26 May 2019

Reconcilliation events

Image result for reconciliation day 2019

Mosaic Workshop - Tuesday 28 May 2-4pm.Unley Library, Oxford Terrace, Unley.
Be part of Reconciliation Week and learn traditional weaving from Aunties from the Southern Elders Weaving Group. This is a free, hands-on, fun, walk-in, weaving and yarning session. You get to take home what you make on the day along with a new traditional skill! 
Reconciliation Week Major Event - Wednesday 29 May 10am- 10.45am. Unley Town Hall, Oxford Terrace, Unley.

This free event is for all ages, introduced by the Mayor and will be a mixture of traditional greetings, their cultural significance and fun education with Katrina Ngaityalya Power and her family. We have also asked schools attending to prepare presentations on the theme of Reconciliation.
All welcome to attend. This year continues to build upon the work we have done in recent years.We have been actively involved with Reconciliation Week since 2007 and have held many similar events over the years attracting over 150 people each time.

 National Sorry Day

National Sorry Day acknowledges and raises awareness of the history and continued effect of the forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from their families, communities and culture.
Flying the Indigenous Flags on National Sorry Day and throughout National Reconciliation Week recognises the significance of these events for all Australians and is a sign of respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture.
We currently fly both the flags permanently on our poles on Unley Road ( one of the few Councils to do so) and have them on display at the back of the Council Chambers.

$2 million for new trees

Image result for tree canopy Unley

State Environment Minister has offered a slice of $2 mill to Councils to improve the tree canopy. How this will operate is unknown at this time. Often spade ready projects get the most money. In this case Unley is well placed for a slice.

Full Council meeting: May 27th 2019

You may find the following of interest:

  • Petitions for both Leah St and regarding lighting at Unley Oval: 
  • Animal Management Plan: This is the third year of the 2016-220 Plan. In the last year Dog and Cat Registration Online has been achieved. Council is also proud of its more caring role when finding lost dogs: where possible they are now reunited with their owner rather than being impounded.
  • Review of Waste Management Plan: Council wishes to continue to encourage the reduction in waste creation and to find the best environmental solutions when disposing of the waste that it does collect.
  • Community Grants Program Allocation of Funding: Clarence Park Ward gained monies  fro Black Forest PS to implement a walking school bus to encourage students to walk to school. The Fairmont Tennis Club and Millswood Bowling club were granted money to purchase defibrillators. Lastly Goodwood Saints Football and Forestville Hockey clubs gained money for new equipment.
  • Compliance Policy: This policy will provide staff with a clear process and guidance to discharge their duties in a manner that is accountable,transparent, consistent, proportional and timely
  • Leah St Renewal: Leah St  needs to be reconstructed as it is failing. The reports discusses streetscape upgrading that can occur at the same time
  • Centennial Park Cemetery Authority; Philanthropic Distribution of Trust Monies: CP  established a education trust fund in 1993 that now has $120,000 in it. CP wishes to dispose of the funds, half of which will come to Unley, as they have never been used. The reports suggeste several options.
  • Appointment of Audit Committee Members: CONFIDENTIAL

23 May 2019

Stop the Silliness

An interesting item on Page 11 of today's paper.  It seems the Ombudsman is sick of petty council infighting. He has been urging Councils  and Councillors to think twice before laying complaints. This is despite the fact that the current legislation makes it unlawful for us to not notify them if we feel that something dodgy has happened. He suggests a  local tribunal to resolve the issues and a lowering of the threshold as described in the Local Government Act. Most of the story revolves around the way Councillors behave to each other. I have heard of some  name calling at a recent Adelaide City Council meeting. It's a long time since Unley has reverted to this type of behaviour. At our recent team building exercise we spent a lot of time talking about how we should deal with each other. I've also done some 'how to have the difficult conversation' training this year. Number one rule is to talk to the person who has allegedly said or done something not everyone else. In a recent meeting with the Mayor I raised this after an issue had arisen where he failed to do this. This matter remains unresolved. Yet better dealt with this way than raising a Code of Conduct complaint when a conversation would have achieved the same end.

19 May 2019

The division of power means nothing to some.

