You might find the following of interest:
- Culross Ave Consultation summary: residents in Culross Ave have ongoing concerns about a perceived change in car movements and parking with the additional homes that have been completed on Fullarton Rd. A survey undertaken, now that the new homes are occupied doe not support road closures.
- Draft North Unley Park Masterplan: an revamp of this park is long overdue. The draft plan, following extensive consultation, is refreshing and demonstrates a clear community vision.
- Mike Turtur Bikeway Overpass: after consulting with the community the Council would like to make further recommendations to this much needed project. These include widening the opening under the existing bridge, establishing a connection to Richards Tce, making the platform and access to it DDA compliant and ensuring the open spaces are usable.
- Financial Incentives for Trees on Private Property: This discusses a proposal to give rebates to properties that have and maintain a 30% canopy cover on their properties. I'm yet to be convinced that this will achieve its purpose.
- Draft Disability Access and Improvement Plan: worth a read.
- Support for Businesses During COVID-19 (Omricon): I have asked Council to consider any further initiatives that may assist struggling businesses.
- Waste Management Services Contract: CONFIDENTIAL
All of these were approved excepting the financial incentives for tree cover on private land. Council felt that the proposal was too narrow and that we should be asking the residents what incentives they believe will be effective.