The following items may be of interest:
Mayor’s leave of absence: The mayor has
requested leave of absence for 3 months. While he has forgone the use of his
Council car, phone , etc. he will still be paid his usual allowance. He is
likely to chair the December meeting and then take further leave or resign in
January. PASSED
Leicester St Park-Dogs Off-Leash: dog owners
have proved very forceful in their quest to have a small fenced off area for
dogs in this small park. Successful enough to have this as an Agenda item and
to have convinced at least one of their ward councillors to go against staff recommendation
and proceed. Staff have recommended that this is unnecessary as other nearby
parks already provide this facility. What the staff recomended PASSED
Environmental health Food Safety Audits: It is
mandated that food suppliers to vulnerable or at risk people must be regulated
audited, at their own expense. Council has 26 businesses that meet these
criteria. Council now has a trained staff member that can carry out the audits.PASSED
Cleansing Review: The recent trial of cleaning
using a developed strategic hierarchy has resulted in a one off saving of
$300,000 and ongoing savings of $100,000 per year. While there were more
complaints to start with these have now decreased to a level no higher than what
previously existed. All roads are cleaned now at least every 6 weeks and as
often as weekly. All footpaths are cleaned 3 times per year plus extras during
heavy leaf fall.PASSED
Nairne Tce Forestville: The plans for this have
been revised, with consultation, Council
will plant all new trees in the footpath (rather than the street) to retain
more parking. PASSED
Unley Oval Ancillary Matters: Given the recent development
approval of the planned Grandstand upgrades there are some minor matters that need addressing: these
include when to build the canteen, additional shedding (6 metre longer) and to
allow 41 Oxford Tce to be used a builders yard during construction. As I am no
longer likely to be on the DAP (I am proxy for Cr Salaman) I think I’ll express
opinions that may be contrary to the recommendation.PASSED
Representative Creative France SA Committee; Cr
Rabbitt has been doing this PASSED
Motions with Notice:
Opportunities on Existing Facilities and Assets;
I have put in this motion, with support of residents, as they are concerned (as
am I) that the Civic Centre site has not been discussed by Council following
the decisions that were included in the Development Plan Amendment earlier this
year. It is easy for us, as Councillors, to start to leave too many decisions
to the new council (to be elected, Nov 2018) and become hamstrung in decision
making. The motion suggests that staff start considering options and
possibilities. PASSED
Significant and/or Regulated Tree Removal; Cr
Salaman has called for Council to lobby the LGA to communicate with the
Minister that all significant and regulated trees are assessed by accredited arborists
only and that the arborist doing the assessment is not in line to get the job
to remove the tree, if an application is successful.PASSED