Image result for old lady cartoon

I received a phone call this week from  dear old lady that lives in Millswood. Her concern was that she had not received the application papers for a postal vote. Being in the middle of  one of my classes when I called her back I said I would help sort it out. As I have Jayne Stimson's number I called her and she promised to have member of her staff drop off the application. This is a great example of all levels of government working together for the common good.

12 May 2019

Sea Sure program a winner

Image result for sea sure program UnleySwimming Centre received an award for its New Australian Swimming Program- “Sea Sure” being named 2019 Program of the year.

“The Sea Sure program is a water safety program for new Australians that has evolved over the past three years and is operated at the Swimming Centre in community partnership with Surf Life Saving South Australia (SLSSA). The goal of the program is to educate and keep all people safe when in and around water”

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported and facilitated this program, a total of 13 City of Unley staff volunteered their time to make this program and award possible- something to truly celebrate and take great pride in.
 For more information click here

King William Rd: Community Information Session

11 May 2019

LED lights to be installed from May 15th

Image result for LED street lights in Unley

The installation of Unley’s LED street lights will commence next Monday, May 13.

Installation will start May 13th of the much anticipated LED lighting. All bulbs in residential areas will be changed over in the next couple of months. The workers will start at 7am and finish at 4pm, 5 days a week. If required they may also be working on Saturday's later in the installation schedule. The lights will be much brighter than the existing ones which will, hopefully, improve safety. If you find that the lights are too bright they can individually be fitted with a shield. However, these will be installed only at resident request and the their cost.

05 May 2019

How will Millswood be protected?

Image result for MIllswood BungalowsAs the State Government continues to roll out it's much simplified development plan it is increasingly obvious that at least 12,000 dwellings that have been protected by the use of Heritage Zones rather than individual listings (State or Local heritage protection). Spacious Millswood is one of these zones (Millswood west of Goodwood Rd). The current, and previous level of protection has been such that there is little recent subdivision of blocks and when a building has been demolished as it was irreparable (fire, severer cracking and sometimes neglect) the replacement buildings have been of a high standard and considered to make a better contribution than the original dwelling. As the heritage zone disappears each building will need to be individually listed if the protection is to continue. Unfortunately, the test to have them listed will be much higher than the one to be included in the heritage zone. Many will not make the grade and will, therefore, be probably targeted by developers. There is much work needed to be done on this.

Business Plan Consultation

Each year Council must make important decisions about how to allocate ratepayers funds to the vast range of programs and services it provides via its Annual Business Plan.

Before a council adopts its Annual Business Plan it must prepare a Draft Annual Business Plan and undertake a public consultation process.

The purpose of the Draft 2019-20 Annual Business Plan is to impart understanding of:
  • Services provided by the City of Unley
  • Proposed new initiatives and projects, and
  • The Draft budget for 2019-20.

Ways you can provide feedback

Your feedback will be accepted between Wednesday 1 May and 6pm on Wednesday 29 May. Have your say by:
  • Providing your comments online through Your Say Unley
  • Sending an email with "Draft Annual Business Plan 2019-20" in the subject heading, to pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au
  • Sending a written submission to "Draft Annual Business Plan 2019-20", The City of Unley, PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061.

Public meetings

City of Unley staff will be available to discuss the Draft Plan with you at the following public information sessions:
  • Monday 27 May, 10 - 11.30am Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton
  • Monday 27 May, 5.30 – 6.30pm Unley Civic Centre (Council Chamber), 181 Unley Road, Unley
  • Tuesday 28 May, 10 – 11.30am Goodwood Library, 101 Goodwood Road, Goodwood
  • Tuesday 28 May, 6 – 7.30pm Clarence Park Community Centre, 72-74 East Ave, Black Forest.

What happens next?

Following consultation, the community’s feedback will be provided to Council for consideration prior to finalisation of the plan. For further information, please phone 8372 5111.

King William Rd ready to go!

Image result for King William Rd RedevelopmentThe redevelopment of King William Road is now ready to go. The contract has been signed  and the subcontractors chosen. BMD Construction, who won the contract,  will use the Brethren site on Arthur St as their works depot as well as parking for the people working on the job. This should maximise available parking spaces in the street and near environs for shoppers and diners. The first work you will see will be the closure of the Park St for drainage works. This upgrade has been long in planning, is vital  as the road surface is failing, and will bring new energy to the street when completed (Feb 2020). For the record the pavers that have been sourced by Council are South Australian made.