- Royal Adelaide Show Traffic Management: additional costs have been incurred due to tighter controls and standards introduced by DPTI. These costs have usually been met by Council but Councillors have directed staff to discuss a cost sharing arrangement. PASSED
- Temporary closure of the libraries: all lendable materials in both libraries are currently being tagged to enable more seamless borrowing (Radio Frequency Identification). This will need some changes at each facility that will require temporary closure of both libraries: Godwood will be closed from May 2nd to the 9th and Unley from the 16th to the 29th May, 2016. PASSED
- Rate Capping: recently Stephen Griffith MP wrote to Council expounding the advantages of rate capping. I put a Motion on Notice to invite Stephen to meet with Councillors and staff so we could discuss this proposal. Rate capping sounds like great idea but historically forced rate capping has led to higher than expected increases in rates in the longer term. PASSED
- Change of plans for Rugby/Porter St bikepath: Michael hewitson was unhappy with the original motion and asked for additional action along the route. This would give preference to Rugby St over the streets that it currently crosses. While the idea is sound I am fearful that changes in traditional traffic flow may be the cause of accidents that we are trying to prevent. This will need to go to consultation and to DPTI for approval. The final outcome may be different from what is now proposed. PASSED
- Unley Central :CONFIDENTIAL
While this sounds short it took well over 3 hours to debate.
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