31 December 2017

A final update for 2017

The recent break in the GAP
pipeline in the South Parklands has caused some headaches for staff. While temporary repairs have seen flow restored to some area an alternate supply will need to be provided to water Goodwood Oval and Forestville Reserve for the next few weeks

Council has won a Smart Cities grant from the Federal Govt  for a technology upgrade/demonstration in Heywood Pk. The intention is to use Heywood Park as a pilot for other key parks and show how smart technology can enhance the area for all users. The concept involves aspects such as smart lighting for pathways and highlighting key features, sensors, smart bins, potentially a charger for electric cars, smart signage, etc. This will add to the Fund My neighbourhood grant for additional play equipment

Tree fellers have been removing a significant number of trees from a property on the corner of Jaffrey St and Greenhill Rd. As all were less than 2 m in diameter no notification was required by the developer. Once again state legislation has let down residents by watering down legislation. Some 5 large trees remain on the site that will need to be approved or refused by the Council Assessment Panel

22 December 2017

Merry Xmas

The Boisvert tree this year

I hope everyone has time to be with their families and to enjoy being with them. Merry Xmas.

20 December 2017

Unley:like a breath of fresh air!

It's good to be reminded about how well things are going as well as the occasional complaint and/or suggestion for improvement. Yesterday as I was walking through a carpark off  Unley Rd a woman a bicycle stopped to chat after yelling out 'Hello Jennie'. This has happened before but not from someone I haven't seen since leaving school. She had recently received her copy of the Unley Life and noticed that I was a councillor earlier in the  week. We had a good chat but not before she assured me that working with Unley  City Council
was like  breath of fresh air compared to...............

A sea of purple

This is just one front garden and verge of many that look absolutely wonderful this year. Don and I have just finished letterboxing our newsletter. Its good to put thoughts on paper occasionally and this allows us to update those that just want a quick catch up.

People pressure won the day.

Yesterday the final decision was released on the so called 'catalyst' sites that John Rau wanted to set aside for immediate high-rise development. Due to enormous public pressure he has decided to not include 301-5 Unley Rd after receiving over 200 representations. Also not included were a site on Norwood Pd, Magill Rd and Mile End. However, he did include the new sites suggested by developers witout any further consultation with residents. I note the site on Anzac Hwy, near KFC, has now been fenced off ready for demolition. This is an enormous site and residents will be lucky if they get to have any say at all.

18 December 2017

How to choose the right bike

Before you join the Tour Down Under you need the right bike! Gain expert tips from Patrick Jonker, former Olympian and Tour Down Under winner. Along with Avanti Plus Unley, we are presenting a practical information session where you will learn about the different styles of bike, what's best for you and what else you need to consider when purchasing a bicycle. For all ages. 

THURSDAY 11 JANUARY, 7 - 8PM      
Free, bookings essential, phone 8372 5100 or book online

Demystifying Wills, Estates & the Law

Tackle the mysteries of making your will and discover the ways you can make sure your last requests are handled correctly. 

TUESDAY 9 JANUARY book online 
- Preparing your estate plan - Explaining wills, enduring powers of attorney, and advance care directives
TUESDAY 13 FEBRUARY book online 
- Executors - Who should I appoint & what do they have to do?
TUESDAY 13 MARCH book online 
- Challenging wills - Will disputes and inheritance claims
TUESDAY 10 APRIL book online 
- The dangers of DIY will kits
TUESDAY 8 MAY book online 
- Estate planning for complex/blended families
TUESDAY 12 JUNE book online 
- What is probate & what happens to a family member's estate upon death? 

10.30 - 11.30AM, GOODWOOD LIBRARY 
Free, bookings essential, phone 8372 5100 or book online above. 

14 December 2017


Did you, your family, or your descendants come from afar?  China, Russia, Germany, Italy, Greece, or anywhere else outside of Australia?  WE WANT YOU!
We want to hear about the experiences of migrants to Unley, whether they be your stories or your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, we are eager to paint the picture of Unley through our cosmopolitan community's eyes.  Our great city is a colourful melting pot of culture and we would love to hear from as many people as possible.  We are hoping to share photographs, or mementos that were brought from overseas or handed down through your family and stories to bring our cosmopolitan history to life.
If you would like to be part of this project, which will happen during March and April, or would like more information please contact the Unley Museum by emailing museum@unley.sa.gov.au.

