31 August 2013

Vertical Garden at CPCC

Working from the ‘food for everyone’ philosophy Clarence Park Community Centre have been able to install a Gro- Wall Vertical Garden thanks to the support of The City of Unley.
The  vertical garden is a living wall of herbs, with the herbs planted seasonally and available for everyone from the  community to graze from, so if you have time go and do a little pruning and snip some herbs for yourself.
The before and after shots give some indication of the success of the plantings. 
This has been a great initiative.


Hope that helps  Jennie

Clarence Park Community Centre Playgroup News

Clarence Park playgroup community have donated boxes of children's books which have made their way to Mimili play group in the APY Lands.
Last week they were distributed at a launch about ‘lets read” which is a program run by the The Smith Family. This is an early literacy program designed to :
Support and enable parents and carers to have fun reading with their children
Develop in children the building blocks that are needed to make the literacy transition to school as easy as possible
Promote in the community, reading aloud with children from birth -5 years.
With out the generous support from Clarence Park, many families would not have access to books to be able to read to children at home.
The quality of the books was exceptional and parents filled up bags of great books with zest!

30 August 2013

MILLSWOOD Railway Station might be .........

The Transport Department will investigate reopening the Millswood Station. The following is currently on the Adelaidenow website; seems like this group is starting to get some traction. If you think you would use Millswood if it was opened please send an email to that effect to reopen.millswood.station@gmail.com. Thanks to John Stokes for keeping this in the news.

MILLSWOOD Railway Station might be reopened following a change of heart by Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis.
The Transport Department said an investigation would be done on the possibility of reopening the station following calls by local residents and Unley Council.
The station, on the Belair line above the Goodwood Rd underpass, was closed in 1995 because of poor patronage.
Mr Koutsantonis wrote to a resident in May ruling out reopening the station.
But a Transport Department spokeswoman said he had changed his mind following the renewed push to have it reopened.
"Responding to representations from members of the local community, Member for Ashford Steph Key and the Unley Council, the Minister … instructed the department to initiate a detailed investigation of the possibility of reopening Millswood Station," she said.
She could not provide details of the investigation, including what it would take to have the station reopened, the timeframe or cost of the investigation.
There have been multiple attempts by residents to have Millswood Station reopened, most recently in 2009 when about 100 people attended a meeting at the station.
Millswood resident John Gasper, part of the group pushing for the reopening, welcomed the minister's decision to revisit the issue.
Unley state Liberal MP David Pisoni, who told the Eastern Courier Messenger about May letter, said the investigation was only launched because there was an election looming.
"This announcement should be taken with a pinch of salt because they've already ruled it out," Mr Pisoni said.
"I believe that, with the fact we now have an upgraded track, the closure should be revisited."

29 August 2013

Show Parking Restrictions


The above link will show you where the additional restrictions will be.
Council expects that the failure of the trains to be running for the Show ( a key DPTI promise) will increase the pressure on residential streets for parking especially from those travelling from the south.

27 August 2013


New high efficiency boilers will provide an annual cost saving to the Centre of $14k and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 4000 tonnes a year.

Nathan Byles, Swimming Centre Manager, explained how the heaters operated, “Instead of running directly through a boiler, pool water will be diverted past heating coils. This highly efficient system requires less maintenance and will decrease the wear and tear on equipment experienced from previous direct contact with chlorinated water.”

Mr Byles says the boiler chimneys look a bit like two steam trains running down a track. “When you see the chimneys, don’t be alarmed, it is not smoke, they are expelling highly condensed steam. It’s a positive thing, the steam dissipates and results in low carbon emissions”.

By replacing the Unley Swimming Centre’s gas heaters with a more efficient operating system, the City of Unley has demonstrated a clear commitment to enhancing the local communities’ health and wellbeing.

The Centres recent installation of solar panels and implementation of various water saving initiatives further contribute to the City of Unley’s commitment to a sustainable city.

The Centre will open for the 2013/2014 season on Saturday 14 September.

