- Nuisance trees
- North-South corridor: DIT will shortly commence their own Local Traffic Management Plan regarding what will need to happen in local streets after and during the construction of the new road,
- Street Seeping: most streets are swept every 3 to 6 weeks depending on the type of street tree and time of year. Residents can request extra sweeps if they feel it is required. Council will soon have a second sweeper which will better allow for additional sweeping and make the actual sweep time more predictable.
- Victoria St: there has been some additional parking allowed on the street to slow traffic.
- Aged Care Development on Victoria St has commenced: the construction may take two years.
- Millswood Croquet Clubrooms: rebuild has commenced.
- Mills St: drainage works are complete and traffic management changes are nearing completion.
- Page Park: consultation regarding use is nearing completion.
- Stormwater Management: Hammond Ave and Wilson Ave should be completed this year. Homer Rd the following year
- Dunrobin St: will be fully reconstructed in 22-23
I have represented the Ward in 1995-7 and again from 2006 to the present time. I find being your representative on Council to be very rewarding. Please find out more about current items that I think are of interest as well as my achievements for the Ward and plans for the future.
28 February 2022
Ward Briefing Feb 2022
15 February 2022
E Scooters for Unley trial
Unley's significant tree register
This register was added to the Unley Development Plan earlier in the century and is in need of being updated. It was transferred into the new development code but:
- Many of the trees are missing or have been removed (legally or illegally)
- Many of the trees no longer meet the current criteria
11 February 2022
Clarence Park CC: programs for children
Playgroup returning Monday 14 February 10am – 12 noon
0-5 Years
06 February 2022
Page Park: Your say on dogs.
The action under Council's Animal Management Plan requires review of the existing shared use arrangements for Page Park, specifically related to dogs on/off leash. As part of this, Council are commencing engagement with the community to test the demand, identify any improvements/changes needed in relation to dogs and also address any concerns that arise.
This survey will be hosted via Council’s Your Say Unley engagement platform and is live now and runs until Sunday 27th February. Community sessions at the park at 8am and 5pm next Wednesday, Feb 9th, so feel free to pop in for a chat with staff. Click here for more information; https://yoursay.unley.sa.gov.au/page-park
02 February 2022
Synthetic grass on verges.
I read an update on this in the press last week. As many of you are aware Council now discourages the use of synthetic grass on verges. It has been discouraged as the surface temperature of the grass can be worse than bitumen; so while the green effect is attractive it is contributing the the heat island effect in our streets. There is no restriction to the use of this on private property. Some other Councils have gone so far as to request residents to remove existing grass, however, Unley has not.
Your Say: Disability and Inclusion
The new Disability Action and Inclusion Plan is now available for you to have your say. Please click the link to read the draft plan that was approved for consultation by Council on Monday night. Hopefully, we have got most things right but I'm sure someone will have some additional ideas that are worth including?