Showtime at the Museum!

Missing the Royal Adelaide Show?  Visit our exhibition Showtime and explore the history of the Royal Adelaide Show, with an Unley twist! See the Ferris wheel model, prize medals, try your had at some show style competitions and design your own showbag!
UNTIL 10 FEBRUARY 2018      

10 December 2017

Council Amagamations : Back in the spotlight

The current boundaries
Today's Sunday Mail today published the results of a community survey that they had undertaken. It shows that 64.7 % of those surveyed preferred a super council for the wider Adelaide area. It then goes on to give both sides of the argument.

People vote for this because they have been led to believe that amalgamations reduce the rates when this has not been shown to be true. Forced amalgamations nearly always leave a very poor taste in the mouths of those most affected. While  Council size of 100,000 people in inner Adelaide may be worth a conversation sometime in the future Greater Brisbane has 1 Councillor representing 42,500 persons (Council size is 1.2million). This is almost as big as all of South Australia, Councillors are full time and Councils are run or party lines. Is this what we want here?  More Liberal,  Labor and even NXT invading Local Government. It is truly independent at the moment and should stay that way.

Full Council meeting; Dec 11th 2017

The following may be of interest:

  • Tree Policy: This changes the Vegetation Management Policy to a Tree Policy. Hopefully, this will be able to better inform staff and result in a overall improvent on tree health and tree canopy.
  • Community Engagement Charter: This Charter hopes that by consulting widely in the planning process that no further consultation should be necessary. This could be true, but only if approval is only guaranteed if it confirms to the guidelines and all else is refused. Given that it is human nature to try to change the rules and exceed the boundaries I believe that consultation should always be allowed at the individual site level.
  • Stormwater Management Authority: This call for the nomination of a Council member or employee to the Authority.
  • Expression of Interest to Host a 2019 Stage / Finish for the Tour Down Under: Wouldn’t irt be good to have a finish instead of a start?
  • Conservation Grants: These have been oversubscribed with the recommendation of proportionally smaller amounts per application for each eligible applicant rather than trying to decide if some were more worthy than others. This points to the fact that the funding Council has made available is way too low.
  • Code of Conduct Report (CONFIDENTIAL)
  • Property Acquisition Opportunity (CONFIDENTIAL)

05 December 2017

Watch Around Water

Watch around water encourages the public to be vigilant around water, especially when watching young children. Unley pool is considering creating phone free zones in and around waters in the swimming centre as they are distractive when watching children and barrier to family interaction.  What a great idea.

Ignite Outdoor Cinema

If it warm and dry on Friday evening why not head over to Forestville Reserve with the kids and a blanket to see The Grinch That Stole Christmas. As well as the cinema there will also be markets, food trucks, Santa and twinkly lights. Open from 6pm to enjoy. If you are so inclined you can also have a swim for $1. Wet kids and late cinema doesn't appeal to me but either would be a treat.

03 December 2017

Tree Tags in Parks

 Over Spring/Summer 2017,  Council are using tree tags to highlight the benefits of trees and increase our community’s awareness of the value of trees.

Each tag has information specific to that tree such as its species name, height, ability to remove pollution from the air and more.

There are 80 tags spread across the following six locations:
  • Goodwood Oval - Curzon Avenue, Millswood
  • Page Park - Corner Cross Road and East Avenue, Clarence Park
  • Unley Civic Centre - 181 Unley Road, Unley
  • Heywood Park -  Addiscombe Place, Unley Park
  • Windsor Street Linear Trail - Windsor Street, Fullarton
  • Fullarton Park - Corner Fisher Street and Fullarton Road, Fullarton

Trees receiving the tags were selected with the help of local volunteers. All tags have been printed on 100% recycled plastic materials to ensure they are weatherproof.
What agreat initiative. People are really enjoying them.

