19 January 2013

DPA3: Your Say

It's time to have your say on this Development Plan Amendment. You can find all relevant information on the Council website in the Your Say corner. While this does not impact on Goodwood South the amendments to follow will. The more people have to say now the more it has the potential to affect change in the future as this will set the parameters by which the others are judged. Please comment on the proposed uses, the height and the set backs, particularly of the upper levels.
Burnside, who have refused to cooperate with the government, have now had their planning powers in respect of the corridors removed so the government will do it for them. Unley decided along time ago that we would get better outcomes by working with them. However, there are still some things that Council do not want in what has gone to consultation. We need your support to reduce the heights and improve set backs.


  1. It is interesting that the proposal to stop the creep in a southerly direction at Unley Shopping Centre has now changed and extended to NORTHGATE street Unley Park.
    I think we all need to watch out for the next proposal - right up to Cross Roads?
    Can the government be trusted?
    What do you think about past performances?

  2. Hi Jennie,
    Do you know the high-rise limit proposed between Unley Central and Northgate street?
    Has Unley Council had an input into this or is this a new "initiative" by the government?
    What are the proposals for the eastern side between Unley Central and Cross Road?

    1. The height limit is set at 3 to 5 storeys. There is no proposal south of Northgate St, Council is more likely to have to consider high rise in King William or Goodwood Rds before south of Northgate St. Both the east and west side of Unley Rd are part of the DPA, that is there is no proposal at this time south of Northgate St. I hope that when and if this is approved in some form that there is sometime given to ascertain the take up rate and the actual rather than the perceived effects before there are any further changes to the corridors.
