25 February 2018

Full Council meeting 26th Feb, 2018

You might the following items of interest:

  • Strategic Property Committee Membership: this is to fill the vacancy left when Peter Hughes became Acting Mayor and John Koumi resigned
  • UBED Membership: this vacancy has been caused by the resignation of John Koumi
  • CEO Performance Review Panel; This committee has run its course with the current membership and needs to be refilled
  • Eastern Regional Alliance Biannual Report: This alliance works together to create, where identified and possible opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce costs. 
  • Mobile Food Vendors Location Rules; these include not being able to set up within 200m of an existing business that sells the same product, within 200m of a school while it is operating, while an organised event is taking place, or in front of a house. most of the other rules are logical and straight forward
  • Resilient East Climate Change Adaptation Plan: Proposed priorities include development of a shared street tree species list that will tolerate climate change, aerial heat mapping, community engagement and awareness and emergency management plans
  • Greening Unley Rd; The report suggests that there are only 10 places on the entire length on Unley Rd west where new trees could be planted (this can be completed this year) and 35 on the eastern side (subject to budget funding). Council will still need to discuss appropriate species.
  • Rugby St and Oxford Tc Intersection: The planned bikeway showed a reversal of the right of way on this intersection. Cr Salaman is asking council to reduce risk by allowing the right of way to continue on Oxford Tce.
  • Future Uses of the Hockey Playing Field at Goodwood Oval: This has been put in my me. Now that Hockey will definitely be moving, although it may take a year or two, it is time to look at the space and building they use and work towards, with the community, an innovative us of the area. There is already discussion about the use and currently Council has no way forward to work out the best use in the future. It would be good to have something ready to go when the area is vacated.

ICAC rules get even tighter

Once again the state government has moved to tighten what Councillors can and cannot do. This time we must include more things on our gifts register. Its like someone thinks we all have golfing memberships, get taken out to lavish dinners once a week and are taking freebies all over the place. When I ran for Mayor on 1997 I received one cash donation and one, in kind donation; neither of which had to be declared. Now if I so much as accept a $50 meal, and we're not clear about if this is individual meals or total meals from one source then it must be declared. while I often get my cup of tea paid for by the ratepayer I'm discussing a matter with the only  contribution I currently declare is a double pass to the Adelaide Show (value $170).
Why do I keep on thinking that the local government sector is not trusted by other levels of government and that they continue to have a go at us to divert attention from themselves and the way they many of them behave?

20 February 2018

Swimming Centre update

Favourable weather through-out the season has resulted in significant growth in memberships, casual entries and programs. A current day comparison of this season’s attendance shows 61,000 visitors compared to 54,500 last season, this growth of over 10% places the centre on track to achieve the 90,000 attendance target set by the team in September.  Swim school has again grown, now
operating at capacity with 590 students enrolled in the 10 week summer term that operates
until April school holidays.Additionally:
  • Friday for a cause started on Feb 2nd and has so far raised over &700 for Surf Lie Saving. 
  •  All funds are contributing to the operation of the ‘Ride the wave Program’. This program is to provide water safety education to some of South Australia’s at risk and migrant population. In its first two weeks ‘Ride the Wave’ has provided water safety sessions to over 30 people, representing six different nationalities.  
  • Over the weekend of Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th February the Swimming Centre hosted the 13th Annual 24 hour MS Mighty Swim. To date has raised $88,919 for those living with Multiple Sclerosis in our community.
  • Several media opportunities have recently presented themselves, promoting the facility and the above events and programs.
  •  Eastern Courier article ‘Migrants set to make a splash’ Wednesday 8th February.

19 February 2018

$70,000 for Millswood Bowls

Election time is proving to be very helpful at the moment. The preselected candidate for the Labor Party, Jane Stimson, was pleased to donate $70,000 to the club last week for the refurbishment of the toilets and changerooms. What a great result! This was a grant and not an election promise.

18 February 2018

Goodwood Oval : much disquiet!