Full Council; 26th August 2013

As usual the Agenda  lead to robust debate. Items included;The Eastern Courier was noted by the absence of their reporter.
King William Road Refuge (again); This motion has been back and forth for at least two years, there are now two separate locations that are subject to two separate motions.  The traffic expert attended to answer questions and added some sense to the debate. It is hard to tell if the issue is about loss of parking or safety.What I do know is that residents were not asked if they thought there should be a pedestrian refuge or where their preferred location would be. Given Council desire to improve east-west connectivity there should definitely be easier and safer ways to cross this street. An amendment from Cr Koumi will enable the crossing north of Union St to proceed and the crossing south of Union St will be on hold until further investigations into truck use of Arthur St are completed.
Local Heritage Places Development Plan Amendment; this has now been to consultation and debated at the committee level. However, I believe, some important items were deleted at the last minute and that they should be included. These include 137-141 Unley Rd and 143-153 Unley Rd.These properties were relisted following an amendment from me.
Lease of Goodwood Oval to the Goodwood Cricket Club; This has come back from consultation without change. Passed
Mercury Emissions from Crematoria; an important issue to enable Centennial Park Crematoria to remain competitive and it would be good for the environment as well. Passed
Nominations for various positions on LGA committees.
Cost of Additional Parking Permits; Cr Schnell as put a Motion on Notice asking Council to reduce the cost of additional permits to $26, currently they are $150.These permits will now be issued at the cost of $52.
Unley Rd; This motion by Cr Salaman asks Council to resurrect the 2002 plan to upgrade Unley Rd and to proceed to gain funding and support from DPTI to proceed.Passed
Access to Residential Parking Permits; This motion from Cr Salaman would bring us in line with both the City of Adelaide and other major Australian cities in that additional  parking permits would not be available to residential properties if they are completed after Oct 2013. This will prevent the purchasers of new dwellings being able to purchase additional parking permits.
Land Encroachment-52 Ferguson Ave (Confidential)
Appointment of Independent Members to the Audit Committee (Confidential)
Despite the article in the Advertiser today saying that Council discussed additional parking requirements for the show due to the trains not running unto late in September this was not the case. Cr Hudson attempted to put a Motion without Notice that might have been debated but the Mayor refused to accept the motion!

25 August 2013

No Apology from the Sunday Mail

After last week's article about the Goodwood Junction project it is fair to say that residents were pretty upset at the implication that they had some how the perpetrators of threats to DPTI staff. I discussed this with John Stokes  (Eastern Courier) during the week and am hoping to see the other side of the story published in the near future. It was good to see  a couple of letters to the Editor were printed and congratulate those people who were prepared to have their say. I'm sure many more of you slaved over writing something that is yet to be published.

Housing Affordability in Unley 2013

  1. The statistics quoted are from renewal SA's report into housing affordability. the first number is for Unley and it is then compared to Greater Adelaide.There are some comparisons here that I would not have expected. Hope you find this interesting reading?
Percentage of low income households (less than 80% of state median) 2011: 26.6%. [Greater Adelaide: 33.1%]
Percentage change in the number of households between 2006 and 2011: 1.4%. [Greater Adelaide: 5.5%]
Percentage of households where the household reference person is aged 60 years or over: 46.1%. [Greater Adelaide: 32.1%]
Percentage of private renter households paying more than 25% of their weekly gross household income on housing: 43.2%. [Greater Adelaide: 76.1%]
Percentage of people who were living at a different address five years ago (2011 data): 37.3%. [Greater Adelaide: 34.0%]
Indigenous persons by age group, 2011: 0.3%. [Greater Adelaide: 1.3%]
Average annual percentage change in median dwelling prices, 2003-04 to 2011-12: 6.4%. [Greater Adelaide: 6.1%]
Percentage of households who own, or are purchasing their dwelling, 2011: 63.1%. [Greater Adelaide: 66.1%]
Proportion of dwelling sales that were affordable to low income households between July 2006 and June 2012 : 1.7%. [Greater Adelaide: 4.5%]
Proportion of private rents that were affordable to low income households between July 2006 and June 2012 : 34.3%. [Greater Adelaide: 43.5%]
Percentage of dwellings with one or two bedrooms: 40.1%. [Greater Adelaide: 23.5%]
Percentage of new residential dwellings which were flats, units or apartments, July 2008 to June 2012: 67.6%. [Greater Adelaide: 26.0%]
Social housing stock (number of dwellings): 569

21 August 2013

Heritage Grants; Time to Apply

Advertising has commenced for this year's Conservation Grants. If you own a property in Millswood (west of Goodwood Rd) your house, if it is a bungalow, will almost certainly comply. Council will receive applications until the 16th September. You must have quotes for the conservation work and not yet have commenced the work. Council will pay up to 50% of the cost up to a maximum of $5000. If the grants are over subscribed the a lesser percentage may be offered. Please check the Council website for more details.

