On Monday 21st City Strategy meeting Item 3 was to discuss the motion that I brought forward at November's meeting; to accelerate the footpath replacement programme. The report can be read at http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/Item_3_CSP_February_2011.pdf .
I moved that;
1. The report be received
2. The bitumen footpaths continue to be replaced in line with the Footpath Replacement Programme for the 2011/12 year which will be considered as part of the Annual Business Plan and Budget process for 2011/12.
3. An option for bringing forward the replacement of the bitumen footpath network, over a 6 to 8 year period be considered as part of the review of the Footpath Asset Management Plan scheduled for completion by October 2011 and the subsequent review of the Long Term Financial Plan and the Strategic Asset management Plan.
4.Options for replacement of footpaths, with alternative treatments be explored as part of the review of the Footpath Asset Management Plan.
This seemed to be a consensual view from those who emailed me, many were happy with further acceleration, one or two would have liked a lot more information and one to continue at the present rate (completion 2042). This motion received the support of all but one Councillor. I hope that this is the start of getting things moving more quickly, however, it is one small step and there will be many more if the acceleration is to begin.
Further moderate acceleration of the programme would be a good outcome, thanks for proposing it.
ReplyDeleteIf this site was a true representation of "Freedom of Speech" it would include ALL comments made, not just those tha the Councillor thought prompted herself!
ReplyDeleteSo far I have published all comments that have been made and will continue to do so if they are positive or offer constructive criticism of the Councl or me.