20 May 2018

Rate Capping: it's time to work with State government

Now that the Liberals were elected with mandate of ratecapping in South Australia it is time to start working with them to get the best outcomes within a proposed framework. Rates for 2018/19 are unaffected as they hope to have legislation passed before rte deliberations start of 2019/20. Hopefully, working with them and being encouraged to participate in defing the detail of the legislation will be important.

1 comment:

  1. Cr Bob Schnell22 May, 2018 15:21

    You’re spot on Jennie.
    Recently I moved a motion at Council along these lines.
    Unfortunately you were absent and the motion was not successful.
    So, Unley Council’s position is that it still opposes rate capping.
    It’s sad that Council is so out of step with the sentiments of the residents.
