), has developed a Concept Design which proposes to substantially upgrade the
Mike Turtur Bikeway, along the southern side of the tram corridor between Musgrave Street and
King William Road. This section is an important local connection between Goodwood and
Wayville and provides direct access to Tram Stop 2 – Wayville.
The proposed Bikeway upgrade will deliver the following key elements:
• Wider shared-use path for pedestrians and cyclists (typically 4.0m wide)
• New bitumen path to replace the existing aged pavers, with improved surface
treatments to protect existing trees
• Upgraded LED path lighting
• Improved accessibility to Tram Stop 2 (Wayville) from Bendall Avenue
• A greener corridor inclusive of new trees and low shrubs
To accommodate the wider path, it will be necessary to remove a number of existing trees along
the corridor, including some significant and regulated trees.
For further information, DPTI and Council invite you to view the Concept Design and seek your
comments and feedback via a survey on the City of Unley YourSay page, by no later than Sunday
8 June 2020. https://yoursay.unley.sa.gov.au/turtur-bikeway
We look forward to receiving your comments regarding this exciting and important project which
is being delivered in collaboration between DPTI and Council for the benefit of the wider
community. Should you require any further clarification or have any concerns please contact
DPTI Community Relations on 1300 794 880 or Ben Willsmore, Manager of City Design. City of
Unley on 8372 5111

17 May 2020

Special Council Meeting: May 18th 2020

This meeting has been called to discuss a number of options that may assist small businesses dealing with the impacts of COVID-19 as a result of Australian and State restrictions. Council will discuss waiving or discounting the 4th quarter rates before they fall due.
We will discuss eligibility criteria and the effect on the operating surplus for the current year. Council has already offered at least $1.1 million  in support by:

  • Deferring rate payments until August 31st for all ratepayers
  • Postponing debt collection of outstanding rates
  • Encouraging ratepayers to seek a payment plan beyond August 31st
  • Waiving lease fees for Council lessees where their business has been closed or restricted by law
  • Offering a 50% discount to Council lessees when experiencing financial hardship (30%)
  • Not increasing the rates for 2020/2021
  • Reducing the  separate marketing levee  for Main Street associations
At this point in time 13 businesses have applied for rate relief. The report asks Council to consider between a full rate rebate for the 4th quarter, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% or nor rate relief beyond a postponement to pay.

12 May 2020

Springbank Education Review

Many of you have expressed to me an opinion about this school. now is the time to have your say about its future and about the change this cause to the zoning of some of Clarence Park's suburbs.

A 3 month review will consider the best interests of current and future students living in the Springbank Secondary College zone, exploring the impact of closing the campus and merging the zone into Unley High School.

Submission dates 

Submissions will be accepted from Monday 11 May to Friday 29 May. 

Review process

Local families, educators and the broader community in the inner south of Adelaide will be invited to provide feedback on the future secondary education needs of young people in the area. 
A key focus of this review includes the families of students with special needs.
All interested parties are invited to submit written submissions from Monday 11 May.
To make a submission write to:
Springbank Educational Review
Email: Education.SouthMetroReview@sa.gov.au
Post: Level 10, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
The committee will meet regularly to consider the views of interested parties and will provide recommendations informed by the feedback received. 

10 May 2020

A better Boothby

A Better Boothby - Home | Facebook
 A Better Boothby is pleased to present Lunch With A Local - a series of free 30 minute lunchtime webinars where they meet and discuss important issues with inspiring Boothby locals.

 You are welcome to join them  for some of these events.

The webinars will be on Tuesday and Thursday each week at noon. There’s facebook events for each, which I’d really appreciate if you would share with your constituents and other networks. You can find these at: https://www.facebook.com/pg/abetterboothby/events/

Playgrounds re-opened

Following the decision by the government last week that playgrounds could reopen Council staff were busy cleaning and sanitising early in the week and had all playgrounds open in a couple of days. They will be cleaned and sanitised each Monday and Friday for the time being.

02 May 2020

Cromer Pde sugar gums

Jennie Boisvert - Councillor for Clarence Park Ward: January 2014
From happier times

These beautiful trees have recently been assessed by an arborist and most have been found to be in good health. However, the most northerly tree is in poor health. Residents will be consulted in due course after a development application has been lodged with Council for the removal of the tree.

Zero rates for all businesses ???

I read in Thursday' s paper of a proposal by Peter Malinauskas  (Leader of the Opposition) that
Councils were not doing enough to help businesses in the COVID-19 climate. This sounds like an idea worth considering until you start to wonder who will be required to make up the shortfall of rates? Council is  currently consulting on a 0% rate rise instead of an anticipated 2.1% ( (CPI +1%). In a $40 mill budget that a shade over $800,000 that council has forgone giving equal relief to every ratepayer. However, if we lose our rate base from businesses this could be into the millions on top of this amount. One ratepayer alone pays approx $400,000 in rates.  This additional amount would mean that the rate burden shifts to residential property and a significant loss in service from what our residents expect. On top of that state government wants councils to be on top of their game and have projects ready to build as the situation eases. Thankfully, the bill has been put on hold for a week or two and he might change his mind. I have seen some change in the easing of restrictions already. I've gone back work in  classrooms that are full of students (80%) and a renewed enthusiasm from them. I also manage to get hair cut this morning!

Full Council meeting 27th April 20220

You might find the following of interest:

  • Variation to Code of Practice: The COVID-19 restrictions meant that this time we worked from home using zoom
  • This means we also had to change the place of the meeting (each Councillor was at home, the staff were making it work in the Council Chamber
  • Main street Association Funding: this proved to be a well debated topic as Cr Russo asked us to consider reducing the amount collected by 5%  by not charging rate unto March 2021. While the sentiment was support Council decided to consult the community with the amount associations have suggested and let the traders let us know if they would prefer a lower rate in the dollar. This is a levee collected separately to rates
  • Annual Business Plan; this was approved for consultation with a o% rate rise. https://yoursay.unley.sa.gov.au/business-plan-long-term-financial-plan
  • Council is also consulting on the Long Term Financial Plan
  • Keswick Barracks and Surrounding Area: this re-looked at the plan that Council had developed in 2009 to get the truth in the public realm.
  • Lease Fee Relief: Council will now set in place some rules about which businesses can apply for relief and under what circumstances. This is for Council tenants only.