28 November 2017

Full Council meeting:November 27th,2017

The following items may be of interest:
Almond St
Deputation from Tilbrook House regarding noise issues from the Goodwood PS as well as some traffic management issues.
Deputation from Dara School who wish to take over the lease that Kirinari has on their former school site
Almond St, Goodwood: Council have been asked by residents to consider making the street a shared zone. Although the report did not support this Council voted to investigate a shared zone/ shared street. Residents clearly believe the former will give the pedestrians in their street (it has no footpaths) the safety that would be expected.
Priority Projects at Goodwood Oval and Millswood Sporting Complex: with funding from the state government Council voted to move forward with the preferred two storey option. They also voted to proceed with club rooms for the croquet club. However, the current proposal is over budget and will need to be pruned.
Goodwood Community Centre Performance Review: I was concerned about the audited loss in the first 18 months of the new, independent board. This report passed.
Multi Year  Community Impact Grants were awarded to the Unley Concert Band, Access2Arts, SEED  and Sustainable Communities SA.
Community Grants were awarded to the Forestville Hockey Club in Clarence Park Ward plus many other worthwhile enterprises.
Brown Hill and Keswick Creek Subsidiary charter was presented to Council.
Greening Unley Rd: Council reluctantly supported an initial investigation I to opportunities to green Unley Rd.

Confidential Items regarding Kirinari and Unley Central.

25 November 2017

Fund My Neighbourhood winners

Unley managed to get all of these projects funded. The one with the most votes was the Unley United Church with over 400.
  • Goodwood Oval scoreboard, BBQ and sightscreen
  • Goodwood Primary school: playground
  • Parkside Primary - traffic safety measures and multi purpose playing surface
  • Glen Osmond Primary School-nature playground
  • Unley Primary School - nature play space
  • Souter Park- playground
  • Heywood Park - ninjas playground
  • Goodwood Community Services- playground and surrounds
  • Unley Uniting Church- Kindergym and spire 
  • Pop Up bicycle repair program
  • Capri Theatre- Disisability Disrimination Act compliance

Capri gets disbaility access

The Capri Cinema will recive $108,000 from the first round of the Fund My Neighbourhood initiative of the state goveremnent. Work will commence soon to enable equitable access for people with a disability. I don't know as yet what other local initiatives will be funded.

22 November 2017

Change Makers

The Change Makers program has inspired local youth to create their own career path. Unley are now seeking participants for the program which is about developing a community of young people who are passionate about being the change and creating a future that they want to see. 
The program is an entrepreneur mentorship program which is about empowering young people to create positive social change. He mentions the youth will be well-positioned to gain valuable skills that they can with them as they enter the job market. He says Change Makers builds on the success of the City of Unley Fish Tank competition. For more information click here.

19 November 2017

Unley Council have switched, Have you?

What is CitySwitch?

The need for Australia’s business community to lower their exposure to energy pricing impacts and shift their focus to progressively more efficient and sustainable operations has never been more apparent. CitySwitch has a key role to play in addressing our carbon impact and supporting the business sectors’ transition to a global low-carbon economy. 
CitySwitch is a high-value no-cost service which supports commercial office tenants to improve office energy and waste efficiency through the provision of a range of services, with the ultimate aim of achieving a 4 star or higher NABERS Energy rating.
The program aims to:
  • educate and inspire with a respected event series and through the provision of toolkits, workbooks, case studies and site tours.
  • facilitate links to other programs, information sources, industry bodies and communities of interest by identifying the market expertise that Signatories might need in order to build corporate capacity, systems and comply with evolving legislative requirements.
  • signpost to incentives and financial vehicles that are available to expedite the uptake of energy efficiency investments.
  • celebrate and reward environmental leadership and achievement though its annual awards and ongoing member promotions in order to create competitive advantage for its signatories wherever possible.
This structured approach to planning and implementing energy and waste efficiency projects, saves signatories time and money and helps build their internal capacity to embed sustainability within their corporate structure.

Find out how your organisation can get involved in CitySwitch >

15 November 2017

Rau backs down

In an unusual move from John Rau has back-flipped on his plans for high-rise aged care facilities in Joslin, Glen Osmond and Norwood. Enormous community backlash  has helped him to change his mind. Life Care has shelved its plan to build multi-storey facilities valued at more than $20million.

Hopefully, he will also see the light in the proposed spot developments that have received strong community concern in Unley. These include the Solver site on Anzac Hwy and 301-305 Unley Rd.

