was great to get the grant from the state government to assist council in
delivery much overdue new clubrooms for the Goodwood Saints Football Club
and the Cricket club. As those of you know that leave nearby this building is
now out for consultation with residents before the plan is finalised and
development approval is sought. As is usually the case council does not send
out plans, or have them on its website when the letter is sent out. However,
you will find them here and here.
at the same time the Goodwood Saints FC has asked to extend it oval usage times
and the Development Assessment process has begun. As I am still a proxy for
Council on this committee I cannot express an opinion on this development application.
However, it should be noted that Council must go through this process once an
application has been lodged. If the committee were to approve the changes then
Council still needs to consent to a change of lease conditions and, as a Cat 3
notification the residents, who are representors, can appeal the decision in
the ERD Court. If it were to be refused the FC can also lodge an appeal.
a Pod has appeared on the oval that hols equipment for a soccer club that uses
the hockey grounds in the summer. As councillors we were not consulted about this
and neither were you as residents. The structure is small enough not to require
development consent but is still causing great anxiety for residents.
I also have heard the Goodwood Saints have
applied to extend their Liquor Licence: it is my understanding that there is no
truth in this whatsoever.
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