18 January 2017

Gourmet Gala just gets better

I attended the Gourmet Gala on Monday night. After a hot day it was a very pleasant evening. While there seemed to be fewer people atteding,this may not have been the case.  20,000 people were still there at some time between 4pm amd 10pm. There was far more seating and activity in the side streets and lanes and the food seemed to be of a much better standard (more in line with the gourmet image). Greta opportunity for everyone to catch up with friens sa nd enjoy the atrmosphere. As this costs ratepayers over $200,000 each year it needs to be worthwhile for everyone. Feedback is always welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of the street party being held on Goodwood Road next year. I saw a letter in the paper from Bob Schnell and he was pushing for it.
    Wouldn't it be fantastic!