Did you win a gnome?

A small project to recognise  the hard work of residents in greening their verges has resulted in a random selection of streets (5 from each ward) being chosen and then the best verge in each of these streets being awarded a Garden Gnome.
Students from Concordia College, as part of their community service program, have not only painted the gnomes but also selected the winning homes.
Each Gnome is tagged with the following:

“Congratulations you have been awarded a Golden Gnome!
Thank you for gardening your verge and helping make the City of Unley green and beautiful. This recognition project is a collaboration between the City of Unley and students at Concordia College. This Golden Gnome was decorated and delivered by Year 12 students from Concordia College and their involvement is one of the ways the students are serving the Unley community through their Pastoral Care Program.”

Gnomes are being delivered by the students today and next Wednesday.

14 November 2017

$2.5 million for Goodwood Oval

Today's Messenger announced the above funding for facilities at Goodwood. Using the power of an upcoming election Council have successfully gained the undertaking from the current Labor government. The best bit is that this is not an election promise that will be funded if they win, it will be funded now. A report will come to council later this month that discusses various options.
This project is long overdue and will be very much appreciated by the community. Jane Stimson, the candidate for Badcoe, has got this over the line for all of us

29 October 2017

What about the noddy?

I only took notice of David Penberthy's article in today's Sunday Mail as it had a little in it about Badcoe.  I am always amused at the amount of people a politician can get in the picture while they are being interviewed. It clearly makes for better television if you have people nodding in the background that are agreeing with every word you say. For those of us sitting on the sofa it is an endless source of amusement as we jeer and comment about what is being said. That goes for either party in my house. So please, stand up and speak for yourself: if you have something to say you don't need the noddys, you need the facts and the truth.

Discover Historic Goodwood

On the back of the success of the Goodwood Road streetscape celebrated on Sunday, there is now even more to enjoy which captures Goodwood’s unique history both past and present.

The City of Unley has created Discover Historic Goodwood, a free self-guided walking tour app which will take you on a journey of Goodwood like no other before. Discover Historic Goodwood will walk you through the strange and intriguing stories of people and buildings past and present along Goodwood Road. Take a leisurely tour to visit 14 stops, listen to soundscapes and  stories by local people and view historical photos to discover the history behind each place. The app is now live. Go to the app store on your phone, download izi.TRAVEL app, work your way through the intro and go to 'all guides' at the bottom of the screen which will reveal Discover Historic Goodwood!
This project is a collaboration between Open Space Contemporary Arts, Alyssa Hill Consulting, Smart Artisans, the vibrant Goodwood community and the City of Unley. Earlier this year we asked our community to share their stories of Goodwood with the assistance of Open Space Contemporary Arts and various artists. We have included 10 such stories in this text, photo and audio tour. 14 pavers entitled Discover Historic Goodwood, manufactured by Smart Artisans, help to guide you round the trail.

Discover Historic Goodwood is part of an ongoing series of historic walking trails, including Discover Historic Unley which we launched in 2014 and the Unley Road Traders’ business history markers in 2016. 
Documentation of these projects can be found at www.unley.sa.gov.au/arts.

A Guide to Getting Self-Published

Digital Publishing
A Guide to Getting Self-Published
Have you ever thought about self-publishing but not sure where to start? Join us to hear first-hand experiences from novelist, Matt Pike, on his self-publishing journey. Hear about the pros and cons of traditional versus digital publishing, how to (sometimes) make money, and how to work with other professionals to get your work out there.

THURSDAY 16 NOVEMBER, 5.30 - 7.30PM    
Gold coin donation on entry, bookings essential, phone 8372 5100  or book online.

International Cities and Towns

A tired prperty on Unley Rd
I had the pleasure to attend this conference on Thursday and Friday in Melbourne. As with all conferences the keynote speakers were inspiring and the workshops/ smaller sessions interesting. It brings my mind back to what we are doing well and we what continue to struggle with. to my mind the revitalisation of Goodwood Rd was as good, if not better, that the other studies I heard about. The amazing thing about Goodwood Rd is that it has few vacancies and keeping tenants in buildings and enabling these businesses to trade profitably is an issue that Councils across Australia are struggling with. I spoke briefly with a representative from Marion Council. If you’ve driven down Marion Rd anytime in the last year or so it's not hard to notice that the small groups of 6-9 shops are struggling. Her problem was that the landlords would rather they were empty as the long term gain for them is in the value of the land!  Luckily we have few of these in Unley. But I often hear that King William Rd problem is with the Landlords.