SALA on Show

This event is to be held at the Shopping Centre this year, seems King William Road had tired of the event. Sounds exciting and always a good time o soak up the sunshine (maybe the weather will have improved by then) and catch up with friends.

Fellow arts lovers!
Check out SALA on Show this Sunday 25 August at Unley Shopping Centre and Soldiers Memorial Gardens 10.30am - 5pm proudly supported by The City of Unley, The Advertiser, Santos, Unley Shopping Centre and Unley Road Association.
 Buy art in the marquee, be entertained by bands and DJs in the Rotunda, visit 20 visual artists creating art in public spaces, try workshops by the Art Gallery of South Australia, and do much more shopping at the Unley Shopping Centre. There will be 6 000 people there with you!
 SALA Festival is now in its last week. Here in Unley, you all have the chance of seeing art in our local shops, businesses, galleries, halls, libraries, homes and studios. Over 50 venues and 120 artists are out there for a weekend visit!

For more information about the entire program for SALA on Show and all of City of Unley’s involvement including the fabulous ERA we live in exhibition please go to our website www.unley.sa.gov.au or www.salafestival.com

20 August 2013

Federal Funding Needed for Stormwater Management Plan

Yesterday the Mayors and CEO's for the 5 catchment Councils (Unley, Adelaide, Mitcham, Burnside and West Torrens) met to discuss the need for federal funding for the Brown Hill Crook Stormwater Management Plan. This Plan will now cost at least $150,000,000; this to be shared between the three levels of government. Unley's share is 21% of the the local governments third. This project can not go ahead without a commitment to funding. While we argue the dam;no dam case the price has escalated and their is still no funding from state or federal sources (Unley received some federal money for the Ridge Park project as a stand alone project although it is part of the scheme). This project has the potential to stop or reduce the damage to about 6,000 homes in the catchment area. So when your local hopeful comes knocking asking for your vote or you are given an opportunity to have your say please ask for the funding of this project. Put some pressure on both Carmen and Kate to fund the project.

18 August 2013

Three Stories; One Sunday Mail

Just got back from my coffee and read of the Sunday Mail.
Today there were three stories on interest.
Interestingly one about DPTI was headed "Rail rage has workers copping death threats". If you are a regular reader of this blog you will have read a similar story on my blog last week, however, I was politely asked to remove it by DPTI  staff as it was allegedly inaccurate. It said almost word for word what  is on page16. While I sympathise with the workers why is that even this last week we were told of more trees, that were to be protected, that  have had their roots severed by careless and thoughtless contractors? Why is it that Cranbrook Ave residents are still asking for realistic and pleasing design options for a gate they don't want and will never use? Why is it that residents in Richards Tce and Nairne  Tce still haven't been offered additional sound proofing in the replaced fencing?
The second article on improving safety in driveways is clearly a way forward that needs to be discussed and probably legislated.
Lastly the article on my student from Urrbrae High was uplifting. This student has faced adversity head on, will complete his South Australian Certificate of Education this year and has genuine post school options. These are the stories that I work with every day and the successes that make my day job so worthwhile. For those of you that thing Council is a full time job I am the Special Education Coordinator at Urrbrae.

Dog Registrations Due

IMPORTANT: Dog Registrations Due

Registrations are due BEFORE THE 31ST AUGUST!

