Good Healthy Soil
At Fern Ave Community Garden
Matthias J Salomon, PHD student of Adelaide University is investigating Urban Agriculture. Some months ago, he took samples of the soil in some of the plots and the common area. Matthias has now analysed the samples and will be presenting his findings.
The presentation is at 6.00pm on Friday 9th March 2018 at Fern Ave Community Garden,18-20 Fern Ave, Fullarton.
The presentation will be followed by baked potatoes and a glass of red at around 7pm.
Gold coin/s donation
This is your chance to understand your soil. Matthias will talk about Urban Agriculture, the importance of soil, soil composition
and the nutrients necessary for effective crop production.
The talk is open to the general public as well as garden members -
please RSVP by message to Cecile on 0405 558 723 for catering