Some quick fixes would include more targeted consultation, trialling ideas on the ground before implementation of the hard infrastructure and tarting up shopfronts, particularly in some parts of Unley Rd.

22 October 2017

Goodwood Underpass

At this morning's Goodwood Rd event there was a display of ideas already submitted for the beautification of the underpass. This is a much needed upgrade as it currently looks run down and awful. Hopefully, one or both of the political parties will follow through after the election and get the work started. The photos show some ideas and remind you that you still have a week to come up with something better.

Goodwood comes alive

I attended the event this morning to celebrate the completion of the $6million dollar upgade of Goodwood Rd. The street looked fantastic and people were out in force to enjoy the atmosphere and to broswe in the shops. We manged a good coffee and a pie that were both pretty good. Some photos from the event
Cr Bob Schnell enjoying the opening

Mayor Clyne opening the event

Eugene Boisvert enjoying the event

21 October 2017

Restoring the Unley Kindergym: Vote now

 This much loved facilty has been developing children's skills and confidence for a vey long time. The good folk that use the facility as  church need your help to get some funding from the Fund My Neighbourhood piggy bank to restore the building. Please take the time to include this one on your list of 5 choices for funding. You need to register and vote here .
The steeple that needs restoring.

The facility that the kis love.

Time to vote: Fund My Neighbourhood

This state government competition for both concepts and funding is now being put to the vote. Each person who wishes to register a vote must log into the website. You can get to it  here  . Many of the prposals that involved Unley Council have been included but some have been filtered out. One's in Clarence Park are;

  • A pizza oven at the Black Forest PS
  • Plantings in Byron Rd
  • A BBQ for the Goodwood Cricket Club
  • An electronic scoreborad at Goodwood Oval
This is a competition, those items with the most votes are most likely to be funded. You can choose  between 3 and 5 items, you do not have to rank them.
Ides of significance in other parts of Unley include:
  • Wheelchair access to the Capri Theatre
  • Restoration of the Unley Kindergym building  (I'll write a separate blog on this)
  • Upgrading the Playground at Soutar Park

12 October 2017

Future of suburban development: Community Forum

A Community Forum to  be held on the 26th October in the Glandore Community Centre will be of interest to anyone concerned about orderly development in Black Forest, Everard Park, Millswood and Forestville. The form will be run by David Pisoni (Memeber for Unley) with support from Lachlan Clyne (the endorsed Liberal candidate for Badcoe). It is time for  the Liberal Party to tell us what they would do differently from what we are currently getting fron Labor if they are in government come March. The event is at 6;30pm. If you want to attend you need to register at www.planning-forum-badcoe.evenbrite.com.au  or call Lachlan on 0427132494.
For those of you who are wondering, I'd love to know about Labor events that will be held and will happily spruik for them as well. We need change from what seems to be an increasingly adhoc system and we need it now, but who will provide it?

08 October 2017

Why the double blues?

Did you know that the first time Sturt Football Club and Port Adelaide met in Sturt's debut year, they defied the odds and came out victorious?
On 25 March 1901 Norwood Football Club passed a resolution to admit Sturt into the competition, followed four days later by North, West, Port and West Torrens.  The colours of light and dark blue were nominated by the father of the Sturt Football Club, Arthur Thomas, representing the Cambridge and Oxford Universities - the names of the streets upon which the Unley Oval resides.  Less than two months later the Sturt Football Club made its debut in the South Australian Football Association.  It won two of its first four matches, with Port Adelaide being its second victim. 