Protect you pooch one of the best ways that you can and make sure their facilities are cared for - by registering your dog with the council. Avoid a late fee by registering before the 31st August via the website, at the council or over the phone. All dogs over 3 months must be registered.
181 Unley Road, Unley SA 5061
Whether you're registering your dog for the first time or renewing their registration - it is an important process for your dog and your community.
What do dog registration fees pay for?
  • Registration disc;
  • Effective enforcement of dog control legislation, controlling and reducing dog problems in our community
  • After hours call out service
  • Fully maintained dog parks
  • Conducting events, eg microchipping days
  • Council promoted Dog Obedience Training
  • Information booklets and expert advice available from Council officers
  • Effective communications to dog owners and the wider community
  • Resources to support the Dog & Cat Management Act and develop dog management programs
  • Education programs for the community and schools
  • Notification and education of leglisation changes

17 August 2013

Alternate Rail Corridor Proposed

The Rail and Freight Taskforce (of which I am a member) that meets regularly has had some press coverage this week. It is time to lobby your local candidates for both the upcoming Federal and State elections to see if further reports can be undertaken to establish the real cost benefit of diverting the freight around Adelaide. In the recent discussion around Millswood Railway Station many of the comments on Adelaide Now were around running a more frequent service and a service to Mt Barker; both are achievable if the freight line were to be removed. The recent disruption at Goodwood Junction has left many residents in complete distrust of DPTI and their promises, rerouting the freight line to them will be making more sense that ever because the trains aren't quieter, they are more frequent and they take longer to get past any one point. What will it be like when all the trains are running again at Leader St?

16 August 2013

Canterbury Tce Update

The  Goodwood South Ward briefing occurred last night. After some robust discussion it was agreed that staff would work to find 2 options that would allow safe passage for cyclists and 2 way traffic. These options are likely to see no parking at least up to Fairmont Ave and probably Byron Rd. However, we will look to see if  additional parking can be provided in Parker Tce. The Ash trees, with consent, of the residents, will be removed in the near future (they are all but dead). It may be possible to extend the new shared path  to East Ave, but there will need to be discussions with DPTI about who should pay for this. If there is a shared path and 2 way traffic it is possible to provide a narrow landscaping strip between the two. When these are finalised they will come back to Don and I, then to a small group of residents (probably a similar group to those who met regarding the LATM) and then to all who made comments (18% residents). This may take some time. I will get back to you again when I have any further information. Please comment if you wish to add any further thoughts you may have, 

15 August 2013

Reopen Millswood Station


The above link will take yo to the Adelaidenow item on Millswood Station.
 It makes interesting reading especially  if you open the comments. Please
 add your opinion as well and comment on it here if you can. Seems many
 readers missed the point, clearly they don't watch 2 or 3 buses go past
each morning full!

14 August 2013

Stormwater Management to Cost More

You might be I interested in this one from this week's Eastern Courier?

Eastern Courier Messenger, Adelaide  by  EMMA ALTSCHWAGER14 Aug 2013General News - 
RATEPAYERS will be slugged an extra $25 million for a project to flood proof Brown Hill and Keswick creeks if Federal funding is not secured.

In February, the Stormwater Management Authority (SMA) signed off on a $148 million plan to flood proof 7000 houses along the two waterways.

Burnside Mayor David Parkin said a promise of Commonwealth cash in the lead-up to the September 7 Federal Election would relieve the funding burden on eastern ratepayers.

"Ideally, a third funding split between all tiers of government would be the best outcome that lessens the burden on our ratepayers," Mr Parkin said.

"If Federal assistance is provided, it may save Burnside residents as much as $3.5 million over the term of the project." Brown Hill Kewsick Creek Stormwater Management Project director Michael Salkeld said the five catchment councils Burnside, Mitcham, Unley, West Torrens and Adelaide City - and the SMA were negotiating state funding and pursuing federal funding so the cost would be split in thirds.

"The project councils are working on the basis that they will obtain a Federal Government funding contribution for project construction," Mr Salkeld said.

Implementing the plan is expected to take 10 years.

The first flood protection plan for Brownhill and Keswick creeks was put forward in 2006 with a pricetag of $105 million.

