The Mike Turtur Bikeway is a strategic cycling route that runs adjacent the Glenelg Tramline
between Adelaide and Glenelg. It is Adelaide’s busiest shared-use route used by more than
1,000 people daily.
The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), in partnership with the City of
Unley (Council), has developed a Concept Design which proposes to substantially upgrade the
Mike Turtur Bikeway, along the southern side of the tram corridor between Musgrave Street and
King William Road. This section is an important local connection between Goodwood and
Wayville and provides direct access to Tram Stop 2 – Wayville.
The proposed Bikeway upgrade will deliver the following key elements:
• Wider shared-use path for pedestrians and cyclists (typically 4.0m wide)
• New bitumen path to replace the existing aged pavers, with improved surface
treatments to protect existing trees
• Upgraded LED path lighting
• Improved accessibility to Tram Stop 2 (Wayville) from Bendall Avenue
• A greener corridor inclusive of new trees and low shrubs
To accommodate the wider path, it will be necessary to remove a number of existing trees along
the corridor, including some significant and regulated trees.
For further information, DPTI and Council invite you to view the Concept Design and seek your
comments and feedback via a survey on the City of Unley YourSay page, by no later than Sunday
8 June 2020.
We look forward to receiving your comments regarding this exciting and important project which
is being delivered in collaboration between DPTI and Council for the benefit of the wider
community. Should you require any further clarification or have any concerns please contact
DPTI Community Relations on 1300 794 880 or Ben Willsmore, Manager of City Design. City of
Unley on 8372 5111