Fund My Neighbourhood; Special Council Meeting Oct 9th 2017

Fund My Neighbourhood is a state government initiative that enables organisations to suggest projects that they believe will benefit their local community. These projects will then be vetted to ensure they are within the guidelines;

·        Open space, sport & recreation
·        Mobility, transport& safety
·        Health, wellbeing &inclusion
·        Arts and culture
·        Environment and sustainability
·        Innovation and technology
 and then put to a vote by the people. $20million will be allocated in the first round. On Monday Council will examine those projects that are on Council land or will need Council support to be implemented. There are other projects in Unley other than those listed but Council does not know what they are. Applicants can seek between $10,000 and $150,000. Projects submitted include beautifying Byron Rd, new site screens for Goodwood Oval and a new scoreboard for Goodwood Oval in Clarence Park Ward. Items not supported by Council are mostly those that have already been completed, are already budgeted for or are part of a longer term project (upgrading Wilberforce walk).
While Council was unable to provide information about how the vote will be conducted it is my understanding that the vote will be online, that there will be one vote only per computer and one vote per person and that residents will be asked to nominate 3 projects only in preferred order.

An interesting process as there is no indication of what amount has been allocated per council area and what preference will be given in neighbourhoods the Labor Party thinks that they might win, or need to win come March.
For a list you will need to look at the agenda (here)

04 October 2017

Petty rows or worthwhile complaints?

In Monday's paper there was an article about the need for Councillors to set their own Code of Conduct rules. This is what we always did until an over authoritarian state government decided, in in 2013, that they were better at doing this than we were. And so they passed a law about it that allowed Councillors little freedom in the way that they went about their work and much stricter rules of conduct that they had for themselves. It comes back to the old adage that Councillors and Councils are a waste of time and money. Not true, of course, but we keep on getting it.

Nevertheless, giving Councils back the power seems like a good idea. ICAC has been flooded with trivial matters from councillors about the behaviour of their colleagues and feel that we would be better off monitoring the discipline of each other. As far as I am aware Unley has had a couple of these investigations in addition to my complaint about the behaviour of our Mayor early in his first term of office. The problem, as I see it, is that Council will still not have the power to do anything more than a ‘slap on the wrist’. 
It’s a bit like me suspending a student for repeatedly wagging lessons by not allowing them to be at school at all for a day or two. We both see the irony but I can only use the rules available to me!

01 October 2017

Goodwood Groove

This popular event is being held again on Sunday the 22nd October in Goodwood. As well as the exiting program being prepared by traders the Council will be acknowledging the completion of the
upgrade to the area. It certainly looks good without the stobie polls and as the new road surface nears completion and the flowers in the new planters are blooming.

Active Ageing Australia Celebrate Age Award

The City of Unley was proudly recognised with an Active Ageing Australia Celebrate Age Award in the Local Government category on Friday.    The much contested award was presented to  CEO, Peter tsokas,  by Mrs Lan Le in a ceremony at Government House.

This award celebrates Unley's  strong strategic commitment and initiatives in the Age Friendly space, with an  Active Ageing Alliance, creation of the annual Age Friendly Cities Australia forum, the Circuit 101 Meal Service at the Unley Community Centre and our Active Ageing Award as part of the SALA Festival. As well as new work such as the Age Friendly Streetscape Project, the  Age Friendly Retail Pilot, the review and implementation of the Community Bus service and the heart-warming and inspiring Unley Legends films. All are  great examples of the work done to make a meaningful difference for the  community.

No award is achieved without a team effort, and it is timely to acknowledge the contribution staff and volunteers across Council to implement the Active Ageing Strategy and how we are all working to promote positive ageing in our community.
Happy Active Ageing Week! 

24 September 2017

Activity Program; Free or low cost activities for everyone

Image result for LIght off no lycra dance

Activity Program

In partnership with local businesses and community groups, we are pleased to offer a range of Unley Active activities for you to try. View the list of free or low-cost activities below and register your interest today!
  • Dance to Stay Young Program | Mondays
    Dance to Stay Young Program at Goodwood Community Centre

    When:  Every Monday from 1.30pm-2.30pm

    Where:  Banquet Hall, Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa St, Goodwood

    Activity details: You don’t stop dancing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop dancing!  Dancing is a great way to keep active and socialise with others. This program is suitable for individuals and groups. Participants are encouraged to bring their own music for a freestyle dance segment.