Caption Text:
Project director Michael Salkeld has a 10-year plan to flood proof the Adelaide plains

King William Rd AGM

I attended this meeting last night. After the usual formalities it was good to see a thank you to Council for the work they do to support the organisation and the events that they hold. Some, like the Variety   Fashion Event, are run by the association and others, like the Gourmet Gala, are run by Council. Of greatest concern was the number of vacant shops, now totalling over 20 or 8% of the total. It seems restaurants and cafes are fairing better than many others. Is it just the economic times, on line trading, or were they just trying to sell goods that people no longer purchase or are available more cheaply somewhere else? The Councils digital strategy findyoureverything.com is working well  across the city. It was a great networking event and a chance to talk to the traders.

10 August 2013

Full Council Meeting;August 12th 2013

This is an important meeting as this will finalise Council submission to the Minister for Planning regarding what is known as the Village Living and Desirable Neighbourhoods Development Plan Amendment-Main Corrridor Mixed use and Residential Revitalisation. This is the one that will allow multi story buildings on both Unley and Greenhill Rd. Council have had a few mains against the government on this one including insisting on public notification. There was some debate about the inclusion of Unley Rd. however, if we were to take it out at this stage the government would be likely to force it anyway and without the concessions we have won .
Also debated;

  • The deferred items from he last meeting (Sturt Lawn Tennis, Sturt Bowling leases and the King William Rd pedestrian refuge. While the leashes were passed the KWR debate will be had at the next Council meeting as the traffic expert was unavailable.
  • Lease of Unley Oval to the Sturt Football Club; this has been to consultation and the recommendation has not changed. The lease will be $20,00 per year.
  • Lease area 2/39 Oxford Tc; you might remember that Sturt now only leases part of what is known as Jack's Bar. This left the remainder of the building vacant. Sturt pays only $12,000 per year for the portion that it rents (market rent is approx $100,000).. Council is now looking for tenants or the other areas that achieves at least the amount that Sturt was paying. Council also approved allowing the use of part of the other area 8 days a year ( matches). I can't find any logic in why Council would agree to this as it further exacerbates the rental loss.
  • Trial of Parking Metres in the Boffa St car park; this will go ahead, hopefully, it will cause more movement during the day in the park and so improve one's chances of getting a park.
  • Pay for Use Parking Policy;the residents in and near Railway Tce Sth and Bartley Cres will be consulted on this, and if approved meters will be installed to discourage all day parking.
  • Review of delegations
  • Motion asking for support from Council regarding the reopening of Millswood Station. I have put this motion on notice and John Gasper, a resident, will make a deputation in support of my motion. This passed unanimously. Council  will meet with DPTI staff at a date to be determined.

09 August 2013

A complement to you all

When I was out letter boxing flyers for the Reopen Millswood Station group this afternoon I stopped to have a chat with the security guards at the Arundel/Millswood pedestrian crossing. They commented on just how pleasant the people have been as they have stopped and chatted at the crossing and how caring they were of the amenity. Both would be happy to live among you and reckon they now know many people better than their own neighbours. Well done!

Compensation Sort from DPTI

The following story is now on the Adelaide now website.

I wonder how many other businesses are also suffering from the current disruption?

