31 May 2011

Update June 2011

May has been a busy month and there are many things to report.

The pocket park consultation is continuing, it is important to have your say. To do this you must write directly (before June 15th) to the Council saying if you approve or not with a reason why if possible.

The Natural Resource Management Board have agree to remove the poplars from Brownhill Creek near Cranbrook Ave. This has taken a long to time to get approval and it may be still a while before the work begins. The toilet block for Page Park is being constructed off site, it will be installed before the end of June. The pergola at the tennis courts is also needing to be replaced and will be done with in the maintenance budget. A sign will soon appear to say when the courts are booked by the Fairmont Tennis Club and when they are available for public use. Also staff are investigating the cost of putting a gate on the western entrance.

The Goodwood Oval Advisory Group meets on the 1st of June, the new members should be ready to take their place. I have had a discussion with staff to ensure that Agendas and Minutes are put on the Council website in a timely manner and for the same papers to be placed on a noticeboard(or similar) at the football club rooms. This seems not to have been recent practice. The objectives and full list of members can be found at;
http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=1229&c=5011The current Agenda and past Agendas and minutes at;
One of the interesting topics to be discussed is the possible inclusion of the area near the football club rooms to be including in the non-smoking areas to be investigated by Council.

I have had many complaints about the cleanliness of the public toilets. I met with a staff member at the Orphanage Park toilets to demonstrate that the cleanliness of these toilets is not up to scratch. While they were a little better than they had been on my last visit there was still a lot of room for improvement. I have been given an undertaking that there will be a higher standard achieved in following weeks. This will also include the Dora Guild, Princess Margaret and Goodwood Oval toilets. A nappy disposal bin will also be provided at Orphanage Park.

I attended the Clarence Park Community Centre Board meeting held last week.

There have been some interesting moves by the state government to mandate the registration of cats and to limit the freedom that they have so far enjoyed. It will be interesting to see how this pans out in the future

DETI are considering, on Council request, to reduce the speed limit on Goodwood Rd to 40km/hour between Victoria St and the tram line. As it is very difficult to drive faster than this at the best of times this is a worth while initiative.

During the election campaign there were many comments about the need for yellow lines to prevent parking near corners. The result of this is that there will soon be some extra line marking on the corner of Dryden and Gordon Rd. There will also be consultation regarding Spiers St and Millswood Cresent (near the corner on Mills St).

The winter Unley Life should be in your letterbox this week. Take the time to read what everyone else is doing. The new layout is easier to read with more colour contrast and larger print.

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