19 March 2018

Native Title claim settled

 The Attorney General and Cabinet approved the settlement last week and the Kaurna approved the settlement at a community meeting shortly after that.

The settlement means that there are  16 parcels of land in the original Kaurna claim area that will have  native title over them, however, none of these parcels fall within the City of Unley.  The settlement means that native title rights and interests over all land and waters within the Determination Area, other than the 16 parcels, have been extinguished. The 16 sites are all in City of Mitcham and Adelaide Hills Council.

As well  Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (AH Act) remains in place, and affords protection to Aboriginal sites irrespective of the native title status of the land.  

As the City of Unley has no land with Native Title it would be the case that any matters that arise under the AH Act could be dealt with on a case by case basis.  

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