    Cost: $7 per person, per session

    To register: Phone Goodwood Community Centre on 8272 7148 or email bookings@gwcs.org.au
  • No Lights No Lycra, Goodwood | Thursdays
    No Lights No Lycra, Goodwood

    When: Thursdays, 7:15pm for 7:30pm start (60 mins)

    Where: Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa Street, Goodwood

    Activity details: No Lights No Lycra is a weekly lights-off chance to dance in the dark for the pure joy of dancing. It’s a place to shake out the stresses of the week, let go of your inhibitions and completely be yourself. We're part of a global community providing an inclusive and non-judgmental space to move.  Car parking and toilets available.  All ages and fitness levels welcome and lycra is totally ok!

    Cost: $7 per session

Active Unley; Something to keep you even busier

Get Involved
We'd love you to get involved in the Active Unley initiative:
  • Check off some of the items on our list of 21 Things to do in Unley
  • Join in one of the monthly activities listed below
  • Follow the City of Unley Facebook page for regular tips and ideas
  • Upload your active images to Facebook and Instagram using #activeunley
  • Complete an Active Unley Passport and go into the draw to win a ‘FitBit’® Wireless Wristband
  • If you provide activities through your business or sporting group contact Council’s Sport and Recreation Planner on 8372 5111 or email pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au. We are always looking for partners to help us provide more active opportunities to the community.

21 Things to do in Unley

Need some inspiration? Here’s a list of 21 things to do in the City of Unley.
See what’s growing in the edible orchards at Morrie Harrell Reserve, Ramage Street, Unley, and Fullarton Park, Fisher Street, Fullarton.

Slide, jump, roll and play on lots of fun equipment at the Katherine Street playground, Fullarton. Rocks, logs, sensory planting, and a sandpit provide an area where the kids can interact with nature.

Full Council Meeting: SEPT 25TH, 2017

The following items may be of interest:
·         Mayor’s leave of absence: The mayor has requested leave of absence for 3 months. While he has forgone the use of his Council car, phone , etc. he will still be paid his usual allowance. He is likely to chair the December meeting and then take further leave or resign in January. PASSED
·         Leicester St Park-Dogs Off-Leash: dog owners have proved very forceful in their quest to have a small fenced off area for dogs in this small park. Successful enough to have this as an Agenda item and to have convinced at least one of their ward councillors to go against staff recommendation and proceed. Staff have recommended that this is unnecessary as other nearby parks already provide this facility. What the staff recomended PASSED
·         Environmental health Food Safety Audits: It is mandated that food suppliers to vulnerable or at risk people must be regulated audited, at their own expense. Council has 26 businesses that meet these criteria. Council now has a trained staff member that can carry out the audits.PASSED
·         Cleansing Review: The recent trial of cleaning using a developed strategic hierarchy has resulted in a one off saving of $300,000 and ongoing savings of $100,000 per year. While there were more complaints to start with these have now decreased to a level no higher than what previously existed. All roads are cleaned now at least every 6 weeks and as often as weekly. All footpaths are cleaned 3 times per year plus extras during heavy leaf fall.PASSED
·         Nairne Tce Forestville: The plans for this have been revised, with consultation,  Council will plant all new trees in the footpath (rather than the street) to retain more parking. PASSED
·         Unley Oval Ancillary Matters: Given the recent development approval of the planned Grandstand upgrades there are some  minor matters that need addressing: these include when to build the canteen, additional shedding (6 metre longer) and to allow 41 Oxford Tce to be used a builders yard during construction. As I am no longer likely to be on the DAP (I am proxy for Cr Salaman) I think I’ll express opinions that may be contrary to the recommendation.PASSED
·         Representative Creative France SA Committee; Cr Rabbitt has been doing this PASSED

Motions with Notice:
·         Opportunities on Existing Facilities and Assets; I have put in this motion, with support of residents, as they are concerned (as am I) that the Civic Centre site has not been discussed by Council following the decisions that were included in the Development Plan Amendment earlier this year. It is easy for us, as Councillors, to start to leave too many decisions to the new council (to be elected, Nov 2018) and become hamstrung in decision making. The motion suggests that staff start considering options and possibilities. PASSED

·         Significant and/or Regulated Tree Removal; Cr Salaman has called for Council to lobby the LGA to communicate with the Minister that all significant and regulated trees are assessed by accredited arborists only and that the arborist doing the assessment is not in line to get the job to remove the tree, if an application is successful.PASSED