It was great to get the grant from the state government to assist council in delivery much overdue new clubrooms for the Goodwood Saints Football Club and the Cricket club. As those of you know that leave nearby this building is now out for consultation with residents before the plan is finalised and development approval is sought. As is usually the case council does not send out plans, or have them on its website when the letter is sent out. However, you will find them here and here.
However, at the same time the Goodwood Saints FC has asked to extend it oval usage times and the Development Assessment process has begun. As I am still a proxy for Council on this committee I cannot express an opinion on this development application. However, it should be noted that Council must go through this process once an application has been lodged. If the committee were to approve the changes then Council still needs to consent to a change of lease conditions and, as a Cat 3 notification the residents, who are representors, can appeal the decision in the ERD Court. If it were to be refused the FC can also lodge an appeal.
Lastly a Pod has appeared on the oval that hols equipment for a soccer club that uses the hockey grounds in the summer. As councillors we were not consulted about this and neither were you as residents. The structure is small enough not to require development consent but is still causing great anxiety for residents.
I also have heard the Goodwood Saints have applied to extend their Liquor Licence: it is my understanding that there is no truth in this whatsoever.

Posters on every stobie poll

Had a problem giving these two equal space. I enjoy election campaigns and making my judgements as to how each candidate is going. What I don't like, and believe there is no place for, is the posters that now festoon the city. Talk of limiting them to 100 per candidate per elecorate is still way too many in my opinion. They pop up in local government elections and should be banned. Another annoyance of these is that would  be councillors and mayors can use a photo take no longer than 12 months prior and would be members of the state parliament can choose a flattering photo than is years old: also alloys them to stockpile from election to election.

Gender balance on the Agenda

After reading Bob's blog  yesterday I realise even more that now is the time for fresh faces with new ideas to have a go at getting themselves elected to Council in Novemeber. There will be at leaset one vacancy in Unley and Goodwood Wards, two  in Unley Park and Parkside Wards plus a new mayor. This means a minimum of six new faces assuming the one of Schnell, Rabbitt and Hewitson win the mayoral position. So if you are thinking of runing now might be the time. As far as I am aware both Don and I will be renominating in Clarence Park.

15 February 2018

Community grant funding: is it your turn?

The March 2018 Community Grant Program funding round is now open for applications.  Grant funding of up to $4,000 is available for innovative and diverse community projects and/or programs. Guidelines and application forms are available from the Civic Centre or at Council’s website http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/community-culture/grants-sponsorships#hash-slide-community-grants-program-89.

Applicants are encouraged to contact Council to discuss their application and eligibility.  Afternoon or evening workshops will be held for those groups and individuals who would like assistance with the “nuts and bolts” aspects of their applications.  Let us know if you would like to attend a workshop or would like me to mail you a copy of the application form

Applications close on Friday 30 March 2018

Funding will be available to successful applicants in early June 2018.  Please be aware that projects and/or programs that commence prior to 1 June 2018 are not eligible and will not be funded.

Don’t hesitate to contact Pam Hocking on email phocking@unley.sa.gov.au, phone 8372 5108 or Matthew Ives email mives@unley.sa.gov.au, phone 8372 5134 if you require further information. 

14 February 2018

Good development news

Roslyn Crt on a bad day
During the last week there has been some good news for residents regarding this  development.

  • The Cremorne Plaza development has been deferred by the Delopment Assessment Comission while the developer reviews overlooking, amenity of the south facing apartments, visual bulk, finishes and materials, parking provisions, activation at the ground floor level, waste  management and inclusion of areas for deep rooted planting  (can grow a tree).
  • The state government announced this morning that it would upgrade the Roslyn Crt apartments rather than bulldozing and rebuilding with  a much higher agenda.


13 February 2018

Goodwood Oval grandstand upgrades

Community consultation on the grandstand upgrade at Goodwood Oval has commenced.

