28 April 2011

Couuncil meeting April 28th 2011

An update from this months meeting;

  • Orphanage Park was again discussed at my request. I had a fruitful meeting with a resident and with staff. This will see the $50,000 that we already have in funding to be used for further minor upgrading such as removal of desert Ash suckers in the creek bed, removal of dead branches from some trees, some changes to the play area to reduce localised flooding and replacement of some fencing. We will also investigate the development for a Community Land Management Plan to be written in 2012/13. No further work will be done on the lay back of the creek or the works proposed for the northern creek area in the foreseeable future.

  • The third quarter budget review saw an increase of $205,00 in this years financial liabilities.

  • We are trying to establish, with other Councils, a firm commitment from the Federal government regarding ongoing local roads funding.

  • Culvert street in Parkside will become a one way street (at the entrance) to allow for a pedestrian crossing in that location, this will be completed as part of the Glen Osmond Creek works.

  • We also discussed a motion put my Michael Hewitson to ask staff to find further savings in the budget. This motion was defeated, not because this isn't a good idea but because the savings identified would see a minor rate reduction rather than expenditure on other projects that our Community is demanding of us.

The Mayor has decided that the Sturt Football Club players will be wearing jumpers emblazoned with the City of Unley logo this year. This will be at a cost of $2,000. I am concerned at the precedent that this may set for other clubs also asking for sponsorship. This was not a decision made by Council.

24 April 2011

What the Mayor said

I have successfully had the matter between myself and Mayor Clyne released from being covered by confidential provisions. Take the time to read the agenda and minutes including in full what sue Vardon wrote in her report by clicking the link below.

http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/Item_99_Council_Feb_2011_Confidentiality_Order_Removed.pdf http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/Minutes_Item_99_February_2011.pdf

Read what the Unley Herald had to say at

It was very disappointing for Lachlan to start his term in office in this manner and I have been vindicated in this report as having done nothing to invoke or deserve the attack.

This letter was published in the Messenger 17the may 2011

Messy business
THE Local Government Governance
Panel investigation report of
February 9, 2011, has now been
released from confidentiality and
finds that the conduct of Unley
Mayor Lachlan Clyne amounted
to a breach of the council's Code
of Conduct.
It recommended that accordingly
he should make an unqualified
public statement of apology
to Councillor Boisvert as she has
However, Cr Boisvert has not
received such a public apology as,
despite the panel's clear findings
and recommendations, Unley
Council, on February 28, merely
determined that Mayor Clyne
make an apology to Cr Boisvert
in the presence of a majority of
elected members for a technical
breach of code of conduct clause
2(1) of the Elected Members' Code
of Conduct.
I understand such lesser apology
has recently been given but I
am personally disappointed that
Unley Council did not act in accordance
with the recommendations
of the panel it engaged to
resolve the matter.
Councillor Boisvert's Code of
Conduct complaint has now been
both justified and proven and she
was therefore entitled to have the
council determine in favour of an
unqualified public apology as recommended
by the independent
professional LGG Panel.
This has been an unnecessary
It would have been preferable
and less divisive if this matter
was speedily resolved in December
2010 by a simple and prompt
Mayoral public apology as requested
by the aggrieved councillor.
Former Unley Mayor

19 April 2011

Concerns 19th April 2011

I would really like some feedback on the following issues. Can you add as a comment on the website or email to me and I will publish them as part of the blog.

  • Speeding on East Avenue; this has been in the news this week as part of the Leah St bridge replacement. To this date I have only had 2 requests (in 4 years), both called for better policing and there has been a greater police presence. I am also aware that residents rejected the option for roundabouts about 20 years ago. Is there a problem and what is the problem? Do you have any ideas about reducing speed and traffic volume if either is a concern? This is particularly pertinent as Kylie's Bakery on the corner of East and Aroha was hit by a truck last weekend.

  • Are the signs on Goodwood Oval clear about when it can or can not be used for organised sport, passive recreation and dog use both on and off leash?

  • Is gaffiti a problem, where is it mostly occurring and how long does it take to get removed when you ask Council directly or you work through your ward Councillor? Saw this wonderful wall art being painted on Sugar and Spice. This will look so much better than the constant graffiti attacks-well done Heath and Amanda!!

18 April 2011

City Strategy Committee April 18th

This month we made interim decisions about each of the following:

  • Once again McLeay Park was on the agenda, I was disturbed at the precedent that dividing a park with a fence would have regarding the mix of dogs and children. Council voted this time for the original concept but added a clause to investigate park use as early as 5 am and the disturbance this is causing to neighbours.

  • The Strategic Building Review is bubbling along quite well, but has been the cause of many minor projects being put on hold. On of the major outcomes from this will be sale of land that Council no longer needs; one of these sites is likely to be 41 Oxford Tce, Unley,commonly known as Jack's Bar. Councillors on the reference committee are Sangster, Salaman and Clyne.

  • The Orphanage Park redevelopment is to be deferred indefinitely. I have asked that this be again discussed at Council as the decision made means Council would have to return $50,000 of funding it has already received. The creek still looks to me as though this money could be well spent on stabilizing the creek banks without changing the current 'look' of the creek.

  • The Keswick Barracks and Surrounds Urban Design Framework was endorsed. This will allow Council to negotiate with other levels of government should the Army decide to sell their portion of the site. This would allow the area to be developed as a Transport Oriented Development (TOD), putting less pressure on other areas of the City.

  • City wide pocket park locations were discussed. Given that Goodwood South has one being developed (Kelvin Ave) we do not have a site in this year's budget. However, potential sites high on the list are the southern end of Eglington St and Merlon St.

  • The list of Local Heritage Places that we sent to the Minister for his endorsement has come back for us to reconsider. This was discussed under Confidentiality.

06 April 2011

Update on Goodwood South : 6th April 2011

These are the local events that are happening;

  • Millswood Lawns Croquet Club will be hosting an international competition in April 2012. They are hoping to get their veranda replaced before then.

  • The new Goodwood Oval Advisory Committee has been elected. I will publish the names and contact details of those individuals elected next week.

  • The sleepers are being replaced with large stones on the north-east corner of Goodwood Oval.

  • The walk lights on Goodwood Rd are now to be updated early in April, it's beyond my understanding as to how this can take so long. It seems to Council works were done earlier than expected and ETSA is taking its' time

  • The budget documents are out for public consultation. It really is important to have your say on the way you would like your rates to be spent. The public meeting will be April 28th, you can write to the Council or join the online panel on the Council website. I would appreciate comments about footpath replacement acceleration and more funding for heritage initiatives.http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=773&c=17786

  • The location of a pedestrian refuge near the corner of Dunrobin St and East Avenue will come to the next Road Safety meeting.

  • Staff are investigating the removal of the no left and right hand turns into Laught St, Dunrobin St, Forrest Ave, Fairfax St and Chelmsford Ave.

  • Don Palmer and I attended the distribution of the football jumpers to the junior players on 1st April. This was a very pleasant evening for all who attended.

  • The building of the new toilets for Page Park have been put to tender.

  • The mini pocket park is completed in Fielding St. We are still waiting for approval to start the much larger park, including a road closure in Kelvin Ave (eastern end).