East Avenue Books seeks compensation from the government for loss of business

East Avenue Books has been plagued by disruptions and mess caused by the Goodwood Junction rail works. Owner Joan Fenney says the ongoing disruptions have significantly reduced business and caused financial loss. Source: News Limited
A CLARENCE Park book shop owner is seeking compensation from the State Government, saying work on the Goodwood Junction rail upgrade has hit her business hard.
East Avenue Books owner Joan Fenney said her business was headed for a record financial loss after customers had been turned away from her shop by detours and heavy machinery.
She has written to her local member, Ashford Labor MP Steph Key, as well as Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis seeking compensation but was yet to receive a response.
"It's really affected us," Ms Fenney said.
"With a book shop you're up against a lot of things, but this has made it harder.
"We used to get a lot of people getting off the train and coming in for a look."
Since the work began, Ms Fenney had been forced to sweep and mop at least twice a day due to dust from digging works.
The State Government had provided her with window cleaning twice and a cleaning service inside her shop once.
"The last thing you want on good books is dirt and dust," she said.
"You accept that work has got to be done but nobody told us about the dirt, dust and the noise.
"Sometimes the noise was just deafening and vibrated the whole shop."
Residents and businesses near the Goodwood Rail Junction have been plagued by noise, dust and disruptions, caused by upgrade works, for nearly eight months.
The upgrade work to the Goodwood Junction began in January to coincide with electrification works on the Noarlunga and Tonsley lines, preventing trains from using the track.
"We're not looking for anything huge," Ms Fenney said.
"We would be happy with just a small financial compensation or even just some advertising or something.
"When you're here over seven hours a day with the noise and the dust, you just leave with a headache. The whole thing has really worn us out."
Her neighbours have also been disrupted by the project.
Cromer Pde resident Heather Rudd said the biggest problem had been limited and inaccurate information about when works were taking place.
"It has been very intrusive, especially when they use the vibrator, which has made the house shake like it's an earthquake," she said.
"I hope the benefit outweighs the temporary inconvenience."
Another resident, who did not wish to be named, said the project had been "horrendous''.
"The biggest problem is the dust and when they get the vibrational roller out the windows and walls shake," she said.
"It's just feels horrible and it's really stressful."
A Transport Department spokeswoman said regular communication, including doorknocking, fortnightly newsletters and meetings, had been provided to residents throughout the works.
"Access to all businesses was maintained at all times throughout the works and businesses and organisations were provided a thank you promotion in the fortnightly Community Update."
Major works on the project are expected to be completed by the end of the month but minor works, including landscaping, signalling and installation of electrification masts will continue beyond August.

40km Saves Lives

Today's Advertiser had a front page story "Slow Road To Safety' that featured Unley's 40 km speed limit. I was surprised in particular about the reduction in the total number of crashes. These have reduced from over 40,000 ten years ago to less than 23,000 now. So if you think you are seeing less crashes that is because you probably are. Doesn't seem to have worked for me, in the last 2 years I've had my car damaged twice while it has been parked in the street . Both times the offending driver left their name, well done to them. The benefit of reducing speed to 50km is also shown in the significant reduction in fatalities. So should we  further reduce the speed limit to 40km citywide, not just in Unley?

08 August 2013

Grab a Pie at The Red Door

6 August 2013


Two popular King William Road restaurants have won awards at the 2013 South Australian Restaurant and Catering Awards.

Giwa Modern Korean took out the top gong in the category of Best Asian Restaurant while Assaggio Ristorante was awarded best Italian Restaurant.

City of Unley CEO Peter Tsokas said the awards were great recognition for the flourishing restaurant and café culture in the City of Unley.

“The hospitality sector is vitally important to our City and the main street traders not only create incredible vibrancy but are also key economic drivers. Restaurants and cafes not only provide food and dining opportunities for local residents but also attract visitors to our wonderful area.” MrTsokas said.

City of Unley Business and Economic Development Manager, Matt Grant attributes much of the increased awareness of City of Unley restaurants and cafes to the Find Your Everything website.

“Initiatives such as ‘Find Your Everything’ have really assisted in telling the good news stories of our main street businesses using social media and digital technologies. It is a great way to promote destination businesses in the City of Unley.” MrGrant said

The City of Unley was also a finalist in the ‘Best Service Provider” category.

For more information please visitwww.unley.sa.gov.au. To visit Find Your Everything please go to www.findyoureverything.com.au

As well as this the Red Door on KingWilliam Rd won the best pie, it might be a little cheaper than the others.