Letters have been sent to local residents and information has been placed on Council’s website and at council facilities.  Notices will also be placed in the Eastern Courier and at the oval soon.

This consultation is open to all residents not just those letterboxed.

The consultation will close on Fri 16 March and a report will be presented to Council in April.

11 February 2018

Unley Road traders host a great event

I spent some time last night enjoying the music and evening at the Memorial Gardens in Unley. There were quite a few  people there and all seemed to be enjoying the music. The star of the night were the flying foxes that flew over between 8:45pm  and 9:00pm in an almost constant stream. The colony in the parklands must now number well into the thousands. My reseach says up to 10,000.

07 February 2018

Clarence Park CC to go solar

At the last Council meeting Council agreed to fund a solar array on the roof at CPCC. Calculations show that it will pay for itself in 3 years. This will be a great saving for Council and reduce pressure on rate increases (even if just a little bit). This is pending a final funding review at the end of the next quarter.


The Unley Museum will become a one-stop-shop for rare movies and early TV memorabilia in February and March as part of the Adelaide Fringe.

The Lexicon exhibition will take audiences on a trip down memory lane to experience and learn about movie and television characters that fascinated people all over the world in the early days of the big and small screen.

Unley Museum Curator Karen Paris said the Museum was thrilled to be exhibiting such a wonderful collection of fascinating and fun objects.

“The collection includes a Gilligan’s Island Cookbook, selected pieces of Franco-Belgian comic book literature, Tintin figurines, a Howdy Doody doll, autographed comics and much more!” Miss Paris said.

Private collector Stuart Blair (BLang BA Hons Flin), who has amassed this collection over many years said “the exhibition represents a celebration of one's interest in the phenomena that is popular culture”.

“What makes this visual representation unique is the joy that each piece brings by stirring memories that span from childhood to present day,” Mr Blair said.

06 February 2018

Grants not promises

An election year has many rewards just there for
the picking.
Following the recent grant from the state govenment for a new Goodwood Oval facility of $2.8million more money has been given this week. Unley Oval grandstand refurbishment has been given $500,000 for women's changerooms  and $9mill has been given to redevelop the Women's Memorial playing fields for providing a synthetic pitch for hockey. While Goodwood and Unley will be sad to see Forestville Hockey move to a new home we will be very happy for them to have a new facility in which to grow and flourish. This was on top over over $500,000 awarded through Fund My Neighbourhood in Unley.
All we need now is new clubrooms for Millswwod Croquet. Maybe the Liberals could at least put this in as a promise.

03 February 2018

What will the next Council look like

I have just reached Cr. Michael Hudson's blog and his views on what the composition of the Council to be elected later this year will look like.
These are my own views but I see it this way following conversations with each of the current members

Goodwood: Bob Schnell  (running for Mayor) and Luke Smolucha
Clarence Park: Jennie Boisvert and Don Palmer
Unley Park: Michael Rabbitt (running for Mayor) and Rob Sangster (retiring)
Unley: Michael Hewitson (running for mayor) and Rufus Salaman
Parkside: Michael Hudson (retiring) and John Koumi (already retired)
Fullarton: Peter Hughes and Anthony Lapidge (considering his options)

By my calculations this means there will be no more than half  of the current council in the line-up and some of those may not win their seats back. Cr Schnell believes there may be as few as 2 and Cr Hudson as few as 5. Fresh faces always bring new ideas and new ways of working which, if I am re-elected, will be refreshing. Council needs diversity and, hopefully, this shake up will give a greater opportunity for more women to be elected. It would also be good to have a council that reflected the demographic with some younger people and some that add cultural diversity.

Whose (sic) the mayor?

Hughes is the Mayor.
As many of you are aware Lachlan Clyne resigned as of last Wednesday and Council had an oppotunity to elect among themselves an acting mayor who will hold the position until the new council is swarn in.
Peter Hughes was elected on the night with Michael Hewitson as Deputy. Even though I put up my hand for the acting mayor position I was unsuccessful.