02 July 2011

Update July 2011

Lots of new things-it never ceases to amaze me just how long things take to get done and yet if persistent they can be achieved.

(not getting rid of the CEO, he has done a good job)

  • CEO resigns; this week the CEO Ray Pincombe resigned from his position, he will leave in November to pursue retirement. Council are currently reviewing his performance as we do each year, the information gathered during this process will also be useful for setting the standards for the new CEO.

  • Better access to the swimming pool for those people with limited mobility. Council have won a grant of $47,000 to upgrade the bridge walkway and access gates as well as install a hydraulic lift to the existing platform area on the eastern side of the pool.

  • Page Park; better signage has been installed near the tennis courts regarding use and the gate has been repaired. Council are currently considering if the park is suited to playground equipment and/or new fitness equipment in the future. Your feedback on this in the comments would be appreciated. It is already a designated dog exercise area.

  • Mills St; this street will see some minor changes. DETI have approved the removal of the chicane (and replacement with a slow point) , the second one from the east. The entrance traffic island will be modified to reduce the possibility of doing U-turns on the corner with Goodwood Road. Both of these projects I have been working with staff for 4 years.

  • Aroha Tce ,Spiers St and East Ave; residents of Aroha Tce have been letter boxed to ask for their opinion on timed parking, an issue raised at the public meetings and residents near Spiers St can comment on a no parking zone to increase safety at the intersection with Mills St. Residents in Dunrobin St and Laught St are being asked to comment on the potential removal of the left hand turn bans.

  • Millswood Croquet have been successful in getting funding from Council to upgrade their verandah and to replace the roof at the same time-this will make the club rooms safer and dress them up for the international competition they are hosting in 2012.

  • Library events for winter can be found at;http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=1105&c=18524

  • Rainwater tanks, the question is do you need planning consent or can you just install one?An information sheet can be found on Council website if you need to find out. http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/Fact_Sheet_47_-_Do_I_need_Development_Approval_for_a_Rainwater_Tank.pdf

  • Heavy traffic in George Street; Is there a problem and if so what are the solutions? I would love your comments on this dilemma as well.

  • Provisional heritage listing has been granted for the stone lining of Brown Hill creek in Orphanage Park, submissions will be called for in the near future. The area that was to be laid back had little of the original stonework and there was never any proposal to do anything to alter the creek bed itself. Council investigated this item for inclusion in the current Heritage Planning Amendment that is awaiting Ministerial approval and could not recommend that the stone work be included at that time (about 2 years ago).

1 comment:

  1. My only comment is that as a resident of Aroha Tce, I am all for restricted time parking but feel that it should be 4 hour limit on both the southern side, as well as in the dedicated parking bays. 2 hours doesn't allow enough time to invite visitors for say lunch. Normally guests would arrive 11.00-11.30am, and not leave until perhaps 3.00 or even later. I'm also involved in various craft activities and sometime like minded friends get together to create in the company of others and 2 hours again would not be worthwhile.
