25 September 2022

Garden Competition


Open to all residents of the City of Unley, categories include:

  • Produce Garden
  • Ornamental Garden
  • Small Garden
  • Environmental Excellence

·         Young Gardener Award (for residents 16 years and under)

Entries close Friday 14 October 2022, with judging to take place by a panel of community judges between 24 October and 4 November.

Winners will be announced and prizes awarded on Sunday 20 November at the Unley Spring Fling Community Picnic at Soldiers Memorial Gardens.

Further information is available on the Spring Fling page of our website www.unley.sa.gov.au/spring-fling

19 September 2022

Time to retire

I was first elected to Council in 1995, some 27 years ago. 

After five Council terms and as many elections I decided not to contest this election. When talking to a resident who came to chat while I was having morning tea with my little granddaughter ( 3.5 years ) I realised that her mother was a similar age when I was first elected and that I needed to show courage and end my time on Council.

I believe I bought a strong sense of commitment and drive to Council  that has enabled me to get things done. I learned early that there was often more than one way to do this and that keeping pushing in the same direction wasn't always the most successful way. I've stood alone on many projects  when a matter was initially  put to the vote to later find that my colleagues were able to support what I wanted in the long run. Some of the things that come to mind are banning smoking inside the chamber and later all Council facilities as well as progressing the paving of footpaths to see them now complete.

I would have liked to see more changes legislated by state government that I believe would further improve local government; these include compulsory voting, max 12 year terms for elected members and keeping it political party free.

As the currently longest serving member it has been a pleasure to serve the City of Unley and its people in this manner.

14 September 2022

Female players wanted : cricket




GIRL CRICKET PLAYERS  - Goodwood Girls registration is open!



We play in the Strikers Girls Cricket league U12s and U15s -  Training at Goodwood oval on Wednesdays, matches are on Fridays.  Great coaches, great facilities, great fun!

  •  'Come and Try' day  - Sunday 18th September, 10am-11.30, Goodwood oval nets
  •  Registration closes 30 September, with the season starting 21 October.   
  • Enquiries: Rachael 0438 872 483, girls@goodwoodcc.com

10 September 2022

Leader St bakery site to be rezoned


Approval to initiate a Private Code Amendment to re-zone the site for medium density residential development..  Under the Planning Development and Infrastructure Act, a private land owner can apply to the Minister for Planning and undertake the process to re-zone land.  

 With the approval to initiate the Code Amendment it has been uploaded to the PlanSA Portal web-site and become public information   https://plan.sa.gov.au/have_your_say/code_amendments#current_code_amendments   

The Code Amendment itself will be completed in the following months and then a formal consultation process will  be undertaken on the rezoning proposal.  Council will have its opportunity to review and comment on the Code Amendment as part of the formal public consultation period, anticipated to commence in late 2022 or early 2023.

 Following consultation and review of the Code Amendment, the outcome is ultimately determined by the Minister for Planning.  Once approved the new zone policy will apply.  A Development Application may be lodged sometime thereafter for the an actual development proposal in accord with the new zoning.


Report a complaint


Unley have developed a new portal for the community to let them know about issues in our city.  The new Report It Portal helps our customers provide  staff with the information they need, first-time, helping to prioritise and resolve issues in the most efficient way. The portal can be accessed from a mobile phone or a computer, offering the convenience of people reporting issues when it suits them.

The new report it portal tool is simple to navigate –a convenient map makes it easy to pinpoint the issue location, you can take photos using your mobile phone camera and you can choose how you wish to be kept informed. Every time a request is lodged,  an email is sent to the requestor with a unique customer tracking number.

You can find the new portal by visiting our website and selecting Report an issue on the homepage (see below) or by going to www.unley.sa.gov.au/reportit and then follow the prompts.


08 September 2022

Candidates for the Council election 2022: Unley

It's great to see all seats are being contested.

Mayor 1 Vacancy Contested


HEWITSON, Michael Gordon



Councillor for Unley Ward 2 Vacancies Contested

FINOS, Stephen



Councillor for Parkside Ward 2 Vacancies Contested



BONHAM, Jennifer


Councillor for Fullarton Ward 2 Vacancies Contested






Councillor for Goodwood Ward 2 Vacancies Contested

TIPPER, Denise

HART, Georgie



McPHEE, Scott



Councillor for Clarence Park Ward 2 Vacancies Contested


ROGERS, Rebekah

SQUIRE, Jayden

Councillor for Unley Park Ward 2 Vacancies Contested


RABBITT, Michael James

CHATAWAY, Roslyn Marie

PRIOR,  Paul