10 December 2017

Full Council meeting; Dec 11th 2017

The following may be of interest:

  • Tree Policy: This changes the Vegetation Management Policy to a Tree Policy. Hopefully, this will be able to better inform staff and result in a overall improvent on tree health and tree canopy.
  • Community Engagement Charter: This Charter hopes that by consulting widely in the planning process that no further consultation should be necessary. This could be true, but only if approval is only guaranteed if it confirms to the guidelines and all else is refused. Given that it is human nature to try to change the rules and exceed the boundaries I believe that consultation should always be allowed at the individual site level.
  • Stormwater Management Authority: This call for the nomination of a Council member or employee to the Authority.
  • Expression of Interest to Host a 2019 Stage / Finish for the Tour Down Under: Wouldn’t irt be good to have a finish instead of a start?
  • Conservation Grants: These have been oversubscribed with the recommendation of proportionally smaller amounts per application for each eligible applicant rather than trying to decide if some were more worthy than others. This points to the fact that the funding Council has made available is way too low.
  • Code of Conduct Report (CONFIDENTIAL)
  • Property Acquisition Opportunity (CONFIDENTIAL)

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