21 May 2011

Full Council meeting May 2011

These might work between the protuberances (thanks Bob)

Why are these devices so hated in Byron Road?

I received a petition from the residents (signed by over 50 in the street alone) in this street outlining the problems with them including;

  • The continual speeding of cars and lack of courtesy to other drivers

  • Danger to cyclists

  • Lots of children in the area including those enjoying the facilities at the Princess Margaret Playground

  • Loss of on street parking.

  • Difficulty in collection of rubbish

  • Detract from the beauty of the street

The petition has been presented to Council and will appear in June's Agenda. The information in it was the very reason that Don and I were able to get some money into the budget 2011/12 for a traffic study in the area.

This weeks Council Agenda has items on;

  • The levee on traders in Fullarton Rd; This proved to be quite an issue as the traders who responded to the consultation do not want to pay a levee. However, traders on the other main streets pay a levee to their traders association that allows each precinct to spend money to promote and upgrade their streets. This has worked effectively for a number of years.

  • Budget documents for 2011/12 for Centennial Park Cemetery.

  • Safe pedestrian access near building sites: How often have you noticed that when the builder moves in the footpath is overtaken with all sorts of builders material and the pedestrians have to walk around the site in whatever way they can manage. This caused a little debate and disappointment was expressed about the time footpaths take to repair and the amount of damage done to them. Ultimately the builder has to reinstate the footpath or reimburse the Council when it repairs the damage. Staff now photograph the site before the builder starts so there can be little dispute about the existing condition on completion. One footpath that seems to have been missed in this is Merlon St. We didn't resolve the access issues during building.

  • Review of Confidentiality Orders; which items can now be released to the public and which items should remain confidential and why.

  • End of the month financial report. http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/Council_Agenda_May_2011.pdf

I am looking forward to the meeting of the Clarence Park Community Centre Board on the 25th May.


  1. I wish there could be better traffic control methods like on Byron Rd in Parkside! The flow through traffic is terrible, especially in the section between , Glen Osmond Rd, Young & George Sts and Greenhill Rd

  2. L Nordestgaard24 May, 2011 22:58

    The slow points in Byron Road are not only unsightly but dangerous.

    With the greater volume of uninterrupted traffic along South Road because of the Gallipoli underpass and the tram overpass, making a right turn off South Road is increasingly difficult and you need to move quickly when a break in traffic occurs. At the moment there is a problem if cars in front are held up by the first slow point in Byron Road, which is quite close to the South Road corner. I have seen people turn quickly only to be brought to a dangerous stop by cars waiting to let another car pass in the opposite direction on Byron Road. Residents in the area are limited in turning right by the train, the tram and the bridge so there is more traffic being carried by this street than might otherwise be the case.

    It was never a problem street until all these slow points were added. I think the amount of speeding in the street is highly exaggerated as it is almost impossible because of all the traffic management devices and the 40kph speed limit anyway.

    The street was largely closed off from East Avenue by the building of the median strip on the tram line about 28 years ago and the traffic volume in the street has never been a huge problem ever since. Let traffic flow naturally and don't create more problems than necessary. Give Way signs are adequate to deal with traffic in the street with maybe one slow point at the intersection of Gordon and Byron Road.

  3. Cr Bob Schnell30 May, 2011 07:43

    Jennie, given the huge cost of installing these 'slow' points in Byron Road, we need to get them working (and slowing traffic). I have suggested to the Administration that the road surface be roughed-up at the slow point. Drivers need to be impacted by noise and vibration if they exceed 4okph through these sections. I hope that we can salvage the situation via a commonsense approach.

  4. If it is this easy I'm sure that everyone will be happy, might be worth a try?
