projects that have been undertaken in 2010/11 include
Climate Change projects;
- A sustainable living resource has been developed and can be accesses on Councils' web site.
- The Solar Easy scheme is up and running.
- Council have added new hybrid and fuel efficient cars to the fleet.
- The sustainable buildings programme has seen more efficient air conditioning installed at the Civic Centre and solar panels installed at the Swimming Pool.
Water projects include;
- Recycled water available from the Glenelg Adelaide Pipeline to water our ovals and parks.
- Design for aquifer storage and recharge at Ridge Park.
- Design of stormwater capture and rain gardens on Wattle St.
- Stormwater capture to water vegetation on Aroha Tce.
- Dual flush toilets in public spaces (many of which also capture rain water to do this.)
Waste projects include;
- The campaign against illegal dumping.
- A pilot E-waste project.
- Council purchasing products for their own use hat have been made using more sustainable resources ,eg. black landscaping posts made out of waste plastics.
Sustainable landscapes include;
- Pocket parks
- Adopt a tree with over 400 trees being adopted.
- Planting more trees, especially deciduous trees, in children's playgrounds.
- more frequent tree watering in summer.
- The establishment of more community gardens. You might find this video clip on the Fern Avenue garden interesting. . Select backyard gardens.
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