What an insult to the hard work that we, as Councillors, do in our Community. They might be small and local but they do matter. I'm referring to the Opinion on Page 13 of the The Advertiser this morning from David Penberthy. This is in response to voter turn out predicted to be just above 20% in the concluding Council elections. The count is tomorrow. There seems to have been a flurry of interest in Unley over the election but the turnout more than likely is damaged by there not being a campaign for mayor.
Is it too arduous to have to vote twice in one year? It takes about 30 seconds to fill in the ballot.
Is it because people only know how to vote if the candidate is Liberal or Labor? In local government you vote for the person. this is just another call to politicise local government. We don't need it and it will not lead to better outcomes.
Can what we do be done better by others? Maybe, but if we don't need a level of government it would be the state government whose work is duplicated increasingly often by federal government. The question would then be; can councils perform some of the business of state government better?
The truth is that if you haven't voted you will get the candidate that others wanted and you will have no reason to complain if the decisions your council make are not to your taste.
I remember soon after the last election being a a gathering at Goodwood Oval where one resident was quite vocal. He commented loudly that I should be working hard for him, even reminded me that I had knocked on his door and made some promises. To this I answered "Yes, I remember, you're the person who told me that you wouldn't vote for me." Silence ensued.