Meeting With Rod Hook: 8th August

Yesterday Don and I were afforded the opportunity to have a conversation with Rod Hook regarding some of the outstanding works on the Goodwood Junction Project. I asked our CEO, Peter Tsokas, to seek confirmation on a number of issues. these included;
  • The colour of the corrugated fences inside the rail corridor : at a recent meeting we told that would be bronze olive, our suggestion was slate grey. However, they must all be the same. Let me know if you are happy with this decision or would like to suggest a different colour 
  • Graffiti removal will be done by a contractor after the works are completed. There may be some opportunity for Council volunteers. However, I did not get a commitment about the freight line.
  • The townhouses on Lyons Pde will be offered Magnetite double glazing to reduce the effects of the noise forms the trains. I suggested this very early in the piece but my suggestion was rejected, someone must have been listening.
  • The design of the Cranbrook Ave gate was to be discussed at the Community Advisory Group meeting. It was and residents are still unhappy with the level of consultation. How it can take the time it has to come up with mini org beats me. This was never going to be suitable as it is easily graffitied and easily dented. Other suggestions need more thorough  investigation.
  • The Arundel Ave to Millswood Cres crossing will not be closed. The sight lines are a safety concern, however, a solution will be reached that does not involve closure.
  • The fence at Canterbury Tce that has been erected at 1200 mm will be replaced with the correct 1800 mm height.
  • The  walkway between Cranbrook Ave and Victoria St will be  reinstated, this is shown clearly on the plans.
  • Landscaping will remain the responsibility of Council and Council will be reimbursed by DPTI for this work
  • Dilapidation of Council infrastructure will be repaired by DPTI after the work is complete. There is a lot of community concern about this as so many roads have been damaged or had their useful life shortened.
  • The masts for the electrification will not be moved to suit one person, trying to achieve this has caused many problems for DPTI and then pitted neighbours against each other.
This was a valuable meeting and one where genuine concern was raised  by both parties. 

06 August 2013

Local Government Referendum Postponed

A REFERENDUM that was to be held at the same time as the federal election has been postponed. The referendum would have given electors the opportuniy to amend the Australian Constitution to enable financial recognition to Loal Government. Unfortunately, given the final passage of the necessary legislation on June 14th the referendum could not be held before Sept 14th, the day that Julia Gillard intended to hold the election. Direct federal funding that currently exists has delivered safer roads, upgraded public amenities and better playgrounds and parks. What next? In theory the referendum now must be held with 6 months of the June 14th date. However, I'll bet the politicians will find away of stopping this from happening once again.

05 August 2013

Everything Old is New Again

Tonight Councillors will be briefed on suggestions to improve the flow of traffic along Unley Rd. If you have been to Prospect Rd recently you will notice that people can park, the traffic flows, new shops have opened and it is a pleasant place to be again. Unley Rd had a similar planned that was approved for implementation over 10 years ago. The problem was the Labor Government would not fund  the plan that the Liberals had approved. So tonight we are looking again at the plan to see if it is still relevant and might just work. It requires few infrastructure changes, just a lot of different lines painted on the road.
We will also be briefed on the Brownhill Creek Storm water plan and the Unley Central project.

04 August 2013

Grab a Coffee with the Mayor


The above link will take you to a video clip inviting you to share  a coffee with 
the Mayor at Peligrinis. This is a new initiative, so check out the time and if 
you've something you want to tell him then sit down and have a chat. He will 
happily listen to what is good and what needs improving.

03 August 2013

Sala in Unley

 2013 SALA in Unley has continued to grow as one of South Australia’s major and respected arts festivals. This year SALA runs from 2-25 August. This year our involvement includes:
The coordination of Where Business Meets Art, a project developed in conjunction with Unley’s five Main Street Traders Associations for businesses and artists to participate in our ongoing initiative to put art in our shops, cafes and businesses. This year over 50 businesses will display work in a variety of mediums from around 120 artists. This continues to be the single largest response to SALA in any metropolitan area.
SALA on Show is the new SALA on Sale on Sunday 25 August starting around 10.30am and going to 5pm.! Following the decision of the King William Road Traders not to repeat the format of previous SALA on Sales, negotiations were undertaken with both SALA Festival and the Unley Shopping Centre. It was considered that the event was an excellent showcase for our Council and its region and with 6-8 000 attendees it should not be lost from the calendar. The event has been re-branded and now called SALA on ShowThis is the closing event for the state-wide Festival. The event predominantly allows over 300 pieces of work to be sold by artists in one day.It will be hosted in an area in front of the Unley Shopping Centre and the music and ‘artists on the street’ elements will spill over on to the paths of the Shopping Centre and the Soldiers Memorial Gardens. We are currently investigating a temporary mural being created along one of the marquee walls. There will also be roving entertainers assisting with any traffic management issues. The Art Gallery of SA will be bringing workshops for families based on their current Heartland exhibition. We are now one of the major sponsors along with The Advertiser, SANTOS, Unley Shopping Centre, and Unley Traders Association. This gives us a high profile at events where we are mentioned and we appear on the inside page of the main SALA program.   Thanks Matthew Ives