28 November 2017

Full Council meeting:November 27th,2017

The following items may be of interest:
Almond St
Deputation from Tilbrook House regarding noise issues from the Goodwood PS as well as some traffic management issues.
Deputation from Dara School who wish to take over the lease that Kirinari has on their former school site
Almond St, Goodwood: Council have been asked by residents to consider making the street a shared zone. Although the report did not support this Council voted to investigate a shared zone/ shared street. Residents clearly believe the former will give the pedestrians in their street (it has no footpaths) the safety that would be expected.
Priority Projects at Goodwood Oval and Millswood Sporting Complex: with funding from the state government Council voted to move forward with the preferred two storey option. They also voted to proceed with club rooms for the croquet club. However, the current proposal is over budget and will need to be pruned.
Goodwood Community Centre Performance Review: I was concerned about the audited loss in the first 18 months of the new, independent board. This report passed.
Multi Year  Community Impact Grants were awarded to the Unley Concert Band, Access2Arts, SEED  and Sustainable Communities SA.
Community Grants were awarded to the Forestville Hockey Club in Clarence Park Ward plus many other worthwhile enterprises.
Brown Hill and Keswick Creek Subsidiary charter was presented to Council.
Greening Unley Rd: Council reluctantly supported an initial investigation I to opportunities to green Unley Rd.

Confidential Items regarding Kirinari and Unley Central.

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