23 March 2021

Full Council meeting: March 22nd 2020

 You might find the following of interest?

  • Design and installation of a sensory garden: this was well received, the project will be funded by Rotary and Council will make available a piece of land and assist with maintanance. PASSED
  • Cultural Plan 2021-26: A new plan to determine priorities for funding. PASSED
  • Draft climate and energy plan-for consultation: This plan is a step in the right direction and oud see the Council Carbon Neutral. However, for the city to be Carbon neutral will take much longer. PASSED
  • Draft management and resource recovery plan-2021-25: fancy calling rubbish resource recovery. Almost everything can now be recycled, just be careful to make sure it goes in the right bin, PASSED
  • Elector representation review: preferred option: we have now agreed that at the next election there will be 5 wards in Unley with 2 Councilors from each ward plus a Mayor, elected at large. PASSED
  • Volunteer graffiti removal policy: This is updated and will, hopefully, see removal of graffiti by an expanded crew of volunteers in a more organised and expedient manner. PASSED
  • Mainstreet funding requests: We agreed to fund at the same level as last year although the vote was close, PASSED
  • Planning reform delegations:
  • Establishment of a Building Fire Safety Committee:
  • Review of Volunteer Management Policy:
  • Review of the Community Grants and Sponsorship Policy:
  • Maison de France establishment: CONFIDENTIAL

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